Serifat Aribike Makinde2024-06-132024-06-132023-12M.ED’ poor academic performance in Agricultural Science among public secondary school students’ has been a source of concern and a major threat to the future of Agriculture in Nigeria. This study was therefore, conducted to investigate the influence of two major variables; School Resources and Home Factors on Senior Secondary School Students Academic Achievement in Agricultural Science in Ibadan Metropolis. The research utilized a descriptive survey design. The population included all SSS2 students in public secondary schools offering Agricultural Science (N=1,026) and 721 of these were eventually analyzed using multistage sampling. Agricultural Science Achievement Test (ASAT) and Students’ Questionnaires on School Resources and Home Factors (SQSRHF) were used for data collection. Data were analyzed with the use of descriptive statistics of frequency counts, percentages, mean and standard deviation and inferential statistics of multiple regression and t-test at 0.05 significant level. Findings revealed a low level of academic achievement, with almost 93% scoring below 50%. Both resource availability (Mean=2.41; SD=1.132) and utilization (Mean=2.17; SD=0.891) in surveyed schools were low. There was a significant combined influence of School Resources and Home Factors on academic achievement (F=298.899; p=0.000), explaining 60.6% of the variation. Home Factors (Beta=0.610; p=0.000) have a higher relative influence than School Resources (Beta=0.205;p=0.000). Additionally, a statistically significant gender difference is observed, with male students outperforming females (Mean difference=0.05; p=0.014). Recommendations include prioritizing resource acquisition for teaching agricultural science by the concerned government and school administrators and; raising awareness among parents to support their children's education. Keywords: Academic Achievement, Agricultural Science, Home factors, School Resource, Ibadan Metropolis. Word Count: 246enAcademic AchievementAgricultural ScienceHome factorsSchool ResourceIbadan Metropolis.School Resources and Home Factors as Determinants of Senior Secondary School Students Academic Achievement in Agricultural Science in Ibadan MetropolisThesis