Bolanle Rebecca KEHINDE2024-05-222024-05-222022-12Kate TurabianMLIS of information resources (IR) by students of higher institution of learning can largely be under-utilized through two major factors. These factors are less effective library user education (LUE) and library anxiety (LA). When these factors are dominant in the life of users, making use of information resources as available in a library will become questionable. For this not to be so, this study deemed it fit to investigate the influence of library user education and library anxiety on use of information resources by students of Federal Colleges of Agriculture Ibadan, Oyo State. Descriptive research design was adopted. Population consists of eight hundred and ten (810) ND 1 and ND 2 students of Federal Colleges of Agriculture Oyo State. Proportionate Sampling technique was adopted as the sampling technique for this study as well. 265 respondents served as the sample size for this study. The reliability coefficient for each of the variable ranged from 0.85 to 0.95. Data collected was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Findings revealed that LUE had significant influence on use of IR (Adj. R2 =0.027; p = 0.009), LA was also found to significantly influence use of IR (Adj. R2 = 0.012; p = 0.044). Jointly, LUE was the only one found to statistically significantly influence use of IR (Adj. R2 = .033, F(2, 246) = 5.221, p < 0.05), but LA was found not to jointly statistically significantly influence use of IR. The study concluded that LUE and LA independently influenced use of IR, but jointly LA did not. It was recommended that Librarians have to adopt appropriate and acceptable form of library user education methodology to promote massive use of information resources. Computer self-efficacy training should also be incorporated when carrying out library user education. Key Words: Federal Colleges of Agriculture, Library Anxiety, Library User Education, Use of Information Resources Word Count: 291enLibrary User Education, Library Anxiety and Use of Information Resources by Students of Federal Colleges of Agriculture, Ibadan, Oyo StateThesis