Akande, Adewumi Samuel2024-05-202024-05-202022-12Kate TurabianMSchttps://repository.lcu.edu.ng/handle/123456789/142Effective Day lighting strategy is substantial tools in achieving our needs in term of well-being without compromising in addition to natural resources. Lighting plays important roles in illumination, directing Viewer’s gaze to important areas and portraying visual tension. Office Lighting determines Employee’s perception about the work place and can enhance Employee performance as well as increase the aesthetics appealing of the Office. In the cause of this study, some techniques were adopted to achieve our sustainability, along with the benefits of embracing natural and effective lighting strategies: utilizing sunlight through the size and location of windows, Day-lighting System and functional and standard design. This Study aimed to investigate ways by which effectives Lighting Strategies could be used for the design of Office Complex and evaluate best practices through the analysis Case Studies for Lighting Office spaces in the design of proposed Rotary Regional Headquarters. The Study employed a case study research approach; Six Case Studies were selected namely: i) Rotary International Headquarters Club House - Illinois United State ii) Rotary International World Headquarters – Chicago iii) Rotary Club House International- Chilliwack Canada iv) Rotary Club House - Inteswal v) Rotary Club House – Ibadanand vi) Nigerian Union of Journalist – Ibadan. From the Case Study analysis, useful techniques as related to effective natural and quality lighting strategies in office building design were achieved , after which, these were transferred into the proposed design. However, it can be deduced from the Case Studies that the Rotary Regional Headquarters has adequate natural lighting features. Therefore, I recommend that in order to achieve effective and quality lighting in the design of office Complex, Stakeholders should inculcate the identified strategies. WORD COUNT: 276 KEY WORDS: Rotary Club, Regional Headquarters, Effective Lighting, StrategiesenProposed Rotary Club Regional Headquarters (Effective Lighting Strategies in the Design of Rotary Club Regional Headquarters)Thesis