Olubunmi Oluseun,ONI2024-07-232024-07-232023-12Kate TurabianMSchttps://repository.lcu.edu.ng/handle/123456789/652The quality of life and psychological health of individuals are major indicators of a society's well-being. Out-of-school girls in these areas are particularly vulnerable, as they face significant barriers to accessing basic services and opportunities for personal and professional growth. The study aimed to assess and to understand the quality of life and psychological health of out-of- school adolescent girls and young women in urban slums in Ibadan metropolis, Southwest, Nigeria. The study involved 407 participants out of school adolescent girls and young women. The study found that the majority of the participants had a good quality of life, with only a small proportion belonging to the low QoL group. The study also identified significant associated variables impacting quality of life, which include educational status, father’s level of education, mother’s occupational status, and religion. The study also highlighted instances of sexual harassment, rape, and the use of illicit drugs among the participants. The overall psychological well-being shows that 91.4% of participants reported poor psychological well-being. Overall, the study provides valuable insights into the quality of life and well-being of young adults in Nigeria, highlighting areas of strength and areas for improvement. The findings can inform policies and interventions aimed at improving the quality of life and well-being of young adults in Nigeria and other similar contexts. The study also contributes to the existing literature on the quality of life and well-being of young adults in Nigeria, providing a basis for future research in this area. Key Words: Quality of Life, Psychological health, Out of school, adolescents girls and young women, Word Count:322enQuality of LifePsychological healthOut of schooladolescents girls and youngYoung Women in Urban Slums in Ibadan MetropolisQuality of Life and Psychological Health of Out-Of-School Adolescent Girls and Young Women in Urban Slums in Ibadan Metropolis, Southwest, NigeriaThesis