Ibukunolu Olutomi OLALEYE2024-05-232024-05-232022-12Kate TurabianMPAhttps://repository.lcu.edu.ng/handle/123456789/311The productivity of civil service has not been up to expectation especially in various states of Nigeria. There are many reports on how processes take a long time, absenteeism without genuine reason, nepotism, corruption of various forms, and others. The study is about the strategies that can help in promoting productivity in civil service in Oyo state civil service. System theory, which states that organisations and its surroundings are inter-dependent, that is, each depending on the other for sustenance; Goal Attainment theory which views organisations as rational institutions whose primary purpose is to accomplish objectives; and Motivational theory which is a set of processes that determine the choices people make about their behaviours and also imparts incentives that require a response on the part of someone else to achieve a defined goal; are the theories that are used to explain the research. Primary and secondary data were used to gather information for this study. The conclusion of the study is that, for productivity to be effective, the employees of the Oyo state civil service have to be motivated through incentives that inspire and bring loyalty, which in turn will have impacts on their (civil servants) attitudes toward work. Keyword: Productivity, Civil Service, Corruption, Nepotism, Goal Attainment Word Count: 198enStrategies of Promoting Productivity in Civil Service/Public Service (A Study of Oyo State Civil Service)Thesis