Effect of Oil Exploration and Production on Economic Activities of Host Niger Delta Communities in Nigeria

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Lead City University


Abstract The effects of oil and gas production on the economy, society, and environment continue to be a contentious topic among oil-producing states, oil firms, and governments in developing nations like Nigeria. Thus, this study examines the effects of oil exploration and production on economic activities of Host Niger-Delta communities in Nigeria. The study employed a survey research design and a multi-stage sampling technique to select a sample of 400 from the entire population. Percentile ranking and multilevel mixed-effects ordinal logistic regression were employed to achieve the objectives. The study discovered that there is high level of oil and gas activities in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. Further, these oil and gas activities come more from oil exploration than oil production. Another finding is that there is high level of occupational changes caused by oil and gas activities in the region. It implies that people in the region changed their jobs on the basis of oil and gas activities which have created environmental challenges to the residents. This is more in the urban areas than rural areas, and among secondary and tertiary school certificate holders that other certificate holders. The logistic regression result showed that growth opportunity, environmental changes, environmental changes and socio-cultural changes have positive and significant on occupational mobility. Finally, the study showed that economic, socio-cultural and environmental factors of oil and gas activities have adverse impact on the development of the host communities. Thus, this apparently indicated that oil and gas exploration has a great impact on the host community which indirectly influences the occupational selection of the host community. The study recommends that the government and oil-producing companies should expedite the cleanup of regions that have been contaminated as a result of oil spills and gas flare-ups to reduce the occupational effect of oil and gas exploration and production on the host communities in Nigeria. Keywords: Occupational mobility, oil and gas exploration, production, host communities, environmental conditions Word counts: 298




Kate Turabian