Emmanuel Oluwatosin OGUNFESOYetunde Oluwatosin OGUNFESO2024-08-292024-08-2920233027-0308https://repository.lcu.edu.ng/handle/123456789/740This study examined the intricate nexus between excessive social media consumption, mental health outcomes, and coping strategies among emerging adults within the context of Lead City University, Ibadan. Analyzing data from 195 participants, the research unveils a significant association between the hours spent on social media platforms and dimensions such as anxiety, depression, and self-esteem. These results resonate with prior research, highlighting the need for proactive interventions to address the potential risks of unrestrained digital engagement. Furthermore, the study illuminates the patterns of seeking help among emerging adults grappling with mental health challenges. While individuals predominantly rely on their immediate social circles for support, there is a comparatively lower utilization of available mental health professionals. This underscores the significance of destigmatizing expert help and enhancing awareness about the array of support services available within the university. In response, the study underscores the importance of fostering an environment that promotes both mindful digital engagement and proactive mental health support mechanisms. These findings collectively advocate for Lead City University, Ibadan, to initiate targeted awareness campaigns, thereby cultivating a holistic ecosystem that prioritizes the mental well-being of its student population within the evolving digital landscape.enDigital AgeMental HealthSocial MediaEmerging Adult. Coping StrategyNavigating The Digital Age: Excessive Media Consumption, Emerging Adults' Mental Healthand Coping StrategiesArticle