

Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 18 of 18
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    Application of Biophilic Design for Human Wellbeing in Resorts
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Sharon Iretomiwa AGBOOLA
    The recognition of our innate connection to nature is the basis of biophilic design. Its popularity has increased as a means of promoting sustainable development and improving our overall well-being. However, advancements in technology have led to a disconnection from nature. To counteract this, it is essential to incorporate natural elements into our built environment to reap the benefits of nature. This research analyzed the impact of biophilic design on human health, productivity, and overall well-being in selected resort facilities through literature and case studies. A resort facility was designed using biophilic design principles and elements to enhance human wellness. The proposed resort facility included features such as natural lighting and ventilation, weather, plants, natural landscapes, ecosystems, and the existing natural water body on the site. The study concludes that biophilia is a vital aspect of the built environment and should be prioritized in design and construction. Keywords: Biophilia, Biophilic Design, Resort, Sustainability, Nature Word Count: 147 words
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    Proposed Recreational Center for Landmark University, Omu-Aran, Kwara State (A Study on Biophilic Approach to a Recreational Center Design)
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Elijah Adeyemi ROTIMI
    Nature and biophilic design have received robust attention and acceptance in architecture in the last fifteen years, especially in response to concerns about environmental challenges such as climate change and building aesthetics. This study attempts to look at the effect of biophilic design on campus recreational facility. Landmark University is one of the fastest growing universities in Nigeria, experiencing increase in the number of student intake per year, as the number of student increases, there is also increase demand for recreational facility. It was established in this study that construction of recreational facility for the university community will increase work-life balance, productivity, satisfaction and improved health for both the staff and students of the university. Qualitative research method was adopted for the study using case study approach as the instrument. Five related case studies which include three locals (University of Ilorin recreation garden; Nelson Mandela Freedom Park Osogbo, Osun State and Upbeat Recreational Centre, Lekki, Legos State) and three internationals (Campus Recreational Center, University of Utah, USA and Coles Sports and Recreation Center, New York University, New York City, USA) were analysed using physical observation and photographs to record findings, furthermore, journals, articles, books and other previous research works related to the study were also reviewed. The results revealed diverse biophilic design strategies and approaches applicable to achieving a sustainable environment, benefits of biophilic design were identified. The results indicate that biophilic design is more complex and richer than the mere application of vegetation in buildings. In conclusion, a recreational center, well design and constructed with adequate building material using biophilic approach will enhance productivity of staff and student academic performance, as well as enhancing environmental sustainability. This study therefore, recommends that the findings be included in all proposed campus recreational center designs. Keywords: Biophilic design, Recreational and Students Performance, Biophilic architecture, Sustainability, Biophilic design benefit, Recreational Activities. Word count: 293
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    Invigoration of Energy Efficiency Principles in the Design of a Vocational Training Center At Gbedun Village, Ona Ara, Oyo State.
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Marvel Ewaoluwa OYEDEJI
    Due to the general rise in carbon emissions, energy efficiency in vocational centers is gradually becoming a necessity. Sustainable energy practices must be developed in order to alleviate the already present climate change challenges. The lack of energy efficiency in vocational centers results in increased operating costs and environmental impact, while also limiting educational opportunities and creating uncomfortable learning environments. The purpose of this study is to investigate how architectural design elements might improve the energy efficiency of vocational facilities. The issue is that user-friendly, aesthetically pleasing buildings can be created using anthropometry, space articulation, shape, volume, texture, and other architectural design concepts. The background of the argument is derived from the examination of pertinent case studies and literature. Case studies of real-world vocational institutions were explored as the research technique. Variables were thoroughly researched and utilized in the design of a proposed vocational training facility to drastically lower energy use. Additionally, the location of the site and its suitability for the planned construction were investigated. Finally, by utilizing energy-saving techniques There is a chance to reduce the building's energy use by roughly 70% during design and construction. Keywords: Energy Efficiency, Vocational Center, Carbon Emission, Sustainability, Energy-saving Techniques. Word count: 188
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    Proposed Faculty of Architecture (Maximizing Visual Comfort and Natural Lighting in Lecture Rooms)
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Azeez Adedamola OLAOYE
    This research will review existing research on lighting design and its effects on human behavior and performance. It also will conduct a case study of a lecture room in a university, where it will analyze the lighting conditions and propose solutions for improving them. The ultimate aim of this research is to provide practical recommendations for architects, engineers, and educators to create more comfortable and sustainable learning environments. It also focuses on maximizing visual comfort and natural lighting in lecture rooms. It will explore different strategies and technologies that can be used to improve the quality of lighting in these spaces, with the goal of enhancing the learning experience for students and reducing energy consumption. Keyword: Proposed Faculty of Architecture, Maximizing Visual Comfort, Natural Lighting in Lecture Rooms
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    Proposed Lead City Ventures for Lead City University, Ibadan (A Study of Daylight Considerations in Commercial Hub Design)
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Olusegun Isaac OJELEYE
    Energy efficiency is of paramount importance in commercial structures. The closure of various commercial buildings, primarily attributed to the substantial costs associated with maintenance, particularly in terms of energy expenses, underscores the significance of this issue. This research is centered on the exploration of daylighting techniques within commercial buildings, aiming to enhance their energy efficiency. The study presents an investigation into optimizing daylight utilization in a commercial hub, with the initial objective of mitigating the energy consumption linked to artificial lighting within commercial complexes. The research involves assessing the quantity of natural daylight required for commercial structures, with minimal alterations to architectural designs to mitigate glare within commercial spaces caused by solar radiation. The Daylight Factor (DF) serves as a key metric for gauging the internal natural illumination of these buildings. The results indicate substantial energy savings achievable through the incorporation of daylighting practices and propose adjustments to enhance the natural lighting conditions within buildings. The integration of daylighting techniques in commercial hubs promises a significant reduction in energy costs while simultaneously enhancing user circulation and visual comfort. The rationale for this argument is rooted in an extensive review of relevant literature and case studies. The research methodology employed entails an in-depth examination of existing commercial centers and ventures. Key variables have been diligently scrutinized and applied in the design of a proposed commercial hub, resulting in a substantial reduction in energy consumption. Additionally, the suitability of the site for the proposed building has been thoroughly evaluated. In conclusion, the implementation of daylighting strategies during the design and construction phases holds the potential to yield a remarkable reduction of approximately 70% in energy consumption within commercial buildings. Keywords: Energy Efficiency, Commercial Hub, Daylighting, Glare, Energy Efficiency, Solar Radiation. Word Count: 277
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    Proposed Shopping Mall for CECI Supermarket Nig, Limited in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria (An Assessment of Circulation in a Public Place Design, Case Study of Shopping Mall in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria.)
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Ogechukwu Emmanuel ODOR
    Consumption of goods and services are phenomenon required by men around the world to satisfy their daily needs which has transformed into a particular centre to seek such goods and service. Hence shopping mall as of the places where citizen by all classes of people regardless of their ability, age, race, ethnicity, social-economic level has access to such goods and services usually lead into a centre of high activities culminating in high human (pedestrians) and vehicular movements. This movements usually generate congestion when they are not properly organized. Most of existing shopping in a case study area are faced with circulation challenges in both exterior and interior parts of the building. However, there is need to mitigate such problems by proffer architectural measures to deploy towards enhancing them. Ibadan in Oyo State as one of the larger cities in west African was taken as the study area and other nearby cities such as Lagos, Osogbo (Osun State) and other shopping mall (public places) outside the county of the study area may be considered as a representative in relating to challenges addressed. The aim of this research design thesis is to assess and evaluate the circulation systems in shopping malls in the study area. Selected international and local shopping malls are used as the case study, descriptively analyzed according to the major subject matters and the result of the observation shows merit and demerits of universal design of malls across the globe. Hence provide a comfortable shopping environs for shoppers. Keywords: Circulation (Vertical and Horizontal), Architecture of Public Space, Accessibility, Shopping Mall Classification. Word Count: 262
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    Proposed Ultra-Modern Cultural Center for Abia State (Design Consideration for Ultramodern Cultural Center)
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Jeremiah Ndubisi NWAOBI
    The issue for the architect while creating a cultural center is figuring out how to effectively convey the important cultural and traditional aspects of a community. In order to create cultural centers, architects had to identify, adapt, develop, and eventually convey both concrete and intangible cultural and traditional elements. To build a facility that is not only aesthetically spectacular but also practical and significant to the community it serves, many different considerations must be carefully taken into account. This study explores the essential design components and factors for an ultra-modern cultural center. To propose agreeable answers to various tropical construction and energy difficulties, an analysis of the integrated pertinent energy efficiency aspects is emerging. In this context, all parties involved, notably the architects and designers, must take responsibility. The aim of the study is to investigate strategies that can be used to achieve lighting and ventilation in a cultural center. Toprovide a comfortable environment that complies with indoor environmental quality (IEQ) standards, cultural centers must be created as part of the built environment with adequate ventilation and effective natural lighting. For people to feel comfortable within a structure, the design must combine environmentally friendly architecture and engineering. This research will examine two factors that affect indoor environmental quality: ventilation and "natural lighting" Architecture serves a wide range of purposes in the built environment, even in historical and cultural structures where explicit efforts are made to promote comfort and spatial ergonomics. Daylight and natural ventilation are vital resources that are easily accessible and unlikely to become scarce in the near future. In addition to perhaps serving as a tool for critiquing and assessing upcoming works, the results of this research should give architects and other designers a knowledge of the methods employed in conveying cultural center. Keywords: Cultural Center, Day lighting, Natural Ventilation, Design, Consideration Word count: 296
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    Sustainable Design Principles in the Design of Office Complex
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Aliu Ayobami HUSSAIN
    It is now essential to the creation of office complexes that sustainable design principles are incorporated, as it has become with modern architecture and urban planning. The importance and use of sustainable design principles in office complex projects are discussed in this essay. This study emphasizes the many advantages of sustainable design, including energy efficiency, less environmental impact, and enhanced occupant well- being, by studying numerous case studies and pertinent literature. The application of important sustainable design principles to the development of office complexes is examined, including passive design methods, effective building systems, the integration of renewable energy sources, and responsible material choices. Additionally, the financial benefits of implementing sustainable practices are looked at, with a focus on the higher market value and long-term cost reductions connected to green buildings. According to the study's findings, the application of sustainable design concepts in office buildings promotes environmental responsibility while also fostering the creation of healthier, more productive work environments and a more sustainable future. This research offers crucial insights and recommendations for architects, developers, and politicians in the development of sustainable and resilient office complex buildings as corporations and governments prioritize environmental stewardship and human-centric design.
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    Obstacle to Effective Implementation of Policies in the Local Government System in Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Daniel Oluwadamilare FAYOMI
    The use of daylighting or natural light has traditionally been a desirable building feature and a hallmark of good design. In educational institutions, daylighting has frequently been acknowledged as a practical source of energy savings and visual comfort. Building occupants want excellent illumination for their workspace. Students and other professionals can be more comfortable and productive with natural illumination. The efficient use of natural daylighting in library buildings has the potential to increase the advantages of visual comfort, save energy use, and create a high-quality indoor environment for building occupants. This research explores the use of daylight strategies to enhance visual comfort in university libraries. With the increasing emphasis on sustainable design and energy-efficient buildings, natural light is being used as an important resource for illumination. However, the effective use of daylighting requires a balance between visual comfort, energy savings, and the preservation of library collections. This study examines the design considerations for daylighting strategies in university libraries, including window size and placement, shading devices, and interior finishes. The impact of daylighting on visual comfort is evaluated using qualitative method through desktop reviews and case study. The findings suggest that careful consideration of daylighting strategies can provide visual comfort for library users while preserving valuable collections. The use of daylighting strategies also enhances energy- efficient in buildings. This research provides a valuable resource for Architects seeking to incorporate daylighting strategies for visual comfort in university libraries. Keywords: Building Orientation, Daylight, Daylight Strategies, University Library, Visual Comfort, Shading Devices. Words Count: 235
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    Assessment of Regularisation of Informal Housing in Abuja, Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Abayomi Vincent FALEGAN
    The study accesses the regularisation strategies of informal housing and examine the effectiveness of the methods taken to regularise the phenomenon in Abuja, Nigeria. The study aims at assessing the level of regularisation of informal housing in Abuja and identifies potential approaches for future efforts. The research design adopted is a combination of multiple case studies and exploratory cross sectional (survey) approaches. The research adopted a combination of quantitative and qualitative data collection methods. A total of 340 questionnaires were administered on respondents achieving a return rate of 86.8%. Purposive and random sampling techniques were adopted in selecting the representatives of the units of investigation. Data were analysed using SPSS 20 for windows and results presented using explanatory tables and figures. Findings revealed that the current approach of regularising informal settlements in Abuja is mainly focused on the legal recognition of land ownership and non-adherence to development control measures. This method assumed that legal recognition is the only way to regularise informal settlements. However, this approach is inadequate due to the complex institutional, socio-economic and environmental circumstances related to informal settlements. Findings also revealed that the current regularisation strategies are not effective leading to further proliferation of informal settlements. The study proposes that a more holistic approach is required to effectively regularise informal settlements in the study area. Finally, the study suggests relevant strategies to improve the regularisation of informal settlements in the city. It equally calls for collaboration between government and community stakeholders to ensure effective implementation. The study offers a useful base for further research on the subject, and provide literature solutions for those seeking to address the challenges of informal housing not only in the city but elsewhere in Nigeria. Keywords: Population, Urbanisation, Informal Housing, Informal Settlement, Regularisation.
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    Assessment of Physical Vulnerability Indicators’ for Developing Adaptive Architectural Design Strategies in Flood-prone Residential Areas of Lagos, Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Oluwakemi Saudat AJIJOLA
    Households in urban flood-prone areas are particularly vulnerable to flood disaster. Therefore, adaptive- design responses based on vulnerability assessment are needed to mitigate growing risk and associated impacts. This study examines critical indicators influencing vulnerability of houses in the flood-prone areas of Kosofe, Lagos, Nigeria, by assessing household socio-economic characteristics, flood attributes, Neighborhood and architectural design characteristics of dwellings, and adaptive capacities exhibited. The study which, aimed to fill gaps in empirical research on contextual factors affecting exposure, susceptibility, and resilience of flood-prone households in Nigeria, was underpinned by vulnerability, social-ecological systems and adaptive capacity theories. A cross-sectional exploratory sequential research design was adopted. Common themes emerging from focus-group discussions were used in the questionnaire formulation. The survey was conducted among 385 households in the study area, with a return rate of 84.15%. Opinion survey of 35 experts also served as a guide in selecting relevant indicators. IBM SPSS statistics was used for the descriptive and factor analysis, relative importance indexes and linear regression. With a high R2 value = 0.975, explaining approximately 98% of variance. The result of linear regression analysis shows that flood depth (P=0.000), building elevation (P=0.000), absence of surrounding vegetation (P=0.000), drainage system (P=0.000), low income (P=0.000), presence of household coping capacities (P=0.000), flood duration (P=0.02) and quality of buildings (P=0.04), with a P value less than 0.05, have the greatest impact on physical flood vulnerability. Therefore, this study concludes that the most robust adaptive architectural design strategies for disaster risk reduction in flood-prone residential neighbourhoods are embedded within the identified physical flood vulnerability indicators: flood depth, building elevation, surrounding vegetation, drainage system, low income, household coping capacities, flood duration and building quality. It is thus recommended that these critical indicators be carefully considered when developing an adaptive architectural design framework for risk reduction in flood-prone areas. Keywords: Adaptive Capacity, Exposure, Flood risk, Physical Vulnerability, Resilience, Susceptibility Word count: 300
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    Energy Efficiency and Sustainability in A Mixed-Use Building
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Ayoola Emmanuel AJIFERUKE
    The energy consumption patterns within mixed-use buildings remain largely uncharted territory, despite the advantages of integrating residential and non-residential functions in urban development. These advantages include reducing transportation energy usage and optimizing land utilization. This research project aims to investigate how the consumption of gas and electricity in mixed-use properties is influenced by factors such as the building's immediate surroundings and its inherent characteristics. The objective is to uncover the connections between the built environment and energy consumption and to identify effective strategies for energy conservation. The thesis also provides an overview of methods for constructing energy-efficient buildings, with a focus on examining how building development can be enhanced from an energy-saving standpoint. Building development is a complex process involving the interests of various stakeholders, and many developed nations have conducted extensive research in this field over the years. In essence, energy-saving strategies can be implemented at three levels: administrative, construction-related, and architectural. Stricter building regulations are continually being introduced and enforced. Additionally, numerous research organizations have devised Building Environmental Assessment (BEA) techniques, which incorporate energy efficiency as a vital component. Furthermore, various technical approaches to enhancing energy efficiency are in development. The thesis aims to explore the theoretical framework for achieving energy-efficient buildings. Ultimately, national laws and policies will play a crucial role in ensuring that every project prioritizes energy efficiency. Technical approaches involve fundamental research that presents proven feasible concepts, while BEA encourages developers to create more energy- efficient buildings for economic gain, serving as exemplary models for the broader market. As the current cycle of standardization and regulation reaches completion, a new one will emerge, incorporating more advanced methodologies. Keyword: Mixed Housing, Urban Planning, Built Environment Word Count: 271
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    Proposed Fashion House in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria (Effective Use of Day Lighting in Enhancing User’s Comfort and Reduce Energy Consumption in Fashion Houses)
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Oluwole Victor AJAYI
    Human comfort in an environment is hinged on a number of factors that permit the wellbeing of the occupants regarding thermal comfort, anthropometric safety, acoustics, visual quality and all these are useful through improved comfort level for light, air and smell. This research looks into effective use of day lighting and how it is use to achieve Users’ comfort and visual through the study of relevant literature and the use of case study approach of existing fashion houses south- west Nigeria. Result of the study revealed that most fashion houses in Nigeria are far off from the required lighting standards. The natural lighting strategies like, size of windows openings, window orientation to maximize natural daylight, orientation of the building which allows energy conservation which were incorporated into the proposed design to optimize adequate lighting that positively and significantly impact the psychological and physiological needs of the users of the proposed facility in terms of comfort and enhance visual. The study recommends that stakeholders should look into adopting the identified strategies in order to achieve human comfort and visual in a fashion house or similar building design. Keywords: Fashion house, Lighting, Visual, Users’ comfort, Ibadan. Word Count: 185
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    Utilization of Soft Landscape Elements in Shopping Mall in Ibadan (A Remodel of Agbowo Shopping Complex)
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Emmanuel Olutola AJALA
    This study examines the incorporation of soft landscape elements in renovating the Agbowo Shopping Complex in Ibadan, Nigeria. It investigates the impact of integrating green spaces, water features, and natural vegetation on visitor perceptions and the overall functionality of the shopping mall. Agbowo Shopping Complex, once a prominent retail hub, transformed to meet contemporary architectural standards and promote sustainable urban development. This thesis delves into the significance of soft landscaping in our environment, specifically focusing on commercial buildings. In our community, particularly in the Southwestern part of Nigeria, there is an alarming and ongoing rate of deforestation, leading to the gradual extinction of wildlife and fauna and turning the loss of nature, including animals, trees, and forests, into a historical tale. The thesis concentrates on applying soft landscaping at Agbowo Shopping Complex and discusses the extent of its deterioration and proposed renovation. Several case studies of shopping malls, both local and international, are reviewed. The findings indicate that includingsoft landscape elements significantly influenced visitors' experiences by providing relaxation, fostering social interaction, and establishing biophilic connections with nature. Water features served as focal points, creating a sense of tranquility, while natural vegetation improved air quality and enhanced the shopping environment. The successful integration of soft landscape elements at Agbowo Shopping Complex is a noteworthy example of the potential of these elements to create sustainable and inviting commercial spaces. This study offers valuable insights for future shopping mall projects and urban developments to enhance visitor experiences and foster environmental sustainability. Keywords: Green spaces, Landscape, Mall, Shopping, Vegetation. Word count: 249
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    Proposed Telecommunications Head Office Building for MTN Ng, Falomo, Lagos, Nigeria. (Design Strategies to achieve Environmental Sustainability in Telecommunication Facilities)
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Victor Adedeji ADEYEMO
    The increasing demand for sustainable development presents a challenge for the global telecommunications industry, including Nigeria, to reduce its carbon footprint without compromising functionality and efficiency. Thus, this study aims to explore and assess design strategies to achieve environmental sustainability in telecommunications buildings within Nigeria. Employing a case study approach, six cases were examined, consisting of two international and one local telecommunication office buildings, along with three other office buildings each representing a key aspect of the design development. These case studies were evaluated based on design strategies identified from empirical studies in the literature review, including sustainable site design, water conservation and quality, energy and environment, and conservation of materials and resources. The findings revealed varying degrees of implementation of these strategies in the selected case studies. Drawing insights from the case study analysis, the research proposes an environmentally sustainable head office building for MTNng in Falomo, Lagos. By incorporating the sustainable design strategies learned from the case studies, the proposed design aims to mitigate the environmental impact. Ultimately, the study's findings and recommendations offer a roadmap for architects, engineers, and stakeholders involved in designing and constructing telecommunications buildings in Nigeria. Implementing these guidelines can effectively reduce the industry's carbon footprint, conserve energy resources, and actively contribute to the overarching goal of sustainable development. Ultimately, the research endeavour seeks to foster an environmentally conscious and responsible telecommunications sector in Nigeria. Keywords: Telecommunications, Sustainability, Environmental Sustainability, Green House Gas Emissions. Word Count: 231
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    Spatial Comfort Through the use of Integrated Lighting Design in a University Bookshop
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Adekola Adeniyi ADEBAYO
    Lighting has long been acknowledged for improving vision and influencing different elements of the humanexperience, such as mood, productivity, and overall pleasure. However, university bookshops lack research on integrated lighting design, which creates a knowledge gap and makes it difficult to design lighting solutions that meet the needs of different users. This thesis aims to showcase how integrated lighting design can improve spatial comfort and promote better health and well-being in bookshops. By analyzing the fundamental elements of natural lighting, including direction, intensity, and color, as well as shading and glazing techniques, designers can create indoor spaces that maximize the benefits of natural lighting while minimizing its drawbacks. A university bookshop was designed using integrated lighting techniques such as proper placement and sizing of windows, combined with light-reflecting materials. Ultimately, this thesis demonstrates the positive impact of lighting design integration in enhancing spatial comfort and overall indoor quality. Keywords: Spatial Comfort, Integrated Lightning Design, University Bookshop
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    Proposed Academic Hub for the Federal College of Education Iwo Osun State, Nigeria. (Architectural Design considerations for College Library)
    (Lead City University, 2022-12) Solomon Tunde ADEYI
    Essentially, a library is a public structure with amenities and services tailored to the various educational and social needs of a specific neighbourhood. Therefore, by definition, a public building is one that must provide access to everyone, regardless of anthropometric restrictions and age. As a result, creating for the majority also means designing for individuals in various categories. Thus, the aim of this project is to design a library that is accessible and comfortable to all users. Information for this study was garnered through the process of qualitative research and case studies. Therefore the methodology through which this study was carried out is based on primary and secondary sources of information. The primary is basically field investigation which includes oral interviews and observation of physical traces while the secondary has to do with search through encyclopedias, web sites, books and journals that are relevant to the study. Findings from case studies reveal that users atimes battles with accessibility and comfortability thereby find it difficult to freely use many college buildings in Nigeria. Therefore, this thesis is efficient to have an in- depth assessment of the design considerations for the accessibility and comfortability of users in the library buildings. Insight on design considerations to alleviate this accessibility and comfortability of the users will be recommended and this should be considered at the early stage of the design. In order to clarify the design process, this thesis discusses the relationship between libraries, accessibility, and comfortability. More crucially, it is founded on the variables that value the applicability of both accessibility and comfortability for the library's future demands. This is an advantage of space functionality, identification, recognition, accessibility, relationship and adaptability nature of the same proposed space to staff, student, researchers, professional and society at large. This forms a cordial idea or link between the library users, everyday life activities and traditional operation in the library arena.
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    A Proposed Faculty of Architecture Building for Lead City University (Evaluation Of Natural Lightning in Faculty Buildings)
    (Lead City University, 2022-12) Oluwasegun Kayode OBISESAN
    Natural lighting can be described as the controlled admission and entrance of light such as the direct sunlight, and diffused skylight into a building. Electrical light which serves as an alternative source of light into a building comprises of different spectrums and wavelength which has adverse effect on human body. Meanwhile, the entrance of a proper and adequate natural lighting into a building has been found to have significant positive effect on building occupant. Therefore, this study aimed at appraising natural lighting of selected National and international architecture buildings with a view to garner sufficient theoretical information that can inform the proposed design of the Architecture Faculty building of the Leads City University. It can be inferred from the case studies examined in this work that the international architecture buildings had adequate natural lighting features hence building occupants enjoys more benefits of natural lighting. Upon the completion of the appraisal, useful information that can inform the design of the proposed Faculty of Architecture building, Leads City University were noted. keyword: Faculty of Architecture Building, Lead City University, Evaluation Of Natural Lightning,