Tolumoye Favour WARIBAGHA2024-07-262024-07-262023Kate Turabianm study seek to identify the influence of technological innovation on book design and illustration in publishing firms using Evans Brothers Publishers and College Press Limited as a case study. The research design used was the descriptive survey. The population of the study consisted of all staff working at the publishing unit of Evans Brothers Publishers and College Press Ltd, Ibadan, Oyo State) which is made up of 400 full time employee. Primary data were collected using the questionnaire instrument and a total of 212 staff was selected using Taro Yamane. Multiple regression was used with the aid of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23.0 to test the hypothesis. The regression analysis revealed that the p-value (0.00) for the independent variable is significant at the 0.05 level of significance; the R2 of 0.87 has moderate explanatory power for the variation in the dependent variable (book design and illustration) and it is moderately fit of the regression, the calculated F of 19.937 is significant at p=0.00. Therefore, Ho was rejected. The findings revealed that digital printing, typography and graphics design are the means of book design and illustration, web publishing, digital printing, and e-commerce are the technological innovation used for book design and illustration, all other technological innovations except e-book has a high level of use in Evans Publishers and college Press for book design, majority of the means on influence of technological innovations on book design and illustration in publishing firms showed moderate level, challenges in using technological innovation are high cost, poor power supply, poor communication, problem of copyright, Lack of Skilled Manpower and Piracy. The study therefore, recommends that publishers should include the development of e-book as part of technological innovations. Also the management of publishing companies should endeavour to recruit skilled manpower in order to improve productivity, stiffer laws should be put in place by the government and other stakeholders against back door productions. Keyword: Digital-Printing, E-Commerce, Press, Web-Publishing, Technological-Innovations, Typography, Word Count: 318 wordsDigital-PrintingE-CommercePressWeb-PublishingTechnological-InnovationsTypographyDigital Innovations as Correlates of Book Design and Illustration in Evans Brothers Publishers and College Press Limited