Esther OGEDENGBE2024-06-132024-06-132023-12MLIS need to increase library use through effective service quality may achieved through examining the interplay of emotional intelligence and personality traits of library personnel. Thus, it is against this backdrop that this study set out to investigate the influence of emotional intelligence, personality traits and service quality, especially in colleges of agriculture in Oyo State, Nigeria. The survey design of the correlational type was adopted. The population of this study were library personnel (27) and Higher National Diploma students (1,846) in colleges of agriculture in Oyo state. Total enumeration was used for the library personnel while 10% proportional sample size was used for the student (185). Questionnaire was the instrument used. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Pearson product moment correlation and Multiple regression at 0.05 level of significance. The study found that highly positive perspectives of levels of service quality ( ? =2.4) among the indicators. There is high levels of emotional intelligence of library personnel in colleges of agriculture in Oyo state, Nigeria and the prominent was Self-awareness (?=3.4) Likewise, the library personnel exhibited the characteristics of big five factor personality traits in colleges of agriculture in Oyo state, Nigeria but the prominent was Extraversion (?=3.0). Emotional intelligence (r=.028) demonstrated no significant impact on library service quality, likewise, personality traits (r=.131) exhibited no significant correlation on library service quality. In aggregate, emotional intelligence and personality traits do not offer combine influence on library service quality (R = 0.133; Adj. R2=0.018). Emotional intelligence (β=-.036) played a negative relative relation in delivery of service quality, while personality traits provided (β=-.060) in shaping library personnel in colleges of agriculture in Oyo state, Nigeria. Thus, the institution and library management should strategies interventions to tailor library personnel toward mastering self-awareness and trait of extraversion personality to enhance library service quality. Keywords: Emotional Intelligence, Personality Traits, Service Quality, Library Personnel, College of Agriculture. Word count: 298enEmotional IntelligencePersonality TraitsService QualityLibrary PersonnelCollege of Agriculture.Emotional Intelligence, Personality Traits and Service Quality by Library Personnel in Colleges of Agriculture in Oyo State, NigeriaThesis