Adetoro Olasumbo JOHNSON2024-05-172024-05-172022-12Kate TurabianPhD employees are the greatest assets of organisations and it is important and crucial that they are effectively communicated with to the extent that they are physically and psychologically fit to do the job. This research study investigates the laid down communication strategies put in place for employee-management work relationship in selected Share Registration Companies in Nigeria as well as the nature and essence of those strategies. The study also further investigates the influence of the laid down communication strategies on the engagement, satisfaction and job performance of employees of the selected companies. The descriptive and quantitative survey research design was adopted. Copies of questionnaires were administered on two hundred and ninety nine (299) employees of eighteen selected companies comprising of two hundred and thirty seven (237) employee respondents, forty five (45) line managers and seventeen (17) top management employees. The study found that the selected organisations have well-structured laid down internal communication strategies especially for the purpose of work relationships, participation and interactions and the nature and essence of the strategies have significantly positive and beneficial impact on employee-management relationship as well as the engagement, satisfaction and performance of the employees across most of the organisations. Findings reveal a strong positive correlation between all the variables with an R value of (.760) at 5% significance level at .000 less than (P<0.05). The conclusion therefore is that there is a statistically significant positive relationship between organisational communication and the dependent variables especially when appropriate tools, platforms and structures of communication, interaction, participation and open channels of exchange between employees and management are in place. The study thus recommends that since it is proven that organisational communication has such effects on the physical and emotional psyche of the employees as well as on the generality of organisational productivity and health, smart business owners must invest in communication more robustely and concretely as an integral element of their recurring and principal strategic plan with as much dedication as it is accorded other critical managerial ventures of profitability. Key Words: Organisational Communication, Engagement, Performance, Job satisfaction, Motivation Word count: 350enInfluence of Organisational Communication on the Engagement, Performance and Job Satisfaction of Employees of Selected Share Registration Companies in Nigeria<resourceType xmlns="" resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Thesis</resourceType>