Cybercrime Monitoring System for Online Security Expert

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Lead City University


Cyberspace is increasingly attacked and there are limited means of mitigating this act. This is usually due to shifted degree of security features and management schemes within the cloud entity in cyberspace. The challenges are due to improvements in methods and the utilization of new technologies in committing crimes by criminals. The threat of cybercrime will continue to evolve and grow as criminals adapt to new security measures and take advantage of the changes in online behaviour. Hence, it is still challenging to identify and track down cybercriminals. This study focuses on implementing a cybercrime monitoring system for online data experts. After an in-depth understanding of cyber users' attacks, a possible solution could be proffered. A web application portal is designed using WordPress development tools that will serve as a platform to monitor and present possible vulnerabilities discovered. is integrated into the website for the implementation of real-life monitoring and My Structured Query Language is used as the database for storing and retrieval of information. This system will capture the digital signature of each piece of information sent to cyberspace, the user login parameter, the geographical location of the user, the Media Access Control address of the system used, the date, time and action carried out by the user while online. It will also aid cyber security experts in ascertaining the extent of activities carried out by cybercriminals in the domain. The result showed that the system can genuinely identify cyber users and their activities online. Keyword: Cybercrime, Cyberspace, Cyber Criminals, Security Expert Word Count: 247




Kate Turabian