Christianah Olubukola OYEYIOLA2024-05-242024-05-242022-12Kate TurabianMPH level of understanding of disease surveillance officers, designated health care workers in health facilities is critical when considering the reason for not reporting or under reporting of diseases of public health importance. This was a cross-sectional study of 238 public and private health facilities in Lagos State, Nigeria. It was conducted to examine the level of compliance in disease surveillance reporting and the factors that influence its involvement. Disease reporting using the IDSR tool has been observed to be poor. This is because most health facilities do not see the surveillance report as important and those who report do so late. The wrong reporting system observed also points to the fact that a lot of diseases are under reported giving the surveillance The complexity of the notifiable illness monitoring system, which has various inputs, processes, outputs, and feedback components, made it necessary to concentrate on only a few key areas. The primary objective is to analyze the performance and capacity of the notification system through a thorough qualitative evaluation of a few selected notification system components.enDisease Surveillance Practices Among Public And Private Health Facilities In Two Local Government Areas in Lagos State, NigeriaThesis