Radiation Risk Assessment in Mining Site Area of Paago Iseyin Local Government Oyo State Southwest Nigeria

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Lead City University


The hazards of being overexposed to ionizing radiation at various mining sites are of great concern to environmental scientists. This study aims to measure the activity concentrations of potassium 40K, Uranium238U, and Thorium 232Th radionuclides at various mining sites of Paago, Iseyin Local Government, Oyo state, Southwestern Nigeria using a well calibrated HPGe detector. Twenty (20) soil samples were obtained, analyzed, and compared with the WHO recommended standard. The results obtained indicate that 40K, 238U, and 232Th values ranging from 58.40 to 950.41 Bqkg-1, 5.57 to 24.22 Bqkg-1, and 4.1 to 25.93 Bqkg-1. The gamma absorbed dose rate in the soil samples ranged from 6.85 nGyh-1 to 45.73nGyh-1, with mean absorbed dose rate lower than the WHO recommended average value of 59 nGh-1. The annual effective dose rates in the air varied from 14.26 to 19.74µ Svyr-1 with an average value of 17.99 µSvy-1, while the highest and lowest values of radium equivalent in the soil were 113.68Bqkg-1 and 21.62Bqkg-1. It was concluded that all the values obtained for external and internal hazard indices were less than unity and the means activity concentration of the three radionuclides was lower than the world average recommended value indicating that the study areas pose no significant radiological threat to the populaces. These values also indicate that crops planted around the study area maybe safe for consumption. Keywords: Radionuclides, gamma absorbed dose rate, Radiation Risk Assessment, Mining Site Area, Paago Iseyin, Oyo State Southwest Nigeria Word Count: 220



Radionuclides, gamma absorbed dose rate, Radiation Risk Assessment, Mining Site Area, Paago Iseyin, Oyo State Southwest Nigeria


Kate Turabian