Saka Dayo LAWAL2024-07-252024-07-252023-12Kate TurabianM.Sc of financial resources has been the bane of effective radio broadcasting in Nigeria. There is no doubt that funding and availability of equipment play a pivotal role in meeting the statutory function of a radio station be it public or private radio stations. This study therefore investigated resource availability and management of metropolitan Amuludun 99.1 FM and Lead City 89.1FM to ascertain the source of revenue, the state of equipment, welfare package and training of staff for effective performance of radio stations in Nigeria. The study was anchored on three communication theories:Economy Media Theory, Social Responsibility Theory andDevelopment Media Theory. The study adopted mixed method of qualitative and quantitative research design with the use of Key Informant Interview and structured questionnaire to gather data. Findings showed that out of 97 respondents, 60 representing 61.8% strongly agreed that bulk of revenue for the stations come from owners’ subvention followed by commercials with 59 respondents, representing 60.8% , barter has 42 (43.2%), sponsorship drive 40 (41.2%) and donations came last with 25 respondents (25.7%). The study recommends that Federal Government should review the subvention given to Amuludun FM and recruit more hands to promote service delivery andthe management of Lead City University should provide enough funds for the Lead City 89.1 FM to purchase more equipment, vehicles, including Outside Broadcast (OB) van for the expansion of its reception, efficiency and smooth operation. The study further recommends that more offices should be created to accommodate staff and professionals be recruited to handle programmes and marketing units with a view to enhancing its revenue base. The study advocates the need for more educational programmes and extension of the broadcast hours. There is the need for the management to upgrade the equipment of the station to a full fledge broadcast station. Keywords: Resource availability, Management, public and private radio stations, Community radio, FM stations Word Count: 300enResource availabilityManagementpublic and private radio stationsCommunity radioFM stationsResource Availability and Management in Metropolitan Amuludun 99.1FM and Lead City 89.1 FMThesis