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    Research Self-Efficacy and Motivational Factors on Research Productivity of Academic Staff in Private Universities in Oyo State
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Tosin Abimbola AYODELE
    Academic staff members play a fundamental role in the intellectual development of institutions. This role is also felt in the productivity level of academic staff. When academic staff are productive, it goes a long way in bringing about much positivity to the sustenance of that organization and when this is not the case, there is every tendency that, that organization might collapse. It is in this regard that this study therefore deems it fit to investigate the research self- efficacy and motivational factors on research productivity of Academic Staff in Private Universities in Oyo State. Descriptive research design of a correctional type was adopted. The population consists of 717 academic staff in private universities in Oyo state, Nigeria. Sample size of 255 academic staff was determined using Yamane table of sampling size, while validated questionnaire was used to collect data from the respondents. Data collected was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The reliability coefficient for each of the variable ranged 0.72, 0.78 and 0.81. Findings revealed that research self-efficacy has significant influence on research productivity (Adj.R 2 = 0.104; p = 0.000), motivational factors has no significant to research productivity (Adj.R 2 = 0.010; p = 0.057). Jointly, Research self-efficacy was found to statistically significantly influence Research Productivity Adj.=.112, F(2,,252)=17.010, p < 0.05), while prevalent factors that bring about motivation was found not to statistically significantly influence Research Productivity (β =.165, t = 1.790; p > 0.05). The study concluded that Research Self-efficacy and prevalent factors that bring about motivation influenced Research Productivity. The study recommended that private universities should increase their support by facilitating access to grant for research activities of their academic staff and academic staff should work more on their research skill. Keywords: Research Self-efficacy, Motivational factors, Research Productivity, Academic Staff Word Count: 283
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    Information and Communications Technology Use, Work Ethics and Library Users’ Satisfaction in Public Universities in Edo State, Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Anthony Oboite SOLOMON
    This study investigated the influence of ICT use and work ethics by librarians on library users’ satisfaction in public universities in Edo State; the objectives were to identify the level of library users’ satisfaction in these universities, examine the level of ICT use by librarians in these universities, examine the work ethics of these librarians, determine the influence of ICT use on these library users’ satisfaction, the influence of work ethics on these library users’ satisfaction, and the combined influence of ICT use and work ethics on these library users’ satisfaction. The models adopted for the study were Expectancy- Disconfirmation Model, Technology Acceptance Model, and Theory of Deontological Ethics. The descriptive survey research design was adopted; and the study population was 12,400 library users, with a sample size was 388, while the simple random sampling technique was adopted. The instrument for data collection was the structured questionnaire, and data collected was analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Findings showed that library users were satisfied with service delivery of librarians, they perceived librarians as professionals who use ICTs and uphold high level of work ethics. Findings also showed that ICT use had a strong influence on library users’ satisfaction (R2 = 0.448; F = 250.565; p = 0.001); work ethics had a weak influence on library users’ satisfaction (R2 = 0.222; F = 87.922; p = 0.001); while ICT use and work ethics had a high combined influence on library users’ satisfaction (Adj. R2 = 0.446; F = 125.698; p = 0.001). The research concluded that library users rarely patronised the library despite the high ICT usage skills and high ethical standard of librarians. The research recommended that there is the need to ensure library users’ satisfaction, while librarians embrace the use of ICTs and uphold high work ethics. Keywords: library user satisfaction, information and communication technology, work ethics, expectancy disconfirmation, technology acceptance, deontological ethics. Word count: 297
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    Personnel Attitude, Service Quality and Library Usage among Private Universities Undergraduates in Ogun State, Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Deborah Bamidele OLOGUN
    User’s satisfaction is central to the usage of library and it resources. Like every other service rendering organization, regular evaluation from user’s perspective is inevitable for optimum performance. This study aimed at finding out the usage of library by undergraduates based on the quality of services it provides and the attitudes of its personnel. It’s a descriptive survey study, the population comprises of 370 undergraduates from four private universities that were randomly selected from seven private universities in Ogun state. The instrument for data collection was questionnaire, data was analyzed using simple frequency tables, the hypothesis were tested using simple linear regression. The study found a moderately high usage of library resources with 2.9 mean. The grand mean of service quality was calculated as 2.7 indicates that service quality is adjudged average. The grand mean of attitude is calculated as 2.92 reflecting an overall average score of the perceptions of respondents on attitudes of librarian. The test of hypothesis revealed that personnel attitude (Adj.R 2 = 0.574, F(1, 233) = 316.249, p = 0.000), and quality of service(Adj. R 2 = 0.412, F(1,233) = 165.061, p = 0.000), have significant influence on usage of library. Both service quality and personnel attitude have joint significant influence on the use of library. It is therefore recommended that there is need for proper orientation of librarians on the fact that libraries as a social and service oriented organization, her customers are king, therefore they must be treated as such. Student orientation is also needed for undergraduates to know the importance of the library and the library information resources and the use of online public access catalogue Keywords: Personnel Attitude, Service Quality, Library Usage Word Count: 271
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    Trade Credit, Credit Policy and the Performance of Building Industry in Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Taofeek Abiodun OLADOKUN
    Institutional repositories provide a rich source of information for researchers globally. This has led to the development of thousands of repositories by universities around the world. However, the use of institutional repository by academic staff in Nigerian universities has been observed to be below expectation. Consequently, researchers have examined various factors relating to the use of institutional repositories. This study examined the influence of awareness and anchor factors on the use of institutional repositories by academic staff of universities in Oyo and Osun States. Descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. A structured questionnaire was adopted as the instrument for data collection. The study population consists of 1,009 academic staff from four universities in Oyo and Osun States. Taro Yamane formula was used to determine the sample of 286. The quantitative data collected was analysed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The study found that the level of institutional repository use (Mean =3.04), awareness (Mean =2.89), and anchor factors (Mean =3.06), is high among the respondents. The test of hypothesis showed that awareness (Adj. R2 = 0.152, p= 0.000) and anchor factors (Adj. R 2 = 0.164, p= 0.000) both have significant influence on the use of institutional repositories among the respondents. However, multiple regression analysis shows that, while awareness (p=0.000) has a significant combined influence on the use of institutional repositories among the respondent, anchor factors (p=0.122) do not have a significant influence. The study concluded that the use of institutional repositories by academic staff of universities remains the best approach to create better access to information resources and ensure greater impact for Nigerian research. It was therefore recommended that librarians should develop strategies to evaluate awareness programmes and also work closer with academic staff to develop task- oriented skills that enhance effective use of institutional repositories. Keywords: Academic Staff, Anchor factors, Awareness, Institutional Repositories, Scholarly Communication. Word Count: 294
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    Facilitating Conditions, Social Influence, and the Use of Library Technology by Academic Librarians in the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Victoria Deyeh OGUNMOLA
    The use of technology has become non-negotiable for academic libraries aiming to provide cutting edge services to their clientele. However, evidence shows that the use of technology by library personnel may depend on various factors. This study therefore investigates the influence of facilitating conditions and social influence on the use of library technology by academic librarians in Federal Capital Territory, Abuja Nigeria. The study adopted a descriptive research survey design. The population of the study consists of all library personnel (Librarians and Library Officers) in universities in the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. Total enumeration was used due to the size of the population. A structured questionnaire adapted from existing studies was used for data collection. The Cronbach alpha value for the dimensions are; facilitating condition (0.83), and social influence (0.81). The test of hypothesis revealed that facilitating (R2 = 0.265, p<0.05) and social influence (R2 = 0.305, p<0.05) individually have significant influence on the use of technology among the respondents. Similarly, it was also found that both variables have combined significant influence (R2 = 0.421, p<0.05) on the use of technology. The study concluded that there are still some underlying factors that must be addressed before academic libraries in the FCT can reach the level of technology use that will enable them provide world class library services. It was therefore recommended that Universities in the FCT have to work hand in hand with the management of their academic libraries to invest in relevant technologies needed in the provision of modern information services Keywords: Library Services, Library Technology, Facilitating Conditions, Social Influence, Technology Use, Word Count: 251
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    Continuous Professional Development Technique, Information and Communication Technology Skills and Service Quality of Librarians in Agricultural Research Institutes, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Theresa Folasade ODUSANYA
    Like every other library, research libraries in Agriculture institutes are service rendering organizations with the sole aim of satisfying the researchers information need through quality services. User’s satisfaction is key to the usage of library and it resources. Like every other service rendering organization, regular evaluation from user’s perspective is inevitable to avert the dwindling patronage observed. This study aimed at finding out the quality of service rendered in Agriculture research institute. It’s a descriptive survey study, which make use of mixed method. The population comprises of 101 librarians and 24 researchers. The instrument for data collection was questionnaire with reliability test of 0.79, 0.87 and 0.92 Cronbach alpha and a focus group discussion. The empirical data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, the focus group discussion was analyzed thematically. The hypotheses were tested using simple linear regression. The study found a moderately high level service quality(Mean=3.4), ICT skills (Mean=3.3) and CDP (Mean=3.4), but with discrepancies in both librarians and researchers response as regards service quality. The test of hypothesis revealed that ICT skills ((Adj.R2=0.205,F(1,79)=20.328, p=000)) and continuous personnel development (Adj. R2=0.262, F(1,79)= 5.972,p =0.001) have significant influence on service quality. Both, combining the duo of CDP and ICT, the multiple regression showed that CDP has significant influence on service quality while ICT did not. The study concludes that CDP is inevitable for libraries and librarians to meet the demand of the ever changing world. The study recommends that CDP should be given priority and fund should be provided for regular in-house and off-shore training covering all aspect with ICT inclusive. Key words: ICT skills, Digital literacy skills, Service Quality, Library users and CPD Word Count: 252
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    Situation Awareness, Digital Competence and Motivation to Use Artificial Intelligence Technologies among Librarians in Edo and Delta States, Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Nosakhare OKUONGHAE
    Motivation to use artificial intelligence (AI) technologies are those factors that influenced users’ drive to actually use AI technologies. There are various AI technologies that librarians can adopt to improve their service functions. However, studies have shown that the use of AI among librarians is low. It is in the light of this that this study therefore investigated the motivation to use AI technologies among librarians in Edo and Delta States. Descriptive survey research design was adopted. The population consist of 125 librarians selected from 18 Universities in Edo and Delta States, Nigeria. Total enumeration technique was adopted because of the manageable size of the population. A validated questionnaire was used to collect data from the respondents. Data collected was analyzed using both inferential and descriptive statistics. The reliability coefficient for each of the variable ranged 0.72, 0.78 and 0.81. Finding revealed that situation awareness (Adj. R2 = 0.413, p = 0.000) has positive and significant influence on motivation to use AI technologies among librarians in Edo and Delta States. It was also found that digital competence (Adj. R2 = 0.195, p = 0.000 b) has significant but weak influence on motivation to use AI technologies among librarians. In addition, multiple regression analysis showed that situation awareness construct has positive and significant influence (Adj. R2 = 0.651 a, p<0.05).), while digital competence does not. The study concluded that situation awareness and digital competence influenced motivation to use AI technologies. The study recommended that there should be more awareness of AI among librarians. At the same time, librarians should improve their digital skill through regular training programs so that they can effectively use AI tools. Keywords: Situation Awareness, Digital Competence, Artificial Intelligence Technologies, Perceived usefulness, Perceived ease of use. Word Count: 272
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    Digital Literacy Skills, Social Media Use and Library Promotion Practices by Library Personnel in Public Universities in Lagos State, Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Kabir Adesegun LIADI
    This study investigated the influence of Digital Literacy Skill, Social Media Use on library promotion in public university in Lagos state, Nigeria; the objectives were identify the level of use of promotion mix in universities, find out the level of social media use by librarian, ascertain the level of digital literacy skills of librarian, determine the influence of digital literacy skills of librarian on promotion, ascertain the influence on social media use by library personnel on library promotion. The study adopted technical acceptance model (TAM) 2, digital literacy model and promotion mix model. The descriptive survey research design was adopted the population was 145 library personnel, while the total enumeration simplify technique was adopted. The instrument for the data collection was structured questionnaire. The data collection from questionnaire was coded and analyzed using the international business machine (IBM) for statistical package for service solution (SPSS) software version 22. Findings showed (N-115, R-0.333, P-value-0.00) the positive correlation suggests that as the digital literacy skills of library personnel increase, there tends to be an increase in library promotion efforts.. There is a modest positive relationship between the level of social media use by library personnel and their efforts in library promotion (N-115, R.212, Pvalue.023). This indicates that higher levels of social media use are associated with increased library promotion efforts. This implies that both digital literacy skills and social media use factors play a role in predicting levels of library promotion on the findings of this study. The research recommended that the university and library management should implement regular training programs focused on enhancing digital literacy skills and social media use among library personnel. Thus, there is the need to ensure library users’ satisfaction, while librarians embrace the use of ICTs and uphold high work ethics. Keywords: Digital Literacy Skill, Social Media Use, library promotion, public university and service delivery. Word count: 210.
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    Speech Recognition Algorithm of Major Nigerian Languages (Yoruba, Hausa, Ibo) Using K-NN
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Taiwo Mauyon KUPONU
    This study addresses the crucial need for enhanced voice recognition systems in the realm of human-machine interfaces, particularly with a focus on accent identification algorithms, and their application in the context of Nigerian English speakers. The research aims to improve the accuracy and efficiency of speech recognition for these major Nigerian languages using KNN to increase the efficiency and accuracy of accent identification by using a trained data with the three major Nigerian language. Voiced audio samples of speakers from these tribes speaking English and various platforms such as news media and radio recordings was scrapped and recorded and extracted. The audio data was then preprocessed and transformed from the time domain to the frequency domain using the Fourier transform. Matlab R2015A was employed for model training, encompassing input reading, window size and hop size definition, and noise reduction techniques such as high-pass filtering and spectral subtraction. For feature extraction, Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) were computed for each audio frame, subsequently aggregated to create fixed-length representations for each dialect sample for about sixty seconds in order to ensure uniformity in the inputs. The model underwent training with a classification algorithm KNN, followed by evaluation, which gave an accuracy rate of 84%. This result indicates that the model proficiently predicts the dialects within the context of English speech. The study's outcomes signify substantial progress in the development of an accent detection model tailored to the major Nigerian tribes: Yoruba, Hausa, and Igbo. The research is a significant stride toward more precise and effective voice recognition systems for Nigerian English speakers, contributing to the broader advancement of human-machine interfaces in an increasingly technology-driven world. It is recommended that future research explores alternative feature extraction techniques, particularly deep learning-based approaches capable of automatically learning relevant features from raw audio data. Keywords: Accent. Accuracy, Algorithm, Dialect detection, Feature extraction, Fourier transform, Performance, Speech recognition, Voice recognition Word Count: 298 Words
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    Emotional Intelligence, Personality Traits and Service Quality by Library Personnel in Colleges of Agriculture in Oyo State, Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Esther OGEDENGBE
    The need to increase library use through effective service quality may achieved through examining the interplay of emotional intelligence and personality traits of library personnel. Thus, it is against this backdrop that this study set out to investigate the influence of emotional intelligence, personality traits and service quality, especially in colleges of agriculture in Oyo State, Nigeria. The survey design of the correlational type was adopted. The population of this study were library personnel (27) and Higher National Diploma students (1,846) in colleges of agriculture in Oyo state. Total enumeration was used for the library personnel while 10% proportional sample size was used for the student (185). Questionnaire was the instrument used. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Pearson product moment correlation and Multiple regression at 0.05 level of significance. The study found that highly positive perspectives of levels of service quality ( ? =2.4) among the indicators. There is high levels of emotional intelligence of library personnel in colleges of agriculture in Oyo state, Nigeria and the prominent was Self-awareness (?=3.4) Likewise, the library personnel exhibited the characteristics of big five factor personality traits in colleges of agriculture in Oyo state, Nigeria but the prominent was Extraversion (?=3.0). Emotional intelligence (r=.028) demonstrated no significant impact on library service quality, likewise, personality traits (r=.131) exhibited no significant correlation on library service quality. In aggregate, emotional intelligence and personality traits do not offer combine influence on library service quality (R = 0.133; Adj. R2=0.018). Emotional intelligence (β=-.036) played a negative relative relation in delivery of service quality, while personality traits provided (β=-.060) in shaping library personnel in colleges of agriculture in Oyo state, Nigeria. Thus, the institution and library management should strategies interventions to tailor library personnel toward mastering self-awareness and trait of extraversion personality to enhance library service quality. Keywords: Emotional Intelligence, Personality Traits, Service Quality, Library Personnel, College of Agriculture. Word count: 298
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    Computer Self-Efficacy, Computer Playfulness and Social Media Use by Librarians in Private University Libraries Southwest, Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Modupe Elizabeth OLOGUNDE
    The need to provide effective and efficient services has facilitated the adoption and use of social media technology in libraries. However, many librarians in Nigerian academic libraries are still not taking full advantage of social media in personal and professional activities. This study examined the influence of computer self-efficacy and computer playfulness on social media use by librarians in private university libraries southwest, Nigeria. Descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. A structured questionnaire was adopted as the instrument for data collection. The instrument was tested for reliability and the result showed a Cronbach Alpha value of 0.78. The study population consist of 127 librarians from sixteen academic libraries across southwest Nigeria. The entire population was included in the study due to the small size of the population. The quantitative data collected was analysed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The study found that both computer self-efficacy (Adj. R2 = 0.604, p<0.05) and computer playfulness (Adj. R2 = 0.614, p<0.05) individually have significant influence on the use of social media among the respondents. Multiple regression analysis also revealed a significant combined influence of both variables on the use of social media among the respondent. The study concluded that the use of social by librarians remains the a good strategy to enhance library and information services in academic libraries. It was therefore recommended that continuous personnel development should be an integral part of the library programmes as a way to develop computer self-efficacy for librarians. Keywords: Academic Libraries, Computer self-efficacy, Computer playfulness, Information Services, Library Services. Word Count: 2246
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    Individual and Technology Characteristics as Predictors of Motivation to Use Digital Library Among Polytechnic Student in Ondo State, Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Cyril Iloba IJEH
    Digital libraries offer a lot of advantages for students and this explains why may tertiary institutions including polytechnics in Nigeria have invested in creating various digital libraries. However, many of the libraries often experienced low patronage as students are more inclined to use other source of digital information. In line with this, the study examines the influence of examine individual characteristics, technology characteristics and the motivation to use digital library among polytechnic student in Ondo State, Nigeria. The study adopted the descriptive survey research with the population including 13,407students from two government owned polytechnic in Ondo State. Multistage sampling procedure was followed to select 375 students as sample. A structured questionnaire was used for data collection. The data was analyzed using both inferential and descriptive statistics. The results show that individual characteristics (Adj. R2 = 0. 244, p<0.05) has significant but weak influence on the motivation to use digital library among polytechnic student in Ondo State. It was also found that technological characteristics (Adj. R2 = 0. 325, p<0.05). In addition, multiple regression analysis showed that technology characteristics and individual characteristics have a positive and significant combined influence (Adj. R2 = 0. 488, p<0.05) on the motivation to use digital library among polytechnic student in Ondo State. The study concluded that the moderate positive perception of the technology characteristics related to digital libraries in their underscores the importance of user satisfaction and engagement. It was therefore recommended that polytechnic libraries should provide comprehensive training on how to effectively use digital libraries. Keywords: Digital Libraries, Information Services, Polytechnics, Self-efficacy, Perceived usefulness, Perceived Ease of use. Word Count: 251
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    Information Retrieval Skills, Digital Competencies and Use of Online Legal Information Resources by Legal Practitioners in Ogun State, Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Bukunola Funmi SANNI
    In today’s digital age, lawyers heavily depend on online legal information resources to enhance legal research and support legal activities. However, it has been observed that many legal practitioners lack effective information retrieval skills and digital competences to efficiently navigate and extract relevant information through these information resources. This study therefore examined the influence of information retrieval skills and digital competences on the use of online legal resources among legal practitioners in Ogun state. The study adopted a survey research method. The study population consist of 699 legal practitioners drawn from all the five branches of Nigeria Bar Association in Ogun State. The sample size was determined using Krejcie and Morgan table which resulted in a sample of 242. Data was collected using questionnaire. The data collected was analysed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The study found that the level of use of online legal information resources (mean=2.63) information retrieval skills (mean = 2.56) and digital competences (mean=2.72) is moderately high among the respondents. The test of hypothesis showed that information retrieval (Adj.R2 = 0.528 p = 0.000) and digital competences (Adj.R2=0.528, p=0.000) both have significant influence on the use of online legal information resources. However, multiple regression analysis showed that while information retrieval (p=0.013) has a significant combined influence on the use of online legal information resources on the respondents, digital competences (p=0.176) do not have. The study concluded that the use of use of online legal resources by legal practitioners will provide extensive access to legal materials which will in turn promote quick dispensation of justice and enhance productivity. It therefore recommended the need for comprehensive training programs and continuing education by the law libraries and the judiciary to enhance lawyers’ information retrieval skills and digital competences. Keywords: Legal practitioners, Information retrieval skills, Digital competences, Legal information Word Count: 294
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    Information Literacy Skills, Use of Electronic Information Resources and Research Competence of Academic Staff in Public Universities, Lagos State, Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Abiodun Soliu ADEKANBI
    The hallmark of academic excellence depends on the research competence of academic staff of university who are shouldered with the responsibilities of modelling both undergraduate and postgraduate students in the part of quality academic achievements. The pivotal role of Research competence in raising quality products in institution of higher learning is the reason for this study which is aimed at finding out the influence of Information Literacy Skill(ILS) and use of Electronic Information Resources(EIR) on research competence of academic staff in public universities in Lagos, State. It is a descriptive survey study. The population comprises 3556 out of which 346 were sampled using Krejce and Morgan table. The instrument for data collection was questionnaire. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, the hypothesis were tested using linear regression. The study found moderate level of research competence, high level of ILS was found and a moderate level of use of EIR .. The test of hypothesis revealed that ILS (Adj.R 2=0.202,F(1,105)= 26.610, p=000) and Use of EIR (Adj.R 2=0.359,F(1,105)= 60.424, p=000) have significant positive influence on service quality. The study concludes that both ILS and use of EIR should be encouraged and supported by the institution to achieve a viable research competence. The study recommends that Universities should allocate resources and support for the development of research competence and information literacy skills. This can include funding for research projects, access to academic journals, and dedicated research support services Key words: Research competence, Information Literacy skill, Electronic resources, digital literacy skills, Word Count: 234
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    Organizational Factors, Environmental Factors and Motivation to Use Open-Source Software among University Library Personnel in Lagos State, Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Abiodun Michael SESSI
    Open-source software have caught the attention of libraries globally particularly, in developing countries where funding for library automation is a major challenge. However, the use of open-source software has not reached the expected level in Nigeria. This study investigates the influence of organizational factors, environmental factors on the motivation to use open-source software among academic library personnel in Lagos State, Nigeria. the study adopted a descriptive survey research method. The population consist of 198 library personnel from public and private universities in Lagos state. Total enumeration was used to select the sample. A structured questionnaire was used as the research instrument. The research reveals a moderately high level of motivation to use open-source software among the library personnel. Organizational factors are found to have a highly positive influence on motivation (Mean = 2.84). Environmental factors are conducive to open-source software use (Mean = 3.17). The test of hypotheses also revealed that organizational (Adj. R2= 0.206, p= 0.000) and environmental factors result (Adj. R 2= 0.170, p= 0.000), individually have significant influence on motivation to use open-source software. In addition, both variables also have significant combined infouence on motivation to use open-source software among academic library personnel in Lagos state (Adj. R2= 0.246, F(2,187)= 11.096, p= 0.000). The study concluded that the findings have significant implications for academic libraries, emphasizing the need for ICT training, strengthening regulatory frameworks, promoting collaboration, and conducting regular assessments to enhance the motivation for open-source software adoption. The study thus recommended collaboration among libraries and partnership with technology developer and regulators to further boost motivation to use of open- source among academic library personnel. Keywords: Academic libraries, Open-source, Library Automation, Library technology, Capacity development, Lagos State. Word Count: 266
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    Organizational Factors, Environmental Factors and Motivation to Use Open-Source Software among University Library Personnel in Lagos State, Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Abiodun Michael SESSI
    Open-source software have caught the attention of libraries globally particularly, in developing countries where funding for library automation is a major challenge. However, the use of open-source software has not reached the expected level in Nigeria. This study investigates the influence of organizational factors, environmental factors on the motivation to use open-source software among academic library personnel in Lagos State, Nigeria. the study adopted a descriptive survey research method. The population consist of 198 library personnel from public and private universities in Lagos state. Total enumeration was used to select the sample. A structured questionnaire was used as the research instrument. The research reveals a moderately high level of motivation to use open-source software among the library personnel. Organizational factors are found to have a highly positive influence on motivation (Mean = 2.84). Environmental factors are conducive to open-source software use (Mean = 3.17). The test of hypotheses also revealed that organizational (Adj. R 2= 0.206, p= 0.000) and environmental factors result (Adj. R 2= 0.170, p= 0.000), individually have significant influence on motivation to use open-source software. In addition, both variables also have significant combined infouence on motivation to use open-source software among academic library personnel in Lagos state (Adj. R 2= 0.246, F(2,187)= 11.096, p= 0.000). The study concluded that the findings have significant implications for academic libraries, emphasizing the need for ICT training, strengthening regulatory frameworks, promoting collaboration, and conducting regular assessments to enhance the motivation for open-source software adoption. The study thus recommended collaboration among libraries and partnership with technology developer and regulators to further boost motivation to use of open- source among academic library personnel. Keywords: Academic libraries, Open-source, Library Automation, Library technology, Capacity development, Lagos State. Word Count: 266
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    Institutional Support, E-Readiness and Digital Reference Service Delivery by Librarians in University Libraries, Oyo State
    (Lead City University, 2022-12) Toyosi Rachael AFOLABI
    The advent of Technology has brought changes in the provision of university library services one of which is Digital reference services (DRS). However, effective Digital reference services (DRS) delivery may be difficult to achieve without digital readiness and an adequate level of institutional support for academic libraries. The study, therefore, examined the influence of institutional support and e-readiness on the delivery of Digital Reference Services (DRS) by University Libraries in Oyo state. The study adopted a mixed method approach, the population of the study is 65 comprised of librarians in 10 universities, Oyo State Nigeria and a total enumeration sampling method was used. A structured questionnaire and structured interview guide were used to gather data. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for quantitative data analysis while the interview was also analysed and interpreted using thematic content analysis. The test of hypotheses shows that e-readiness (ß=0.414, t=3.612, p<0.05) and institutional support (ß=0.654, t=6.858, p<0.05) respectively influence effective DRS delivery. However, it was found that only institutional support (ß=0. 925, t=5.467, p>0.05) has a joint influence on DRS delivery while e-readiness of librarians (ß=0.203, t =1.224, p<0.05) does not have a joint influence. The findings of the qualitative discussion showed that the libraries render both asynchronous and synchronous digital references. However, there is a lack of adequate staff to provide DRS, irregular power supply and internet connection. The study concluded that digital reference service delivery is still at the elementary stage in the libraries studied but there are signs of further progress due to the availability of institutional support and the e-readiness of librarians. The study, therefore, recommended continuing personnel development to ensure effective digital reference services. Keywords: Academic Libraries, Digital Reference Services, E-readiness, Institutional Support, Reference Services. Word Count: 275
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    Information Behaviour and Library Patronage of Undergraduates in Private Universities Oyo State, Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2022-12) Samson Abiodun ADENIRAN
    This study examined the influence of information behavior on library patronage among undergraduate students in private universities in Oyo State. The descriptive research design was adopted for the study. A structured questionnaire was adopted as the instrument for data collection. The study population is made up of eight thousand, six hundred and fifty-nine (8,659) undergraduate students in private universities across Oyo State. The sample size of 368 was used for the study as obtained from Krejcie and Morgan sample size calculator. Data was analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The study found a low level of library patronage among the students. The study also found that the students mostly need information for personal development. In addition, it was found that the preferred sources of information are academic journals, internet sources, and the library. The test of hypotheses revealed that information needs (R = 0.329, p<0.05), information seeking behaviour (R = 0.292, p<0.05) and information use (R = 0.329, p<0.05) have a significant influence on library patronage. In addition it was found that the combination information needs, information seeking behavior and information use has a significant but weak relationship with the library patronage by undergraduates in private universities in Oyo State(Adj. R2= 0.092, F(2,334)= 17.989, p= 0.000). The study concluded that academic libraries must do their best to understand the information behaviour of their clientele. It is therefore recommended that students and other library patrons should be involved in the collection development process. Keywords: Information Behaviour, Library Patronage, Library Collection Undergraduates, Private Universities, Word Count: 252
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    Development Programmes, Fundraising Strategies and Library Patronage in Public Libraries in South West, Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2022-12) Oyedoyin Faith ERUEMOLO
    Public libraries exist to cater for the information need of all categories of users in a community. Their role in nation building cannot be over emphasized. Access to public libraries can majorly be achieved through various developmental programs as well as how fund is being raised to adequately fund public libraries in order to make it more appealing to her teeming users. Absence of these two factors, development programs and fundraising strategies will perhaps make public libraries a ghost of itself in existence. It is in this light that this study deems it fit to investigate how development programs (DP) and fundraising strategies (FS) contribute to library patronage (LP) in public libraries in south west, Nigeria. Quantitative and qualitative research designs was adopted for this study. Population consisted of 134 librarians in public libraries in south west, Nigeria. Total enumeration sampling technique also served as the sample technique adopted for the study. The reliability coefficient for each of the variable ranged from 0.75 to 0.90. Data collected was analyzed using descriptive, inferential statistics and textual content analytical approach. Findings revealed that DP had no significant influence on LP (Adj. R2 = 0.007; p = 0.692), FS was found to significantly influence LP (Adj. R2 = 0.178; p = 0.000). Jointly, only FS was found to statistically significantly influence LP (Adj. = .173, F (2,125) = 14.275, p < 0.05), while DP was found not to statistically significantly influence LP (β = .044; t =- .546; p > 0.05). The study concluded that only FS independently influenced LP. Content analysis wise, only Lagos state public library has a robust plan of developmental programs. Fundraising of public libraries in south west, Nigeria is mostly done by respective state governments in the region. The study recommended that there should be more funding. Key Words: Development Programs, Fundraising Strategies, Library Patronage, Public Libraries, South West, Nigeria. Word Count: 299
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    Motivation to Use Smart Mobile Gadgets, Learning Management System Characteristics and Perceived Academic Performance of Undergraduates in Private Universities,South West, Nigeria amid Covid-19 Pandemic
    (Lead City University, 2022-12) Adeniyi Michael, OMOTADE
    The aim and objectives of the study is to investigate the influence of motivation to use smart mobile gadgets and learning management system characteristics and perceived academic performance of undergraduate students in LCU, Ibadan, Oyo State and MTU, Ibafo, Ogun State amid Covid-19. Theoretical framework adopted in this study is theory of performance, for perceived academic performance, TAM1 used for motivation to use smart mobile gadgets and DOI Theory was used for learning management system characteristics. Descriptive research was adopted. Population consist of six thousand five hundred and eighty-two (6,582) undergraduate students in LCU, Ibadan and MTU, Ibafo, Ogun State, Nigeria. Three hundred and seventy-seven (377) undergraduate students served as the sample size after Taro Yemmane table. Purposive sampling techniques was used before multistage and validated questionnaire was used to collect data. Data collected was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Findings revealed that Motivation to Use Smart Mobile Gadgets had significant influence on Perceived Academic Performance of undergraduate students in LCU and MTU at (r=0.442, p<0.001). It was also found that there is a significant and positive influence of learning management system characteristics on perceived academic performance of undergraduate students (r=-0.418, p<0.001), jointly, there is a significant and positive influence of motivation to use smart mobile gadgets and learning management system characteristics on perceived academic performance of undergraduate students at (r=0.507, p<0.001). The study concluded that motivation to use smart mobile gadgets and learning management system characteristics independently influenced perceived academic performance. The study recommends that the application and utilization of motivation to use smart mobile gadgets and learning management system characteristics which makes learning and teaching interesting, interactive and collaborative should be promoted among students, lecturers and instructors at all levels of education by the parent institutions Keywords: Motivation to Use Smart Mobile Gadgets, Learning Management System characteristics and Perceived Academic Performance Word Count: 296