Tosin Abimbola AYODELE2024-07-262024-07-262023-12Kate TurabianMLIS staff members play a fundamental role in the intellectual development of institutions. This role is also felt in the productivity level of academic staff. When academic staff are productive, it goes a long way in bringing about much positivity to the sustenance of that organization and when this is not the case, there is every tendency that, that organization might collapse. It is in this regard that this study therefore deems it fit to investigate the research self- efficacy and motivational factors on research productivity of Academic Staff in Private Universities in Oyo State. Descriptive research design of a correctional type was adopted. The population consists of 717 academic staff in private universities in Oyo state, Nigeria. Sample size of 255 academic staff was determined using Yamane table of sampling size, while validated questionnaire was used to collect data from the respondents. Data collected was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The reliability coefficient for each of the variable ranged 0.72, 0.78 and 0.81. Findings revealed that research self-efficacy has significant influence on research productivity (Adj.R 2 = 0.104; p = 0.000), motivational factors has no significant to research productivity (Adj.R 2 = 0.010; p = 0.057). Jointly, Research self-efficacy was found to statistically significantly influence Research Productivity Adj.=.112, F(2,,252)=17.010, p < 0.05), while prevalent factors that bring about motivation was found not to statistically significantly influence Research Productivity (β =.165, t = 1.790; p > 0.05). The study concluded that Research Self-efficacy and prevalent factors that bring about motivation influenced Research Productivity. The study recommended that private universities should increase their support by facilitating access to grant for research activities of their academic staff and academic staff should work more on their research skill. Keywords: Research Self-efficacy, Motivational factors, Research Productivity, Academic Staff Word Count: 283enResearch Self-efficacyMotivational factorsResearch ProductivityAcademic StaffResearch Self-Efficacy and Motivational Factors on Research Productivity of Academic Staff in Private Universities in Oyo StateThesis