Bello A. SHEHU2024-05-212024-05-212022-12Kate TurabianM.Sc project is on District Health Information System (DHIS2 SMS Server) and Routine Immunization (RI) Data in Goronyo LGA, Sokoto State. Descriptive research method was used to conduct the research. project is limited to Goronyo LGA, and its covers role of DHIS2 SMS server in strengthening Routine Immunization data in Goronyo LGA, Sokoto state. The target population for this research are mainly any health facility worker who is supporting/attached direct to Routine Immunization unit (Health facility in-charge, Routine Immunization service provider, Assistant RI service provider and RI recorder), working in public health facilities in Goronyo LGA (all 22 health facilities conducting RI in the LGA), sampling method was not use because the researcher was able to reach out all the respondents. Accordingly, 90 questionnaires were issued out to 90 RISP we have in the LGA. Of these figure only 85 were retrieved. Percentage was main method used to analyze the data. Similarly, data was downloaded from DHIS2 RI The research find out that 13 (15%) of respondents know DHIS2 before 2017, while 67 (85%) don’t know, but 85 (100%) of respondent received training on DHIS2 during implementation of the software. The significant of this study is to investigating District Health Information System (DHIS2 SMS Server) and Routine Immunization (RI) Data in Goronyo LGA, Sokoto State, which will serves as an addition of knowledge on District Health Information System (DHIS2 SMS server) in the LGA, state and nation in general, similarly, other impact this study, included, it shows how the software helps in RI data analysis, interpretation, storage, retrieval and transmission automatically, this research find out how the DHIS2 SMS server detect incompleteness and error of RI data, the research reveals how the software help health care mangers with data for monitoring and supervision from anywhere. Keywords: Routine Immunization, District Health Information System (DHIS2), Vaccination, ICT Infrastructure, Routine Immunization Data Word Count: 295enDistrict Health Information System (DHIS2 SMS Server) and Routine Immunization (RI) Data in Goronyo LGA, Sokoto StateThesis