Janet Modupe GEORGE2024-06-132024-06-132023-12M.Schttps://repository.lcu.edu.ng/handle/123456789/560This study examined global health politics, COVID-19 and The Media. The study adopted the descriptive research design. Secondary data were used for this study and were gathered from textbooks, journals, newspaper editorials, articles, reports, and magazines. The findings showed that the outbreak further deepen the growing political division among nations of the world; as soon as the disease broke out WHO became the centre and target of criticism, instead of the world to join hands together and fight a common enemy (COVID-19) and that the readiness of health organization in tackling the pandemic was not adequate. It further revealed that media played a vital and important role during the COVID-19 disease outbreak created health campaigns, raised awareness. The study therefore concludes that, global health politics played a crucial and vital role in addressing COVID-19 outbreak. The study recommends that Global health should be prioritize over political interests, strengthen international organizations, and promote clear and accurate communication, There, should be adequate investment in health infrastructure, robust preparedness plans, testing and surveillance systems, health workforce support, global collaboration, and public health communication to enhance pandemic preparedness. The media should be strengthening their role by providing accurate and responsible reporting, collaboration with health authorities, promote health literacy, highlighting positive stories, balance reporting, and combat misinformation. Keywords: Communication, COVID-19, Global Health, Political Interests Word Count: 212enCommunicationCOVID-19Global HealthPolitical InterestsGlobal Health Politics, COVID-19 and the MediaThesis