Oyinlola Oluwaseun FOYEWA2024-05-212024-05-212022-12Kate TurabianM.EDhttps://repository.lcu.edu.ng/handle/123456789/211Preschool is expected to provide children with the opportunity to discover their essential skills which will prepare them for a life of learning and empower them to make positive contributions to the world around them. It is therefore likely that most of the preschooler operators are not up to the task. This study therefore examined the Influence of School type on Socio-emotional Development Skills of Preschoolers in Oyo State. Two research questions were answered while three hypotheses were verified at 0.05 level of significance. Descriptive survey research design guided the study, population consisted of three hundred and thirty two thousand and forty one (332,041) preschoolers, multistage sampling procedure was used to obtain four thousand, eight hundred and eighty (4,880) respondents. Simple percentages, frequency counts and Relative Strength Index (RSI) were used to answer the research questions, t-test and multivariate regression were used to test the hypotheses. Findings revealed that conversational skill (verbal and non-verbal) with the RSI value of 0.75 was the most prevalent social skills exhibited among preschoolers while relationship skill with the RSI value of 0.63 was the most prevalent emotional development skills exhibited among preschoolers. Also, no significant difference in social skills exhibited by preschoolers in public and private schools in Oyo State (t = 0.020; p > 0.05). Whereas, there was significant difference in emotional development skills exhibited by preschoolers (t = 2.183; p < 0.05). Finally, there was no significant relationship between social skills and emotional skills of preschoolers in public and private schools. The study concluded that school type was not a predictor of social skills exhibited by preschoolers. It was recommended among others, that teachers should ensure that social skills of preschoolers are well developed at tender age so that at later life they can be improved upon. Keywords: School Type, Social Skill, Emotional Development Skill, Preschooler Word Count: 295enSchool-type and Socio-emotional Development Skills of Preschoolers in Oyo State, NigeriaThesis