Johnson Oyewole FADEYI2024-05-222024-05-222022-12Kate TurabianM.Sc Training Centres are important for training broadcasters. Properly trained Broadcasters are part of the essential workforce needed for effective functioning of Radio Stations. Acoustic design is a key part of Radio Station design. Although the live and recording studios receive the most attention with respect to acoustics, other key functional spaces must be properly designed and fitted acoustic wise. Circulation in architecture, is the movement of people and objects between interior spaces in buildings and to entrance and exit points. Circulation spaces are the connectors of other spaces in a design. They allow for transit between functional spaces. However, circulation spaces generate noise, hence they should be properly designed and fitted. This deign thesis seeks to treat the task of meeting acoustic requirement of a broadcast training centre with the basic architectural tool of effective grouping of spaces based on function and noise attributes. This essentially requires that buildings in the proposal should be deliberately designed with circulation in mind as part of the concerns for achieving broader goal of enhancing acoustics. Literature show that resolution of acoustic need is crucial in determining how successful a broadcast radio station design would be. It is on this background that this thesis stands. Four (4) broadcasting training facilities within and outside Nigeria were studied. The methodology adopted is the Case Study approach. Findings showed that in all the case study buildings, consideration was given to acoustic, mostly through material selection. Based on the literature and information gathered from this design thesis, it is recommended that designers should ensure that effective resolution of acoustic requirements should be prioritised from their early design conceptualisations, working in close collaboration with seasoned broadcast personnel. Keyword: broadcasting, training center, aesthetic, acoustic Word Count: 279enProposed Broadcasting Training Centre, Itapa Ekiti (Acoustic Improvement through Space - Function Resolution)Thesis