In vitro Antimicrobial, Qualitative, and Quan\itative Analysis of the Leaves of Azadirachta Indica and Morinda Lucida against selected Bacteria
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Lead City University
Micro-organism have developed resistance against various antibacterial drugs, and to overcome this alarming situation medicinal plants are studied as the possible alternatives for the currently used antibiotics. Aqeous, ethyl acetate, and ethanolic extracts from the dried leaves of Azadirachta indica and Morinda lucida were tested against seven clinically important pathogens that cause various infections. The extracts had varying levels of effectiveness, but performed well as broad spectrum potential antimicrobials as all of the strains gave a promising zone of inhibition against the plant extracts as measured in the diameter of the zone of inhibition. The results showed that ethyl acetate extracts had the most efficacy against the selected microorganisms with a 71% potency rate for Morinda lucida 86% potency rate for Azadirachta indica. Aqueous extracts of Morinda lucida had a 43% potency rate against the bacteria while a 71% potency rate was recorded for aqueous extracts of Azadirachta indica. Ethanol extracts of the morinda lucida had a 14% potency rate, while ethanol extracts of Azadirachta indica had a 71% potency rate against the selected bacteria. Evaluation of antimicrobial properties of Morinda lucida and Azadiracta indica using different solvents as extracant in this work showed that the use of ethyl acetate as solvent a solvent of extraction give a better phyto- constituents against bacteria (gram positive & gram negative). Aqueous extract of the Azadiracta indica sample was 71% effective against the bacterial isolates. From this result, the presence of some phytoconstituents like chemicals like alkaloids, tannins, tannins, saponins, flavonoids and phenol in the sample, confers on the plant the antimicrobial properties. In the agreement with this report, they further submitted an independent report that antimicrobial potency of extract from these plant were traceable to the phytochemistry of their chemical constituents.
Keywords: medicinal plants, Morinda lucida, extracts, ethyl acetate, potency, antibiotics.
Word Count: 300 words.
Kate Turabian