Personnel Attitude, Service Quality and Library Usage among Private Universities Undergraduates in Ogun State, Nigeria

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Lead City University


User’s satisfaction is central to the usage of library and it resources. Like every other service rendering organization, regular evaluation from user’s perspective is inevitable for optimum performance. This study aimed at finding out the usage of library by undergraduates based on the quality of services it provides and the attitudes of its personnel. It’s a descriptive survey study, the population comprises of 370 undergraduates from four private universities that were randomly selected from seven private universities in Ogun state. The instrument for data collection was questionnaire, data was analyzed using simple frequency tables, the hypothesis were tested using simple linear regression. The study found a moderately high usage of library resources with 2.9 mean. The grand mean of service quality was calculated as 2.7 indicates that service quality is adjudged average. The grand mean of attitude is calculated as 2.92 reflecting an overall average score of the perceptions of respondents on attitudes of librarian. The test of hypothesis revealed that personnel attitude (Adj.R 2 = 0.574, F(1, 233) = 316.249, p = 0.000), and quality of service(Adj. R 2 = 0.412, F(1,233) = 165.061, p = 0.000), have significant influence on usage of library. Both service quality and personnel attitude have joint significant influence on the use of library. It is therefore recommended that there is need for proper orientation of librarians on the fact that libraries as a social and service oriented organization, her customers are king, therefore they must be treated as such. Student orientation is also needed for undergraduates to know the importance of the library and the library information resources and the use of online public access catalogue Keywords: Personnel Attitude, Service Quality, Library Usage Word Count: 271



Personnel Attitude, Service Quality, Library Usage


Kate Turabian