Jimoh Akanbi IBRAHIM2024-05-212024-05-212022-12Kate TurabianDBAhttps://repository.lcu.edu.ng/handle/123456789/230Many big corporation have collapse with perceived strong structures and processes around the world and in Nigeria. Some companies despite operating in regulated environment that requires good compliance to corporate governance have suffered several setbacks and decline in growth and productivity. Due to these challenges, this study examines the Corporate Governance and Performance of Listed companies in Nigeria. The research reviewed three theories i.e. Principal-Agency theory, Stewardship Theory and Resource-Based theory. The study employed descriptive statistics for analysis of demographic data and research questions, while panel data regression was adopted for hypotheses testing with the aid of SPSS. Data analysed through Correlation Analysis, Regression Analysis, Analysis of Variance and Coefficient & Statistical Significance of Variable. Findings show a strong positive correlation between the independent variable (Board size) and the dependent variable (Net profit) with r = 0.985 (Sig.value = 0.000, p<0.05), correlation between the independent variable (leadership structure) and the dependent variable (earnings before tax) with r = 0.821 (Sig. value = 0.000, p<0.05), ANOVA shows the variables are jointly significant at all critical level i.e. 1%, 5%, 10%, showing the general strength of the model. A positive relationship between the board independence and the return on investment. This shows that every 1% change in the board independence, results in approximately 92.5% change in the return on investment. (β= 92.485, t=22.892, p<.000). Strong correlation between the independent variable (management transparency) and the dependent variable (growth) with r = 0.932 (Sig.value = 0.000, p<0.05). It is recommended that management should embrace and comply with the corporate governance principles in their structures and processes to ensure the business survival, growth, better earnings and enduring profitability. Keywords: Corporate Governance, Performance, Listed companies, leadership structure, Management, Growth and Net Profit. Word Count: 273enCorporate Governance and Performance of Selected Listed Companies in Nigeria