Maryam Bamidele OLOWOOKERE2024-05-232024-05-232022-12Kate TurabianM.Sc Performance of employees in any organization can be determined by two major factors. These factors are employee motivation and human relations. Absence of human relations and employee motivation among employees of an organization will always lead to low performance level. For this not to be the order of the day, this study deemed it fit to investigate the Influence of Human Relations (HR) and Employee Motivation (EM) on Job Performance (JP) of Secretarial Staff in state-owned polytechnics in Ogun state. Descriptive research design was adopted. Population consists of 140 secretaries in state-owned Polytechnics Ogun state. 140 secretaries served as the sample size for this study. Total enumeration sampling technique was adopted as the sampling technique for this study as well. The Cronbach Alpha reliability coefficient for each of the variable ranged from 0.70 to 0.85. Data collected was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Findings revealed that HR had no significant influence on JP (Adj. R2 = .011; F 1.138 = 2.529, p> 0.05), EM was also found not to significantly influence JP (Adj. R2 = .017; F 1.38 = 3.438, p> 0.05). Jointly, HR and EM were found not to significantly influence JP (Adj. R2= .028, F2, 137 = 3.003, p < 0.05). The study concluded that both HR and EM did not relatively and jointly influence JP. The study recommended that management of state owned polytechnics in Ogun state should set up a commensurate payment scheme for secretaries in taking into consideration the nature and scope of work done by secretaries. Management of state- owned polytechnics in Ogun state should also reward and recognize hard working secretaries in their institutions. This would make them to perform better in their jobs. Key Words: Employee motivation, Human relations, Job performance, Ogun state, Secretaries. WordCount: 285enHuman Relation, Employee Motivation and Job Performance of Secretarial Staff in State Owned Polytechnics in Ogun State, NigeriaThesis