Peter Oluwole BABALOLA2024-05-212024-05-212022-12Kate TurabianM.Sc purpose of this study is to examine capital budgeting techniques and financial performance of selected manufacturing firms in Lagos State, Nigeria. It is to determine the relationship between capital budgeting strategies and the financial performance of manufacturing enterprises in Lagos, Nigeria. The enormity of costs incurred on capital projects is such that a mistake in the decision on whether or not to undertake a project may have dire consequences for manufacturing and industrial enterprises. It can lead to the determination of a company's status as a going concern. This is why this study is being carried out. The research instrument is a published financial statement obtained from secondary data of three manufacturing businesses for the period 2011–2020 for the topic of study in the selected manufacturing companies, which results in thirty observation periods. To analyse the capital budgeting processes objectively, information was acquired from the published financial statements of the chosen industrial enterprises. The researcher analysed the data using descriptive and inferential statistics. Return on investment was employed as a metric of financial performance. The use of SPSS, graphs, and the Cronbach's alpha model made data analysis possible. Using the Chi square and Pearson coefficient test models, results were drawn regarding the relationship between the independent and dependent variables. The study found that net present value (NPV), the payback period (PBP), the internal rate of return (IRR) as well as the accounting rate of return (ARR) have substantial effects on financial performance. In addition, the study indicated that CBTs have indirect causal impacts on financial performance and allow for the selection of fundamentally profitable projects. Keywords: Capital budgeting techniques, net present value, internal rate of return, payback period, financial performance. WordsCount: 267 wordsenCapital Budgeting Techniques and Financial Performance of Selected Manufacturing Companies in Lagos State, NigeriaThesis