Oluwatobi Favour FOLADE2024-06-042024-06-042022-12Kate TurabianM.EDhttps://repository.lcu.edu.ng/handle/123456789/430Radioactivity is a topic in Basic science in Junior secondary school that has poised itself as a vague topic to students due to its abstract nature and unavailability of educational materials to teach the topic which in turn leaves the students with partial or no understanding of the topic. This study used a student focused method to facilitate the knowledge of the Radioactivity in order to improve students’ achievement in Basic Science. The study was carried out on the "Effects of Audio-visual Intervention on Basic Science Students’ Academic Achievement in Radioactivity at the Junior Secondary Schools in Ibadan Metropolis. A 2 x 2 x 2 quasi- experimental design which involved pre-test, post-test and intact group was used for the study. Sixty (60) JSS 2 students were selected from two junior secondary schools. One school was used for treatment and the other school for control. Three hypotheses tested at 0.05 level of significance guided the study. The Basic Science Achievement Test (BSAT)(KR20 = 0.71) was used for data collection. Data were analyzed using mean, standard deviation and ANCOVA. The results revealed that there was a significant effect of audio-visual intervention on the teaching of radioactivity in Basic Science at Junior Secondary schools in Ibadan Metropolis(F=4636.838, p = 0.00); there was no significant effect of audio-visual intervention on the teaching of radioactivity based on gender (F=2.852, p = 0.086) while there was a significant effect of audio- visual intervention on the teaching of radioactivity based on school type (F = 20.351, p = 0.000). It was recommended that Basic Science teachers in Junior Secondary schools should adopt the use of audio-visual materials while teaching radioactivity in class for better understanding of thesubject matter. Keyword: Audio-visual materials, Radioactivity, Basic Science, Junior secondary school, Word Count: 280enAudio-visual materialsRadioactivityBasic ScienceJunior secondary schoolEffects of Audio-visual Intervention on Basic Science Students’ Academic Achievement in Radioactivity at the Junior Secondary Schools in Ibadan MetropolisThesis