Shanka Buba OTUEMHOBE2024-07-302024-07-302023-12Kate TurabianPh.D establishment of National Health Insurance scheme in Nigeria was targeted at making Health care accessible to all Nigerians through a prepaid arrangement with huge projected benefits to the enrolees. The instances of out-of-pocket payments for Health care services is a burden to people especially under circumstances that people in need of such do not have such resources to pay the bills. The plan to get workers and other enrolees to contribute to the scheme through monthly deductions from there earnings into a common pool to meet the needs of those who fall ill is the core of NHIS. Decision- making and human capital theories are used to explain the study. The study adopted a systematic investigation process and empirical data (questionnaire) on the subject of study was used for data collection and was distributed among the adult population of both sexes residing or employed in public service with locations in Taraba State as their stations. Data was analysed using quantitative and qualitative approaches. This research assessed National Health Insurance Scheme in Taraba State and the findings point to multiple reasons why the scheme is not fully accessible to the populace, ranging from structural defects to the culture of the people for whom the scheme is targeted. Also, the impact, functional state and implementation of National Health Insurance Scheme in Taraba State is poor due to lack of adequate information about the scheme among people in most rural settings which is a major factor militating against the success of NHIS in the State. The study therefore recommended that an active orientation to keep enrolees informed of all benefits and operational terms of the scheme is necessary and also attention should be given to upgrading health facilities to acceptable standards so that they can be able to meet growing healthcare challenges. Keywords: Healthcare, National Health, Insurance Scheme, Nigeria, Taraba State Word Count: 299enHealthcareNational HealthInsurance SchemeNigeriaTaraba StateAssessment of National Health Insurance Scheme in Taraba StateThesis