Olawumi Grace OYADELE2024-05-232024-05-232022-12Kate TurabianMLIShttps://repository.lcu.edu.ng/handle/123456789/323This study examined the influence of computer self-efficacy and computer playfulness on motivation to use e-learning systems by library and information science undergraduates of selected private universities, Oyo state. A structured questionnaire was adopted as the instrument for data collection. The population of the study is made up of one-hundred and twenty-nine (129) undergraduate selected from private universities in Oyo state. Total enumeration was adopted to select the participants for this study. The study found a high level of motivation to use e-learning systems among the respondents (Mean = 3.53). it was also found that the level of computer self-efficacy (Mean = 3.49) and computer playfulness (Mean = 3.47) is high among the students The test of hypotheses shows that computer self-efficacy (F(1, 120) = 88.272, p < 0.05) and computer playfulness (F(1, 120) = 221.404, p < 0.05) has a significant influence on the motivation to use e-learning system by the respondents. The study also found that computer playfulness and computer self-efficacy F(1, 120) = 109.802, p < 0.05) have a significant combined influence on the motivation to use e-learning system of the respondents. The study concluded that if e-learning systems is to become the norm in Nigerian tertiary institutions, factors such as computer self-efficacy and computer playfulness are going to play an important role in the motivation of the students to make use of these systems. The study recommended that the university management should ensure that the high level of computer playfulness among the students is channeled into productive academic works through the production of innovative academic contents. Keywords: Computer Playfulness, Computer Self-Efficacy, E-Learning Systems, Library and Information Science Undergraduates, Motivation Word Count: 262enComputer Self-Efficacy, Computer Playfulness and Motivation to Use E-learning Systems by Library and Information Science Undergraduates of Selected Private Universities, Oyo StateThesis