Kehinde Olayinka BABAWIBE2024-05-222024-05-222022-12Kate TurabianM.Sc unprecedented pressure in the higher institution of learning in the current global economic distress calls for employees to perform optimally in their designated roles and responsibilities more importantly the confidentiality of the secretaries in respect to achieving institutional objectives. The prevalence of low job performance of polytechnics has been disturbing to authorities concerned. This low performance motivated an investigation on personal ethical conducts and job performance of secretaries at the Polytechnic Ibadan Oyo State, Nigeria. John Campbell’s theory on performance provided the framework for the study. The study adopted descriptive survey design. Population comprises of 440 secretaries in Ibadan and Eruwa Polytechnic. Krejcie and Morgan sampling technique was used to select 205 sample size of which 195 was used for final data analysis indicating 88.6% response rate. Data was collected using reliable instrument. Two research questions and one hypothesis were raised and tested at 0.05level of significance. Data collected were analyzed using simple percentage, frequency counts and Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation (PPMC). It was discovered that there was a statistical significance influence of ethical conduct on job performance(r= .323, p< 0.01; r2 = .104). Job performance of secretaries in respect to specific behaviour(M = 2.5) and efforts(M = 2.6) is low. Also, Integrity dimension of ethical conducts recorded lower score (M =2.3). Findings reveal that there is high prevalence of low job performance among secretaries in Polytechnics in Oyo State. It was recommended that managements of the institution should put in place rules that will serve as guidelines on how appropriate secretary staffs should be ethically condone. The managements should set out criteria when employing secretaries whether at the faculty levels, departments, or units of the institution level. Key word: Job Performance, Ethical Conduct, Secretaries, Polytechnic of Ibadan Word count: 296enPersonal Ethical Conducts and Job Performance of Secretaries at The Polytechnic Ibadan Oyo State, NigeriaThesis