Oluwaseun Akinyemi AKINBOLA2024-05-202024-05-202022-12Kate TurabianMSchttps://repository.lcu.edu.ng/handle/123456789/144Automobile center simply refers to a shopping specially designed for cars and its buyers, planned as a unified whole to create an avenue for buyers or those who dream of owning a car to enjoy such friendly environment and provide space/facilities for vehicle repair and maintenance. Its friendly environment offers not only high standard of commercial activities, and extra amenities, but special natural landscape. The layout pattern of the auto center internal spaces and its relationship towards illuminating such spaces go a long way to improving the shopping experience of the users that aids profit of the developer. This project was aimed at designing an ultra-modern automobile center to provide the car owners a state of the heart workshop where vehicle can be repaired, be maintained and also provide showroom for potential buyer of brand-new car, spare parts in Ibadan (Oluyole Local Government Area) and environ. Circulation is very important as the concept that makes automobile center. The project focuses on circulation in automobile sales and maintenance facilities. The result of designing this auto center and maximizing the solar energy by using the various sustainable principles and methods includes the creation of a conducive atmosphere. This atmosphere, in harmony with the natural environment, makes it possible in increasing working efficiency amongst staff, attracting more customers, improving sales, all as a result of using daylighting features and materials friendly to it. Key Words: Automobile, Circulation, Sale, Maintenance Word Count: 240enProposed Automobile Centre for Globe Motors Holdings Nigeria (Evaluation of Circulation in Automobile Sales and Maintenance Facilities)Thesis