Citizen and Investigative Journalism Practices as Correlates of Good Governance in Oyo State, Nigeria 2019-2022

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Lead City University


All over the world, good governance is vital for national and global development, and the media is critical for the realisation of this purpose. However, there is a perception that citizen and investigative journalism practices do not necessarily have a bearing on good governance. This study, therefore, investigated the correlations between citizen and investigative journalism on good governance in Oyo State, Nigeria, 2019-2022. The study was anchored on Agenda Setting, Technological Determinism and Spiral of Silence theories. Descriptive research was adopted for this study. Instrument named “Citizen, Investigative Journalism Practices and Good Governance Questionnaire” (CIJPGG) was utilised to gather data, while descriptive and inferential statistics were utilised for the analysis. Also, out of 24 citizen journalism reports, 12 domiciled in Oyo State elicited government responses. The study revealed the existence of investigative and citizen journalism practices in the Oyo State, and that they impact on good governance. This is owing to the fact that 3.26 (the Weighted Mean) for investigative journalism and 2.9 for citizen journalism practices against the decision rule for 5-point scale which is 3.0. From the findings, it is recommended that citizen and investigative journalism should be sustained for the promotion of good governance and government and its agencies should also ensure quick and effective response to investigative and citizen journalism reports in order to promote good governance. Keywords: Citizen Journalism, Mainstream Journalism, Investigative Journalism, Good Governance, KGBization, Depersonalisation Word Count: 221



Citizen Journalism, Mainstream Journalism, Investigative Journalism, Good Governance, KGBization, Depersonalisation


Kate Turabian