Taiwo Mauyon KUPONU2024-06-132024-06-132023-12Ph.Dhttps://repository.lcu.edu.ng/handle/123456789/572The observed issues of sabotage, floating and ready-to-leave attitude among some academic staff in private universities may be detrimental to a university’s interests. There is scarcity of empirical researches investigating influence of leadership styles, motivation and quality of work life on organisational citizenship behaviour of lecturers in private universities. This study investigated leadership styles, motivation and quality of work life as determinants of organisational citizenship behaviour among lecturers of private universities in Southwest, Nigeria. The study adopted the descriptive survey research design. One thousand, one hundred and fourty four lecturers in private universities in Southwest, Nigeria were selected using the multistage sampling procedure. Data were generated with a questionnaire on Leadership Styles, Motivation, Quality of Work Life and Organisational Citizenship Behaviour (α =.831). Data were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics at 0.05 alpha level. The result showed that: there is a significant joint influence of leadership styles, motivation and quality of work life on organisational citizenship behaviour among lecturers of private universities in Southwest, Nigeria (R2=.931, F (3,1140) =5129.764); there is a significant relative influence of leadership styles (β =0.312; t=6.186), motivation (β= 1.111; t=15.739) and quality of work life (β= 0.492; t=28.278) on organisational citizenship behaviour of lecturers in private universities in Southwest, Nigeria; there is a significant positive relationship between quality of work life and organisational citizenship behaviour (r=0.785) among lecturers of private universities in Southwest, Nigeria; there is a significant moderating role of gender in the influence of quality of work life on organisational citizenship behaviour (Male, β =-.855; t=-39.297 and Female, β =.914; t=53.848) among lecturers of private universities in Southwest, Nigeria. Quality of work life should be enhanced among lecturers in private universities to ensure organisational citizenship behaviour, among other recommendations. Keywords: Leadership Styles, Motivation, Quality of Work Life, Organisational Citizenship Behaviour, Lecturers, Word Count: 288enLeadership StylesMotivationQuality of Work LifeOrganisational Citizenship BehaviourLecturersLeadership Styles, Motivation and Quality of Work Life as Determinants of Organisational Citizenship Behaviour among Lecturers in Private Universities in Southwest, NigeriaThesis