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    Effects of Interactive Materials’ Intervention on Senior Secondary School Students’ Academic Achievement in Set Theory in Oyo South Senatorial District, Oyo State
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Omenihu George ODUALI
    Set Theory as a topic in Mathematics in Senior Secondary School that has poised itself as an unclear topic to students due to the unavailability of appropriate interactive materials to teach the topic which in succession leaves the students with limited or no understanding of the topic. This study investigated the ‘’Effect of Interactive Materials Intervention on Senior Secondary School Students’ Academic Achievement in Set Theory in Oyo South Senatorial District. A 2x2x3 quasi-experimental design which involved pretest, posttest and intact group was used for the study. Eighty-five (85) Senior Secondary School Two (SSS2) Students were used from two Senior Secondary Schools. One research question and three hypotheses tested at 0.05 level of significance guided the study. Data were analysed using t-tests and ANCOVA. The results revealed that there was a significant effect of interactive materials’ intervention on the academic achievement of Set Theory in Oyo South Senatorial District (F(1,82) = 50.317, P < 0.05, n 2 = 0.380), there was no significant main effect of gender an senior secondary school students’ academic achievement in set theory in Oyo South Senatorial District ((F(2,81) = 2.545, P > 0.05, n2 = 0.059); there was no significant interaction effect of intervention and gender on Senior Secondary School Students’ academic achievement in set theory in Oyo South Senatorial District (F(1,80) = 2.758, P > n2 = 0.033); there was no significant interaction effect of intervention and subject combination on Senior Secondary School Students’ academic achievement in set theory in Oyo South Senatorial District, Oyo State. It was recommended that curriculum planners and policy makers should make the use of interactive materials a vital part of Mathematics training programs. Keywords: Interactive Materials, Intervention, Mathematics, Set Theory, Senior Secondary School Word Count: 280
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    Psychological Factors and Public Secondary School Students Sports’ Participation in Oluyole Local Government Area of Oyo State
    (Lead City University, 2022-12) Afolabi Johnson SALAKO
    The purpose of this study is to investigate the psycho-social determinants of stress level among undergraduate-athletes of private universities in Oyo State, Nigeria and to achieve this; two hundred and thirty-two male and female undergraduate-athletes were used. Purposive sampling techniques were used to select three out of seven private universities in Oyo State and proportional sampling techniques were used to select the respondents, thus 106 respondents were selected from Lead City University, Ibadan, 40 from Kola Daisi University, Ibadan and 86 from AjayiCrowther University, Oyo. Mixing methods of data collection were used in that the questionnaire was administered by the researcher with the help of four trained research assistants also with online survey system. Research question were posed and eight hypotheses were postulated to guide the study, descriptive statistics of frequency counts, percentages and charts were used to analyze the demographic data in Section A. Inferential statistics of T-test were used to test hypotheses 1 and 2, Multiple Regression were used to test hypotheses 3-7, while T-test were used to test hypothesis 8. All hypotheses were tested at 0.05 Alpha levels. The respondents rejected most of the fear of failure as items contributing to psychological determinant of stress level. Respondents also agreed with most of the Self-doubt Scale as items contributing to their psychological determinant factors of stress levels. There is a significant difference between fear of failure and self-doubt on stress level among undergraduate-athletes; there is a significant difference between relationship with coach and parental pressure on stress level among undergraduate-athletes. Based on major findings and conclusion, recommendation will be that executives of institutions in conjunction with the sports personnel (such as coaches, trainer, sports psychologist etc.) and parents should plan workshops to assist their athletes, manage psycho-social stress level and in that way, help them balance it. Word Count: 299 Keywords: Stress, Fear of failure, Self-doubt, Relationship with coach, Parental pressure
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    Effects of Audio-visual Intervention on Basic Science Students’ Academic Achievement in Radioactivity at the Junior Secondary Schools in Ibadan Metropolis
    (Lead City University, 2022-12) Oluwatobi Favour FOLADE
    Radioactivity is a topic in Basic science in Junior secondary school that has poised itself as a vague topic to students due to its abstract nature and unavailability of educational materials to teach the topic which in turn leaves the students with partial or no understanding of the topic. This study used a student focused method to facilitate the knowledge of the Radioactivity in order to improve students’ achievement in Basic Science. The study was carried out on the "Effects of Audio-visual Intervention on Basic Science Students’ Academic Achievement in Radioactivity at the Junior Secondary Schools in Ibadan Metropolis. A 2 x 2 x 2 quasi- experimental design which involved pre-test, post-test and intact group was used for the study. Sixty (60) JSS 2 students were selected from two junior secondary schools. One school was used for treatment and the other school for control. Three hypotheses tested at 0.05 level of significance guided the study. The Basic Science Achievement Test (BSAT)(KR20 = 0.71) was used for data collection. Data were analyzed using mean, standard deviation and ANCOVA. The results revealed that there was a significant effect of audio-visual intervention on the teaching of radioactivity in Basic Science at Junior Secondary schools in Ibadan Metropolis(F=4636.838, p = 0.00); there was no significant effect of audio-visual intervention on the teaching of radioactivity based on gender (F=2.852, p = 0.086) while there was a significant effect of audio- visual intervention on the teaching of radioactivity based on school type (F = 20.351, p = 0.000). It was recommended that Basic Science teachers in Junior Secondary schools should adopt the use of audio-visual materials while teaching radioactivity in class for better understanding of thesubject matter. Keyword: Audio-visual materials, Radioactivity, Basic Science, Junior secondary school, Word Count: 280
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    Effect of Dance-exercise and Brisk-walking on Anthropometric and Cardiorespiratory Indices of Obese Undergraduates in Lead City University, Ibadan, Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2022-12) Olawale Oluwaseun OLADAPO
    The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of dance-exercise and brisk-walking on the anthropometric and cardiorespiratory indices of obese Undergraduates in Lead City University, Ibadan, Nigeria. The population for this study consisted 60 obese who were purposively sampled through randomized experimental Pretest-posttest control group design. The participants were required to Dance-exercise and Brisk-walk 3 times a week and 50 minutes per session at 100-120bpm for 8 weeks. Analysis of Co-variance (ANCOVA) and T-test were used to test the hypotheses formulated at 0.05 level of significance. Result showed that there was no significant main effect of treatments on the anthropometric indices (F(2,36)= 1.260, p<0.05, η2=0. 296) of obese undergraduates but a significant treatment effect on Body Mass Index (BMI) among obese undergraduates. Also, there was a significant main effect of treatments (F(2,36)=3.442, p<0.05, η2=0.043) on the ardiorespiratory indices of obese undergraduates. Furthermore, the result shows that there was no significant main effect of sex on the anthropometric (F(1,37)=2.922, p>0.05, η 2=0.073) and Cardiorespiratory (F(1,37)=0.598, p>0.05, η 2=0.016 indices of obese undergraduates. Result shows that there was no significant interaction effect of treatments and sex on the anthropometric (F(2,33)=1.405, p>0.05, η2=0.078) and cardiorespiratory (F(2,33)=0.063, p>0.05, η 2=0.004) indices of obese undergraduates in Lead City University, Ibadan, Nigeria.. The study concluded that Dance-exercise and Brisk-walking are exercise modes that can bring positive changes in the anthropometric and cardiorespiratory indices of obese participants. It was further concluded that sex was not a determinant of the outcome of Dance-exercise and Brisk-walking exercise modes on anthropometric as well as cardiorespiratory indices of obese undergraduate in this study. The study recommends that the school authority should organize periodic sensitization programme on different exercises including Dance-exercise and Brisk-walking as means of improving fitness of obese students. Keywords: Dance-exercise, Brisk-walking, Anthropometric, Cardiorespiratory, Obese. Word Count: 290 words
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    Psycho-social Factors as Determinants of Stress Level among Undergraduate-athletes in Private Universities in Oyo State, Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2022-12) Ruth Bolanle AJAYI
    The purpose of this study is to investigate the psycho-social determinants of stress level among undergraduate-athletes of private universities in Oyo State, Nigeria and to achieve this; two hundred and thirty-two male and female undergraduate-athletes were used. Purposive sampling techniques were used to select three out of seven private universities in Oyo State and proportional sampling techniques were used to select the respondents, thus 106 respondents were selected from Lead City University, Ibadan, 40 from Kola Daisi University, Ibadan and 86 from Ajayi Crowther University, Oyo. Mixing methods of data collection were used in that the also with online survey system. Research question were posed and eight hypotheses were postulated to guide the study, descriptive statistics of frequency counts, percentages and charts were used to analyze the demographic data in Section A. Inferential statistics of T-test were used to test hypotheses 1 and 2, Multiple Regression were used to test hypotheses 3-7, while T-test were used to test hypothesis 8. All hypotheses were tested at 0.05 Alpha levels. The respondents rejected most of the fear of failure as items contributing to psychological determinant of stress level. Respondents also agreed with most of the Self-doubt Scale as items contributing to their psychological determinant factors of stress levels. There is a significant difference between fear of failure and self-doubt on stress level among undergraduate-athletes; there is a significant difference between relationship with coach and parental pressure on stress level among undergraduate-athletes. Based on major findings and conclusion, recommendation will be that executives of institutions in conjunction with the sports personnel (such as coaches, trainer, sports psychologist etc.) and parents should plan workshops to assist their athletes, manage psycho-social stress level and in that way, help them balance it. Word Count: 299 Keywords: Stress, Fear of failure, Self-doubt, Relationship with coach, Parental pressure
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    Material Management, Teachers’ Adequacy and Learners’ Motivation Towards Learning as Determinants of Universal Basic Education Goals Achievement in Public Basic Schools, Southwest Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2022-12) Shamsideen Abiodun WAHAB
    Previous studies on the achievement of UBE goals in public basic schools, Southwest, Nigeria had focused more on material management and teachers’ adequacy. The present study was designed to investigate material management, teachers’ adequacy and learners’ motivation towards learning as determinants of UBE goals achievement. The study adopted the descriptive research design of survey type. A sample of 4,200 respondents were randomly selected from 280 public junior secondary schools. Material Management Questionnaire, Teachers’ Adequacy Questionnaire, Learners’ Motivation Questionnaire and Learners Academic Achievement Test were used for data collection r=0.8114, r=0.842, r=0.912 and KR20=0.942 respectively. Data collected were analysed using Means, Standard Deviation and Multiple Regression. Findings revealed that there was significant combined influence of material management, teachers’ adequacy and learners’ motivation towards learning (R=.228; R 2=.052; F(4,275)=3.787; p < 0.05), significant relative influence of learners’ motivation towards learning (β= .242; t= 3.723; p < 0.05), no significant differences in school location (rural and urban) on material management (F2, 113= 0.175; p > 0.05) and urban schools F2, 161= 0.527; p > 0.05), no significant differences in school location on teachers’ adequacy (F1, 114= 0.009; p > 0.05) and urban schools F1, 162= 3.670; p > 0.05) and there was significant differences in school location on learners’ motivation towards learning in the achievement of UBE goals (F1, 114= 2.745; p > 0.05 and F1, 162= 9.100; p < 0.05). The study concluded that material management, teachers’ adequacy and learners’ motivation towards learning are essential parts that can determine UBE Goals Achievement in public basic schools in Southwest, Nigeria. It was therefore recommended that government should provide necessary material (instructional and infrastructural), and ensure more qualified teachers are recruited to enhance effective teaching and learning to promote learners’ friendly environment. Keywords: Material Management, Teachers’ Adequacy, Learners’ Motivation, UBE Goals Achievement Word Count: 287
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    Personality types, Communication Styles and Educational Qualification as Determinants of Marital Conflicts among Secondary School Teachers in Oyo State, Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2022-12) Seun Weyinmi AJAGBE
    Marriage is a bond designed to endure a lifetime between a man and a woman. It is a relationship based on the choice and desire to spend the rest of one's life with another person, regardless of language, ethnicity, religion, culture, or other variations in background. The rate of marital disagreement among secondary school teachers in the state of Oyo has grown alarming in recent years. This marital stress has led to marital dissatisfaction, divorce, suicidal ideation, despair, exhaustion, emotional retreat, and murder. This research explores personality type, communication styles, and educational attainment among secondary school teachers in Oyo State, Nigeria, as predictors of marital conflict. This research used a descriptive survey approach. The samples included 1,000 married secondary school educators, both men and women. Using a multistage sampling process, participants were chosen. Using frequency count, multiple regression analysis, and Pearson Product Moment Correlation, three research subjects and three hypotheses were investigated. Data were collected using three instruments: the Marital Conflict scale (=0.89), the Personality Scale (=0.87), and the Communication style Scale (=0.82). According to data, the incidence of marital issues among secondary school teachers was modest, with a mean frequency of 1.3 disputes per teacher (2.75). In predicting marital conflict among respondents, these three factors accounted for 25.7% of the variation. Independent factors were positively associated with peer victimisation in the following order: personality types (Beta =.531, t = 11.099, P0.05), educational qualification (Beta = 0.041, t = 0.941, P>0.05), and communication style (Beta = -088, t = -1.723, P>0.05). There is an independent correlation between personality types (introvert and extravert) and marital conflict. Both introverts and extraverts exhibited positive relationships with marital conflict (r=0.501**, p0.000 n=1000; 0.05) In the Nigerian state of Oyo, there is a substantial correlation between educational level, communication style, and marital conflict among secondary school teachers. The outcome of the study was that married people should be encouraged to use effective communication techniques. Nevertheless, the government and its institutions, such as the Ministry of Women's Affairs, should prioritise social responsibility by implementing a mass media-based family-to-family marriage education programme (radio, television and newspaper). Keywords: M.arital Co.nfli.c.t, Educati.o.nal Qu.alifi.cati.o.n, Pe.rso.nality type.s, Communi.cati.o.n Style.s, Seco.ndary Scho.ol Word count: 333
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    Teacher-related Factors and Learning Environment as Determinants of Pre-Primary Education Curriculum Implementation in Public Primary Schools in Southwest, Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2022-12) David Monday ONOJAH
    Pre-primary education provides a sound basis for learning and helps to develop skills, knowledge, personal competence and confidence as well as a series of social responsibility in children but it appears that the pre-primary education curriculum is not given the necessary recognition by teachers. This study investigated Teacher-related Factors and Learning Environment as Determinants of Pre-Primary Education Curriculum Implementation in public Primary Schools in Southwest, Nigeria. Descriptive survey research design guided the study. Population consisted of school heads (8623), preschool teachers (25719) and pupils (22,718). Multistage sampling procedure was used to obtain (1406) preschool teachers and (624) pupils sample size. Frequency counts, mean, multiple regression analysis and t-test were used for data analysis. Findings revealed low level of participation of teachers in professional development (x̅=1.601), low level of teacher motivation (x̅=1.808), low extent to which mother tongue is being used as a medium of instruction (x̅=1.615), low level of availability of instructional materials (x̅=1.454) and bad condition of school physical facilities (x̅=1.409). There was combined influence of teacher-related and learning environment on pre-primary education curriculum implementation in public primary schools in Southwest, Nigeria (F7,497 =3.641; R2=.072; adjusted R2= .038; p≤0.05). Teacher professional development (β=104, t= 3.071), teacher motivation (β= .136, t =3.534) and mother tongue instruction (β= .082, t=3.615) were relatively significant at P≤0.05. There was significant difference between the academic achievement scores in Mathematics of ECE and Non – ECE (t=3.682, p≤0.05). There was significant difference between the academic achievement scores in English Studies of ECE and Non – ECE (t=3.610, p≤0.05). It was recommended that teacher professional development, teacher motivation Mother tongue instruction, instructional materials and physical facilities should be improved. Keywords: Pre-Primary Education, Curriculum, Professional Development and Motivation. Word Count: 283
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    Psychological Resilience and School Counselling as Determinants of Students Affective Domain towards Civic Education in Public Senior Secondary Schools in South West Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2022-12) Oluwadamilola Oluwaseun ODEWALE
    Psychological resilience and school counselling are important factors that could influence students affective domain, but have not been fully explored. This study therefore, examined psychological resilience and school counselling as determinants of public senior secondary schools students affective domain towards civic education in South West Nigeria.The descriptive survey research design was adopted. The population comprised of all students from mixed public senior secondary schools, between the ages of 15-19 years in SSS. II in Southwest Nigeria (748,468). 1,800 respondents were selected through systematic random sampling technique using Yamane Taro sampling size determination. Structured questionnaires tagged Psychological Resilience, School Counselling and Students Affective Domain towards Civic Education Questionnaire (PRSCSADCEQ) for data collection the descriptive statistical measure using simple percentage and frequency counts were used for the demographic characteristics of the respondents while the research questions were analysed using Pearson moment correlation, and the descriptive statistics and zero-order correlation, while research hypotheses were tested using multiple regression analysis at 0.05 alpha level of significance. Findings revealed a positive significant relationship between psychological resilience and students affective domain towards civic education in southwest Nigeria; r (1798) = 0.180, r2= 0.032, p<0.01. Likewise, findings also revealed a positive significant relationship between school counselling and students affective domain towards civic education in southwest Nigeria; r (1798) = 0.471, r2= 0.222, p<0.01.Students affective domain towards Civic education positively correlated with psychological resilience (r=0.180, p<0.01), and school counselling (r=0.471, p<0.01). Furthermore, the findings indicated that both factors: psychological resilience and school counselling are significant predictors of students affective domain towards civic education in southwest Nigeria. Based on the findings therefore, it is recommended that a functioning counselling unit should be provided at schools also, the parents, school, stakeholders, and government should be concerned in relation to the Psychological resilience and School counselling and Affective domain of secondary school students. Keywords: Psychological Resilience, School Counselling, Students, Affective Domain, Civics Education.
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    Sexuality Education, Parental Involvement and Sexual Risk Behaviours among Secondary School Adolescents in Ibadan Metropolis
    (Lead City University, 2022-12) Elizabeth Adebola OLATINWO
    Sexual risk behaviour among adolescents is a significant general wellbeing worry for concerned stakeholders because of the serious adverse results with higher pace of school dropout, unfortunate self-idea, demonization, discouragement, sadness, low confidence, poor emotional steadiness and clear future as well as other socio-emotional risk such as event of accidental pregnancies. This study therefore investigated sexuality education, parental involvement and Sexual Risk Behaviours (SRB) among secondary school adolescents in Ibadan Metropolis. The descriptive survey research design was employed. A sample size of six hundred (600) public secondary school adolescents in Ibadan Metropolis were selected using simple random sampling technique. Three research questions were asked and answered, four hypotheses were raised and tested at 0.05 level of significance using mean, standard deviation, multiple regression analysis were employed in Analyzing the data. The findings showed that level of parental involvement is high,(=2.64) level of awareness of sexuality education is high(=2.68) and prevalent (SRB) is low (=1.18). All the variables jointly accounted for 7.1% variance in predicting (SRB). Sexuality education (β = .356, p<0.05) and parental involvements (β = .176, p<0.05) made positive relative influence to (SRB) among these adolescents. There was significant difference in (SRB) based on gender (t(598)= 1.422, p<.05). There was significant difference in parental involvement based on gender (t(598)= 1.893, p<.05). In light of the discoveries of the study, it was suggested that concerned stakeholders and parents should have an effective supervision of these adolescent’s (SRB), likewise adolescents in secondary schools should imbibe positive behaviours and activate same among their peers. Key Words: Sexual Risk Behaviours, Sexuality Education, Parental Involvement, Adolescent Word Count: 300
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    School Supervision and Parental Factors as Determinants of Academic Achievement in English Language among Public Secondary School Students in Oyo State, Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2022-12) Florence Gbemisola OGUNLOWO
    This study investigated school supervision and parental factors as determinants of Academic Achievement in English Language among public secondary school students in Oyo State as literature show paucity of studies on the subject matter. Dearth of study on joint influence of school supervision and parental factors on academic achievement in English language was the gap filled. The studies were guided by social cognitive and ecological system theories. Three research questions and two hypotheses were formulated. Descriptive survey research was adopted. Study population comprised of all principals (625) and teachers (14508). Sample size consisted of 3653 teachers and 276 principals. Two self-constructed questionnaires – school supervision indices Questionnaire (SSIQ) and parental factors indices Questionnaire (PFIQ) were used. A self-constructed test Academic Achievement in Englis Language Test (AAELT) was used. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results showed forms of supervision is occasionally adopted by principals in public secondary schools in Oyo state (x=2.38) fair. Results showed parental affecting English Language performance of students in public secondary schools is on average level (x=3.05) fair. Results showed that 40% (221) of students scored between 55 and 59 grade showed that most of the students have credit in English Language. results revealed significant influence of school supervision and parental factors on Academic Achievement in English Language (F=10.738, P<0.05). Result revealed a relative influence of school supervision and parental factors on academic achievement in English Language among public secondary school students in Oyo State (Beta=.110; t=1.125; significant =.001). Parental factor and (Beta =.271; t=3.628; significance = .001) of school supervision are relatively significant at P<0.05. it was therefore recommended that teacher’s supervision should improve upon, parents should be actively involved in their children educational development and Ministry of Education should ensure teachers are more committed to their job. Keywords: School Supervision, Parental factors, Academic Achievement. Word count: 295
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    Digital Teacher, Information Communication Technology Use and Public Secondary School Teachers’ Work Performance in the COVID-19 Era in Ibadan Metropolis
    (Lead City University, 2022-12) Moyosore Oluwatobi BECKLEY
    Teachers work performance is very essential because of the role they play in the school. Researchers have worked on some factors but much work has not been done on public secondary school teachers work performance in the COVID-era in Ibadan Metropolis. A descriptive survey research design was adopted in this study. Four research questions were raised and answered, two hypotheses were formulated and tested. The population consisted of three hundred and twenty-eight public secondary school teachers in Ibadan metropolis of Oyo State. The multistage sampling procedure, purposive and cluster was used to select three schools within Ibadan Metropolis. One from the Urban city and two from the Semi-Urban city. Purposive sampling technique was used to arrange local government into alphabetical order. Public secondary school that has been existing for more than fifteen years were purposively selected from the three local governments that were chosen. A well structure questionnaire DTICTUWP (r-0.749) was used to analyse the demographic variables while inferential statistics of multiple regression was used to test hypotheses one and two at a 0.05 level of significance. The result revealed that public secondary school teachers work performance is high (weighted mean 3.13). It was also indicated that public secondary school teachers in Ibadan metropolis are highly digitalized (weighted mean 3.33). There was a combined influence of digital teacher and Information Communication Technology use on Work Performance of secondary school teachers in the Covid-19 era in Ibadan metropolis (R=0.823, R2=0.677, Adjusted R2=0.675, <0.05). It was deducted that both digital teacher and use of Information Communication technology has significant relationship on public secondary school teachers work performance(P-Value<0.05). Based on the findings, recommendations were made to improve digital teacher and Information Communication and Technology use of Public Secondary School Teachers Work Performance. Keywords: Digital Teacher, Information Communication and Technology, Work Performance, COVID-19 Word Count:289
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    Organisational and Administrative Factors as Predictors of Undergraduates Intramural Sports Participation: A Case Study of Adeleke University, Ede, Osun State
    (Lead City University, 2022-12) Joseph Ayanlere AYANSINA
    Intramural sport is a physical activity that gives participants a chance to experience enjoyment and competition, while at the same time acquiring positive outcomes such as new challenges, social interactions, skill enhancement and increased levels of fitness as well as enhanced physical and mental health. However, previous studies paid little concentrations on intramural sports participation and predictive factors such as organisational and administrative in tertiary institutions. This study therefore examined organisational and administrative factors as predictors of intramural sports participation among undergraduates of Adeleke University, Ede, Osun State. The descriptive survey research design was adapted in this study. Proportionate stratified and simple random sampling techniques were used to select 1166 respondents; while questionnaire was used for data collection. The descriptive statistics of frequency counts, percentages and inferential statistics of regression were used for the analysis. The result of the study revealed that the level of intramural sports participation among the undergraduates of Adeleke University, Ede was low. There was a significant joint prediction of organizational factors on intramural sports participation among undergraduates of Adeleke University, Ede (F(3,1165)=34.169, p<0.05). Sport funding (ß=0.263, t=9.037, p<0.05) and timetable scheduling (ß=0.098, t=3.486, p<0.05) had significant relative prediction on intermural sports participation among the respondents, while organizational policy (ß=-0.029, t=-0.999, p<0.05) did not. There was a significant joint prediction of administrative factors on intramural sports participation among undergraduates of Adeleke University, Ede (F(2,1165)=17.223, p<0.05). Availability of personnel (ß=0.165, t=5.582, p<0.05) and personnel competencies (ß=0.086, t=2.928, p<0.05) had significant relative prediction on intermural sports participation among the respondents. It was therefore recommended that Sports Council of Adeleke University, Ede, in collaboration with academic planning Unit, should ensure that undergraduates are enlightened on the benefits that are attached to intramural sports. Keywords: Intramural, Sports participation, Organisational and Administrative factors. World count: 284.
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    Motivational Strategies and School Factors as Predictors of Teachers' Job Satisfaction and Commitment in Public Secondary Schools in Southwest, Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2022-12) Joseph Adebayo OGUNJIDE
    Job Satisfaction and Commitment of teachers have been observed in Southwest, Nigeria. Salient factors like motivational strategies and school factors have not been given due consideration. This study therefore investigated motivational strategies and school factors as Predictors of Teachers' Job Satisfaction and Commitment in Public Senior Secondary Schools in Southwest, Nigeria. The study was hinged on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory, Herzberg factor of hygiene theory and Adam’s equity theory. Descriptive survey research design was used. Population comprised public senior secondary school principals (2,262) and teachers (56,827). Sample used, comprised 697 principals and 2,254 teachers (Multi-stage sampling). Two self - constructed questionnaire titled "Motivational Strategies, School Factors and Job Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSSFJSQ)" (α = .800) and "Teachers Commitment Questionnaire (TCQ)"(α = .871) were administered. Data were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results showed poor in-service training (x̅=2.452), workload (x̅=2.986), school facilities (x̅= 1.505) and very poor incentives (x̅= 1.961). It showed that teachers are rarely satisfied in terms of management support (x̅=2.009) and autonomy (x̅=2.291) but not satisfied with nature of work (x̅=1.676). Findings showed low level of teachers' commitment to the school (x̅=2.441), students (x̅=2.450) and profession (x̅=1.821). Results showed a significant joint contribution of motivational strategies (in-service training and incentives) and school factors (teachers' workload and school facilities) on teachers’ job satisfaction (F7, 2246 = 3.726, p<0.05) and commitment (F6, 690 = 3.101, p<0.05). The indices - in-service training, incentives, teachers' workload and school facilities had relative significant influence on teachers' job satisfaction and commitment. It was recommended among others that motivational strategies (in-service training and incentives) should be provided and school factors (teacher’s workload) should be well managed and (facilities) be improved upon. Keywords: Motivational Strategies, School Factors, Teachers' Job Satisfaction, Commitment. Word count: 277
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    Parenting Styles and Communication Strategies of Secondary School students Sexual Behaviour in Osun state
    (Lead City University, 2022-12) Joseph Olufemi ADEBAYO
    Even though empirical evidence exists to validate the avowal parenting styles and communication strategies hold the key in reducing the surge in students sexual behaviour in other secondary schools outside Osun state. Little is known also, about the nexus of these variables in the Osun state context. In view of this dearth in literature, this study investigated the influence of parenting styles and communication strategies on secondary school students sexual behaviour in Osun state. Using the Bowlby attachment theory as the theoretical basis, this study adopted the descriptive survey research design where multi-stage random sampling technique was used to select 500 students for the study. Data on the parenting styles and communication strategies were collected with a questionnaire. It was analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics at 0.05 level of significance. The study discovered that the regression correlation (R) existed among communication strategies, Democratic Parenting Styles, Laissez faire Parenting Style, Autocratic Parenting Style and students sexual behaviour in Osun state. The results show that R is 0.744, R2 is 0.554 and Adjusted R square is 0.550. This implies that the variables contributed 55.4% to the variation on students’ sexual behaviour. ANOVA produced F(4, 495) equals 153.457; p<.05. Also, the result shows contribution of Autocratic; B=.539, t=15.650; p<.05; Democratic ;B=.286, t= 7.767; p<.05; Laissez-faire; B=.052, t= 1.537; p>.05; and communication strategies ; B=.222, t= 10.496; p<.05. From the result too, the mean difference in the male regarding parenting styles were higher for female (M=62.28, SD= 7.05) than male (M=67.02, SD= 6.47), t(497.942)=-.413,p>.05. F=5.626, p=.018. Thus, it is not significant. Recommendations were made that public schools through its Academic Board such as TESCOM, SUBEB should incorporate a general course on sex education to equip students with current theories in sexual practices for improved sexual behaviour. Keywords: Parenting Style, Communication strategies, Students’ sexual Behaviour Word Counts: 293
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    Effect of a Six-week Dry-land Resistance Training on Swimming Endurance and Speed of Swimmers in Lead City International School, Ibadan, Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2022-12) Adebimpe Rukayat OLALERE
    Swimming performance is a diverse activity combining energy, kinetic, motor control, anthropometrics, and swimming strength. When discussing the demands of speed and endurance, dry-land resistance training must be considered. The use of dry land training for swimmers has received little to no attention in several Nigerian researches. Therefore, this study interest was to examine the effects of a 6-week dry-land resistance training on swimming endurance and speed of swimmers in Lead City International School Ibadan. Pretest-posttest control group experimental research design using matched participants with a 2x2 factorial matrix was adopted for this study. Fifty-two swimmers of Lead City International School were selected to take part in the study. The participants were assigned into control group (26) and experimental group (26). Experimental group were made to go through six weeks dry-land resistance training programme, while the control group were made to undergo 20 minutes of benefits of exercise lesson for six weeks. Data were collected before and after the intervention programme. Data was analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The descriptive statistics used were frequency count and percentages, while Analysis of Co-variance (ANCOVA) was the inferential statistics used to determine the main as well as the interaction effects of the independent, dependent and moderating variables. There was a significant main effect of treatment on swimming endurance (F(1,49)=102.087, p<0.05, η 2=0.676) of swimmers in Lead City International School, Ibadan. There was also a significant main effect of treatment on swimming speed (F(1,49)=37.096, p<0.05, η 2=0.431) of Lead City International School swimmers, Ibadan. There was no significant main effect of sex on swimming endurance. Resistance training on dry-land improved swimmers' swimming abilities. Therefore, it was suggested that coaches be taught on the advantages of adopting dry-land training to enhance swimming performance. Keywords: Swimming Speed, Swimming Endurance, Dry-land training, Resistance training, Swimming events Word count: 256
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    Principals’ Personality Traits and Managerial Competence as Predictors of Teachers' Attitude Towards Teaching in Public Secondary Schools, Oyo State
    (Lead City University, 2022-12) John Abisoye ADISA- OKE
    This study examined principals’ personality trait and managerial competence as predictors of teachers' attitude towards teaching in public secondary schools in Oyo state. The study used seven objectives consisting of three research questions and four hypotheses. Descriptive research design was adopted. Population consisted of all public secondary school principals (625) and teachers (14,508). Sample consisted of 119 principals and 1,923 teachers. Two self designed/adapted questionnaires titled "Principals' Personality Trait, Managerial Competence and Teachers' Attitude towards Teaching Questionnaire (PPTMCTATQ)" (α = 0.882) and "Principals' Personality Trait Questionnaire (PPTQ)"(r = 0.801)were administered. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Findings showed that principals in Oyo state public senior secondary schools are not agreeable (x̅ = 2.396), conscientious (x̅ = 2.497), extraverted (x̅ = 2.470) and neurotic (x̅ = 2.312) but are open (x̅ = 2.539) in their personality traits. They also have low level of conceptual (x̅ = 2.497) and technical (x̅ = 2.505) competence but moderate level of interpersonal managerial competence (x̅ = 2.485).The teachers have positive (good) cognitive (x̅ = 2.619) but negative (bad) affective (x̅ = 2.233) and behavioural (x̅ = 2.465) attitudes towards teaching in the state. Findings further showed significant combine influence of principals' personality traits and managerial competence on teachers’ attitude towards teaching (F6, 1916 = 3.972; P <0.05). It also showed that predictors such as agreeableness (β = .129; t = 2.791), conscientiousness (β = .132; t = 2.812), conceptual competence (β = .126; t = 2.596), interpersonal competence (β = .078; t = 2.397) and technical competence (β = .099; t = 2.057) had significant relative influence on teachers' attitude towards teaching. There was a significant gender difference in teachers' attitude towards teaching (t = 3.103, P<.05). There was a significant difference in the responses of principals and teachers to personality traits of principals in Oyo State public secondary schools. It was recommended that training for principals should be held periodically in order to improve their managerial competence and personality trait so as to positively influence teachers' attitude toward teaching. Keywords: Principals' Personality trait, Managerial competence, Teachers' Attitude Word Count 293
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    School-type and Socio-emotional Development Skills of Preschoolers in Oyo State, Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2022-12) Oyinlola Oluwaseun FOYEWA
    Preschool is expected to provide children with the opportunity to discover their essential skills which will prepare them for a life of learning and empower them to make positive contributions to the world around them. It is therefore likely that most of the preschooler operators are not up to the task. This study therefore examined the Influence of School type on Socio-emotional Development Skills of Preschoolers in Oyo State. Two research questions were answered while three hypotheses were verified at 0.05 level of significance. Descriptive survey research design guided the study, population consisted of three hundred and thirty two thousand and forty one (332,041) preschoolers, multistage sampling procedure was used to obtain four thousand, eight hundred and eighty (4,880) respondents. Simple percentages, frequency counts and Relative Strength Index (RSI) were used to answer the research questions, t-test and multivariate regression were used to test the hypotheses. Findings revealed that conversational skill (verbal and non-verbal) with the RSI value of 0.75 was the most prevalent social skills exhibited among preschoolers while relationship skill with the RSI value of 0.63 was the most prevalent emotional development skills exhibited among preschoolers. Also, no significant difference in social skills exhibited by preschoolers in public and private schools in Oyo State (t = 0.020; p > 0.05). Whereas, there was significant difference in emotional development skills exhibited by preschoolers (t = 2.183; p < 0.05). Finally, there was no significant relationship between social skills and emotional skills of preschoolers in public and private schools. The study concluded that school type was not a predictor of social skills exhibited by preschoolers. It was recommended among others, that teachers should ensure that social skills of preschoolers are well developed at tender age so that at later life they can be improved upon. Keywords: School Type, Social Skill, Emotional Development Skill, Preschooler Word Count: 295
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    Staff Development Programmes and School Plant indices as Correlates of Teachers’ Task Performance in Public Secondary Schools in Oyo State, Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2022-12) Isaac Adisa FOLARIN
    This study investigated staff development programs and school plant indices as correlates of teachers’ task performance in public secondary schools in Oyo state as literature show pan city of studies on the subject. Dearth of study on joint influence of two sadient predictors-staff development programs and school plant indices on teachers’ performance was the gap filled. The study was guided by Human Capital and Education production function theories. Three research questions and two hypotheses were formulated. Descriptive survey research design was adopted. The population of the study comprised all vice-principals (625) and teachers (14,508). Sample size consisted of (40)vice-principals and (797) teachers. Two self-constructed questionnaires Staff Development Program and School Plant Questionnaires (SDPSPQ)" (r=0.71) and Teachers’ Administrative Task Performance Questionnaire (TATQ) (r=0.62) were used. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results showed that teachers task performance (x̅ = 2.59) in public secondary schools is moderate, staff development program status of teachers is sometimes done (x̅ = 2.65), while status of school plants is poor (x̅ = 1.90). results showed significant joint influenced of staff development programs and school plant on teachers’ task performance (r = 14.575, p < 0.05). However, staff development programs (β = .147; t = 2.357), with school plant (β = .202; t = 1.064), with a positive relationship with teachers’ task performance (+β value of .112 and .121). It was therefore recommended amongst others that stakeholders should enhance teacher’s development programs and provision of adequate school plants to improved teachers’ task performance in public secondary schools. Keywords:Staff Development Programs, School Plants, Teachers’ Task Performance. Word Count;267