Olawale Oluwaseun OLADAPO2024-06-042024-06-042022-12Kate TurabianM.EDhttps://repository.lcu.edu.ng/handle/123456789/427The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of dance-exercise and brisk-walking on the anthropometric and cardiorespiratory indices of obese Undergraduates in Lead City University, Ibadan, Nigeria. The population for this study consisted 60 obese who were purposively sampled through randomized experimental Pretest-posttest control group design. The participants were required to Dance-exercise and Brisk-walk 3 times a week and 50 minutes per session at 100-120bpm for 8 weeks. Analysis of Co-variance (ANCOVA) and T-test were used to test the hypotheses formulated at 0.05 level of significance. Result showed that there was no significant main effect of treatments on the anthropometric indices (F(2,36)= 1.260, p<0.05, η2=0. 296) of obese undergraduates but a significant treatment effect on Body Mass Index (BMI) among obese undergraduates. Also, there was a significant main effect of treatments (F(2,36)=3.442, p<0.05, η2=0.043) on the ardiorespiratory indices of obese undergraduates. Furthermore, the result shows that there was no significant main effect of sex on the anthropometric (F(1,37)=2.922, p>0.05, η 2=0.073) and Cardiorespiratory (F(1,37)=0.598, p>0.05, η 2=0.016 indices of obese undergraduates. Result shows that there was no significant interaction effect of treatments and sex on the anthropometric (F(2,33)=1.405, p>0.05, η2=0.078) and cardiorespiratory (F(2,33)=0.063, p>0.05, η 2=0.004) indices of obese undergraduates in Lead City University, Ibadan, Nigeria.. The study concluded that Dance-exercise and Brisk-walking are exercise modes that can bring positive changes in the anthropometric and cardiorespiratory indices of obese participants. It was further concluded that sex was not a determinant of the outcome of Dance-exercise and Brisk-walking exercise modes on anthropometric as well as cardiorespiratory indices of obese undergraduate in this study. The study recommends that the school authority should organize periodic sensitization programme on different exercises including Dance-exercise and Brisk-walking as means of improving fitness of obese students. Keywords: Dance-exercise, Brisk-walking, Anthropometric, Cardiorespiratory, Obese. Word Count: 290 wordsenDance-exerciseBrisk-walkingAnthropometricCardiorespiratoryObese.Effect of Dance-exercise and Brisk-walking on Anthropometric and Cardiorespiratory Indices of Obese Undergraduates in Lead City University, Ibadan, NigeriaThesis