Joseph Olufemi ADEBAYO2024-05-212024-05-212022-12Kate TurabianM.ED though empirical evidence exists to validate the avowal parenting styles and communication strategies hold the key in reducing the surge in students sexual behaviour in other secondary schools outside Osun state. Little is known also, about the nexus of these variables in the Osun state context. In view of this dearth in literature, this study investigated the influence of parenting styles and communication strategies on secondary school students sexual behaviour in Osun state. Using the Bowlby attachment theory as the theoretical basis, this study adopted the descriptive survey research design where multi-stage random sampling technique was used to select 500 students for the study. Data on the parenting styles and communication strategies were collected with a questionnaire. It was analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics at 0.05 level of significance. The study discovered that the regression correlation (R) existed among communication strategies, Democratic Parenting Styles, Laissez faire Parenting Style, Autocratic Parenting Style and students sexual behaviour in Osun state. The results show that R is 0.744, R2 is 0.554 and Adjusted R square is 0.550. This implies that the variables contributed 55.4% to the variation on students’ sexual behaviour. ANOVA produced F(4, 495) equals 153.457; p<.05. Also, the result shows contribution of Autocratic; B=.539, t=15.650; p<.05; Democratic ;B=.286, t= 7.767; p<.05; Laissez-faire; B=.052, t= 1.537; p>.05; and communication strategies ; B=.222, t= 10.496; p<.05. From the result too, the mean difference in the male regarding parenting styles were higher for female (M=62.28, SD= 7.05) than male (M=67.02, SD= 6.47), t(497.942)=-.413,p>.05. F=5.626, p=.018. Thus, it is not significant. Recommendations were made that public schools through its Academic Board such as TESCOM, SUBEB should incorporate a general course on sex education to equip students with current theories in sexual practices for improved sexual behaviour. Keywords: Parenting Style, Communication strategies, Students’ sexual Behaviour Word Counts: 293enParenting Styles and Communication Strategies of Secondary School students Sexual Behaviour in Osun stateThesis