Chigbo Igwe OKEREKE2024-06-142024-06-142023-12M.Sc use of ionizing radiation (X-rays) in diagnostic radiography could be hazardous and cause somatic and genetic damage. Adherence to radiation safety and radiation protection practices could mitigate such risks. The aim of the study was to assess the shielding adequacy of selected radiological facilities to ascertain radiation in Ibadan Metropolis. Radiation survey meters were used to obtain the instantaneous dose rates (IDR) in the study area. The data were analysed, the estimated annual doses (?𝑒?) calculated, and compared with the NCRP standard. Radiation dose rates of ranges (0.14 μSv/hr − 2.75 μSv/hr ),(0.19 μSv/hr − 1.28 μSv/hr ), (0.23 μSv/hr − 3.01 μSv/hr ),(0.09 μSv/hr − 0.19 μSv/hr ),(0.27 μSv/hr − 7.51 μSv/hr ), (0.11μSv/hr −99 μSv/hr),(41μSv/hr −18.45mSv/hr), (0.25μSv/hr −3.56mSv/hr), (1.10 μSv/hr −45.2μSv/hr) and (0.14μSv/hr −42 μSv/hr) were respectively obtained in each of the ten radiological facilities considered. The results showed that the level of radiation safety for the personnel was low and the radiation safety guidelines were compromised. Application of shielding devices such as lead lining for protection was completely neglected in centres F, G and H. Findings from this study indicate that both the personnel working at the evaluated diagnostic centres and the people living close to the centres are exposed to radiation and are therefore at high risk of radiation-induced damage. Regular monitoring of diagnostic centres in the Ibadan metropolis to ensure continuous compliance with safety and protection practices is highly recommended. Keywords: Ionizing radiation; radiological facilities; instantaneous dose rates; dosimeters. Word Count: 227enIonizing radiationradiological facilitiesinstantaneous dose ratesdosimeters.Assessing Shielding Adequacy of Selected Radiological Facilities to Ascertain Radiation Safety in Ibadan Metropolis, NigeriaThesis