Anthony Oluwadamilare ODUWOLE2024-05-202024-05-202022-12Kate TurabianM.ED propel teaching and learning in secondary schools, there is a need to put in place the necessary infrastructural facilities for effective achievement in learning. Despite this, inadequate infrastructural facilities were identified by the researchers, and the limited available ones appeared to be poorly managed. Many studies have been conducted to determine or assess the influence of school infrastructural facilities on students’ academic achievement but it appears little had been done on its availability, adequacy and usage. Against the background, the study examined infrastructural facilities and teachers’ indices as Determinants of academic achievement among Social studies students in Oyo State. Descriptive survey research design was used with three research questions and two hypotheses, population comprised students and teachers in public junior secondary schools in Oyo State, The total number of public junior secondary schools in Oyo State as at the time of the study was 324. Multi-stage sampling procedure was used to select seventy six (76) teachers and four hundred and eighteen (418) students, two instruments were used for data collection. Results showed that level of infrastructural facilities to teach social studies in junior secondary schools students was low (Weighted Mean= 2.17), teaching methods was low (Weighted mean= 2.30), teacher experience was also low (Weighted mean=2.43). It was also indicated in the study that the level of students’ academic achievement in social studies was equally low with (52%). There was significant combined influence of infrastructure facilities and teachers’ indices on academic achievement in Social Studies (F= 78.655; P<0.05). The study concluded that the level of infrastructural availability is a great determinant of students’ academic achievement in social studies. It was recommended among others that the government should invest more in the provision of certain infrastructural facilities in schools. Key Words: Infrastructural Facilities, Teachers’ Indices, Students’ Academic Achievement Social Studies Word count: 286enInfrastructural Facilities and Teachers’ Indices as Determinants of Academic Achievement among Social Studies Students in Oyo State, NigeriaThesis