Sofiyat ADEDOKUN2024-05-162024-05-162022-12Kate TurabianM.BA of IT in HIM practice is a tool to promoting healthcare practice. There is evidence of ineffective HIM system as a result of cumbersome paper-based and disjointed health data management causing delay in taking prompt and effective decision. The study will serve as a template to the management and relevant bodies for implementing an effective application of IT. Overall purpose was to assess the application of IT on health information practice in UCH, Ibadan. A cross-sectional study was adopted with a multistage sampling technique to select respondents. An adapted questionnaire from previous study was used and pretested with 422 healthcare workers of UCH. Descriptive statistics of the quantitative variables were analyzed using frequency, percentage count, mean and standard deviation as represented in tables and charts. Chi-square was used to test significant associations between the dependent and independent variables. P-values <0.05 was considered statistically significant. Data collected were entered and cleaned using SPSS Version 25.0. The study showed that 89.3% of respondents had positive attitude towards IT application. All respondents agreed that IT application in HIM is beneficial. About 92.0% of respondents had good application of IT and 96.3% agreed that the facility is associated with challenges in terms of applications of IT. Chi square analysis showed educational attainment X2 Value=6.145, P-value=0.046 significantly correlate with the attitude towards IT application. Lack of access to IT tools (P-value=0.023), Failure of IT equipment or tools (P-value=0.013), Lack of management support (P-value=0.007) were significantly associated with the challenges and IT application. Intensive research on use of IT in HIM practice should be conducted within a wider environment in Nigeria to be able to documents such information for generalization. IT as a necessary tool that proffers solutions to problems emanated from paper-based health records which aids exchange of information between healthcare providers and facility. Keywords: Healthcare, Information Technology, Health Information Management Words Count: 300enAssessment of the Application of Information Technology on Health Information Management Practice in University College Hospital, IbadanThesis