Godday Chukudi NWOKO2024-06-142024-06-142023-12Ph.Dhttps://repository.lcu.edu.ng/handle/123456789/594The issue of academic staff job performance in Nigerian Polytechnics has been attracting the attention of public educators and stakeholders in education. Poor performance continues to be experienced in various institutions due to some issues such as: poor commitment to work, poor productivity and output, negative downturn of performance due to poor working environment, and poor creativity due to stress related causes. The study examined the work environment, stress management practices and job performance of Office Technology and Management lecturers in Polytechnics in South-south, Nigeria. The descriptive survey design was adopted for the study. The population of the study comprised 134 OTM lecturers in polytechnics in South-south Nigeria. A questionnaire was used for data collection; and the reliability test of the instrument was job performance, 0.88; work environment, 0.84; and stress management practice, 0.86. Data were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Findings showed that the level of job performance of OTM lecturers in polytechnics in South-south, Nigeria was moderate (x  2.89). The nature of work environment of OTM lecturers was moderately conducive (x  3.19). The test of hypotheses revealed that, there was significant influence of work environment on job performance of OTM Lecturers (F (3, 123) = 20.011, p<0.05). There was significant influence of stress management practices on job performance of OTM Lecturers in polytechnics (F (4, 122) =23.587, p<0.05). There was a significant combined influence of work environment and stress management practices on job performance of OTM Lecturers, (F (2, 124) = 30.706; p<0.05). The study concluded that work environment and stress management had significant influence on job performance of OTM lecturers in polytechnics in South-south, Nigeria. It was recommended thatfor effective and high job performance, OTM lecturers solve problems, share knowledge with colleagues, collect and arrange educational information that is pertaining to OTM courses. Keywords: Work environment, Job performance, OTM lecturers, Polytechnics and South-south Word Count: 297enWork environmentJob performanceOTM lecturersPolytechnics and South-southWork Environment, Stress Management and Job Performance of Office Technology and Management Lecturers in Polytechnics in South-South, NigeriaThesis