Foluke Francesca GIWA2024-05-292024-05-292022-12Kate TurabianM.Sc study examined residents’ attitude to the operation of beach in Badagry Lagos State. Nigeria. Beaches constitute a major tourism attraction and if well-developed can bring the needed economic benefits to Lagos State. Several authors’ have researched about beach tourism in Nigeria but up till today no one has researched into the residents attitude to operation of Badagry beaches in Lagos State. Nigeria. The aim of this study is to evaluate residents attitude to operation of beaches in Badagry and the specific objectives are to examine the degree of resident’s attitude and participation in operations of beach tourism in Badagry and also, to identify the benefits of beach operations on the residents and to examine the socio-economic characteristics of residents around Badagry beaches in Lagos, Nigeria as it relates to beach tourism operation. To achieve these objectives, 382 questionnaires were administered on residents, locals and tourists of Badagry and the beach management team. A total of 382 respondents returned the completed questionnaire. The research questionnaire adequately covered the three research questions. Comprehensive literature research was carried out on the study. Result revealed that the Badagry local residents were not fully included in management and in decision making process of their beaches. Local government authority staffs were showing bad attitude to the supervision of the beaches, the level of management the beach resorts are very poor. To conclude this study it is important to note that most tourism exercises occur in the waterfront regions and close to shore Seaside Sea, not expanding in the to the sea more than beach front tourism This study therefore concluded by recommending that government and local residents should be involved in the management of the beach so as to achieve sustainable beach tourism. Keywords: Attitude, Recreation, Residents Beach Tourism, tourism. Word count: 270enAttitudeRecreationResidents Beach Tourismtourism.BadagryResidents’ Attitudes to the Operations of Beaches in Badagry, Lagos State NigeriaIssues and LessonsThesis