Department of Mass Communication & Media Studies

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    Digital Innovations as Correlates of Book Design and Illustration in Evans Brothers Publishers and College Press Limited
    (Lead City University, 2023) Tolumoye Favour WARIBAGHA
    This study seek to identify the influence of technological innovation on book design and illustration in publishing firms using Evans Brothers Publishers and College Press Limited as a case study. The research design used was the descriptive survey. The population of the study consisted of all staff working at the publishing unit of Evans Brothers Publishers and College Press Ltd, Ibadan, Oyo State) which is made up of 400 full time employee. Primary data were collected using the questionnaire instrument and a total of 212 staff was selected using Taro Yamane. Multiple regression was used with the aid of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23.0 to test the hypothesis. The regression analysis revealed that the p-value (0.00) for the independent variable is significant at the 0.05 level of significance; the R2 of 0.87 has moderate explanatory power for the variation in the dependent variable (book design and illustration) and it is moderately fit of the regression, the calculated F of 19.937 is significant at p=0.00. Therefore, Ho was rejected. The findings revealed that digital printing, typography and graphics design are the means of book design and illustration, web publishing, digital printing, and e-commerce are the technological innovation used for book design and illustration, all other technological innovations except e-book has a high level of use in Evans Publishers and college Press for book design, majority of the means on influence of technological innovations on book design and illustration in publishing firms showed moderate level, challenges in using technological innovation are high cost, poor power supply, poor communication, problem of copyright, Lack of Skilled Manpower and Piracy. The study therefore, recommends that publishers should include the development of e-book as part of technological innovations. Also the management of publishing companies should endeavour to recruit skilled manpower in order to improve productivity, stiffer laws should be put in place by the government and other stakeholders against back door productions. Keyword: Digital-Printing, E-Commerce, Press, Web-Publishing, Technological-Innovations, Typography, Word Count: 318 words
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    Resource Availability and Management in Metropolitan Amuludun 99.1FM and Lead City 89.1 FM
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Saka Dayo LAWAL
    Availability of financial resources has been the bane of effective radio broadcasting in Nigeria. There is no doubt that funding and availability of equipment play a pivotal role in meeting the statutory function of a radio station be it public or private radio stations. This study therefore investigated resource availability and management of metropolitan Amuludun 99.1 FM and Lead City 89.1FM to ascertain the source of revenue, the state of equipment, welfare package and training of staff for effective performance of radio stations in Nigeria. The study was anchored on three communication theories:Economy Media Theory, Social Responsibility Theory andDevelopment Media Theory. The study adopted mixed method of qualitative and quantitative research design with the use of Key Informant Interview and structured questionnaire to gather data. Findings showed that out of 97 respondents, 60 representing 61.8% strongly agreed that bulk of revenue for the stations come from owners’ subvention followed by commercials with 59 respondents, representing 60.8% , barter has 42 (43.2%), sponsorship drive 40 (41.2%) and donations came last with 25 respondents (25.7%). The study recommends that Federal Government should review the subvention given to Amuludun FM and recruit more hands to promote service delivery andthe management of Lead City University should provide enough funds for the Lead City 89.1 FM to purchase more equipment, vehicles, including Outside Broadcast (OB) van for the expansion of its reception, efficiency and smooth operation. The study further recommends that more offices should be created to accommodate staff and professionals be recruited to handle programmes and marketing units with a view to enhancing its revenue base. The study advocates the need for more educational programmes and extension of the broadcast hours. There is the need for the management to upgrade the equipment of the station to a full fledge broadcast station. Keywords: Resource availability, Management, public and private radio stations, Community radio, FM stations Word Count: 300
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    Evaluation of Public Relations Strategies of University College Hospital, Ibadan
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Eyitolami Aminat OMISORE
    This thesis titled “the evaluation of public relations strategies in a teaching hospital: a case study of University College Hospital (UCH) Ibadan was intended to evaluate the use of public relations strategies by teaching hospitals in Nigeria and their impact on how the teaching hospitals are perceived with specific focus on University College Hospital (UCH) in Ibadan. The statement of the problem, objectives, significance, scope and limitation of the research study were stated. The four research questions used for the study were made known. The objectives of this study include discovering the awareness and exposure of people to public relations strategies and public relations units in organizations; the challenges faced in planning and execution of public relations campaigns and its impact on teaching hospitals in Nigeria. Key words relevant to the study were also defined. The Uses and Gratification theory and the Perception theories were used as the theoretical framework for this study. The research made use of data provided by respondents based in Ibadan, Oyo State. Copies of the questionnaire were administered, analyzed and presented in simple percentage tables. Survey research method was employed in this study to get information from the respondents. 300 copies of the questionnaire were distributed, returned valid and certified okay for data analysis. Findings show that the respondents are aware of and used the services of University College Hospital, Ibadan and they got to know about the hospital through their families, friends, work place and media. More of the respondents are aware of the existence of a public relations unit in University College Hospital Ibadan that practices public relations regularly. The respondents however disputed the existence of well experienced and knowledgeable personnel that know about the principles and practice of public among the employees of University College Hospital, Ibadan. The kind of challenges that public relations personnel face in the planning and execution of public relations strategies on behalf of teaching hospitals were revealed. Public relations personnel don’t face many challenges in execution. Keyword: Evaluation, Public Relations Strategies, University College Hospital Ibadan
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    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Ifeoluwa Stella OJO
    Public relations has become an important component of business, government, and everyday life.It is a cost-effective mechanism for improving the image of an organization, individual, corporate entities, products, groups, and corporations or services. Since the success and failure of an organization largely depends on the public, most of these organizations, deploy public relations strategies to identify, maintain, and establish mutual friendly relationships with the publics. It can be reasonably be deduced that organizations with unplanned, and poor public relations hardly survive and meet their ends, while those with planned and concerted efforts to relate with the public and extend relationships as well as strong public relation programme perform better in terms of achieving their set goals, minimize damage or waste, and improve reputation during crises. This might have informed the World Assembly of Public Relations to conclude that public relations is the art and social science of analyzing trends, predicting their consequences, counseling organization leaders and implementing planned programme of action that serve both the organization and the public interest. The research methodology used in this study is quantitative in nature. It made use of a questionnaire. The study found out that the use of Public Relations has served as a strong advertisement for th;e selected universities within Ibadan Metropolis most especially Lead City University. The use of Public relations has helped the selected universities in reaching out to potential students who are interested in studying in these universities. The study further recommends that the use of public relations should go beyond media advertisement and also include students’ interactions and giving back to the community via community service development scheme. Keywords: Public Relations, strategies, private universities, organization Word count: 256
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    Influence of Social Media Campaigns on Knowledge and Attitude of Lead City University Undergraduates towards Mental Health Disorder
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Ifejesutomi Elizabeth IBEUN
    Mental health is an essential component of overall health and well-being, but according to researches it has received little attention, especially in this part of the world. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 450 million people worldwide have a mental disorder and that 25% of the population will experience mental illness at some point in their lives. It is against this backdrop that this research aims to assess the influence of social media campaigns on knowledge, and attitude of undergraduates of Lead City University, Ibadan towards mental health disorder. This study is anchored on Agenda Setting Theory, Information Processing Theory and Technological Determinism Theory, The study adopts survey research design. The study consists of a sample size of 382 undergraduates of Lead City University. The research instrument used for data collection was a well validated designed questionnaire. The findings of the study shows that a good number of the students of Lead City University, Ibadan are exposed to social media campaigns on mental health disorder. The study concludes that social media campaigns have a significant impact on the majority of students' knowledge and attitudes toward mental health, with many displaying positive knowledge and attitudes toward mental health. The testing of the hypotheses shows that social media campaigns significantly influence level of knowledge and attitude of Lead City undergraduates towards mental health disorder. The research therefore, recommends that it is important to advocate for the integration of mental health services into all spheres of lives using social media applications .There is an urgent need to educate Nigerians - at institutional and community levels, in order to raise awareness on mental health disorders and improve people’s perception on matters concerning mental health issues. Keywords: Attitude, Campaign, Social Media, Mental Health Word Count: 279
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    Citizen and Investigative Journalism Practices as Correlates of Good Governance in Oyo State, Nigeria 2019-2022
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Adebiyi Oluwumi ADEGOROYE
    All over the world, good governance is vital for national and global development, and the media is critical for the realisation of this purpose. However, there is a perception that citizen and investigative journalism practices do not necessarily have a bearing on good governance. This study, therefore, investigated the correlations between citizen and investigative journalism on good governance in Oyo State, Nigeria, 2019-2022. The study was anchored on Agenda Setting, Technological Determinism and Spiral of Silence theories. Descriptive research was adopted for this study. Instrument named “Citizen, Investigative Journalism Practices and Good Governance Questionnaire” (CIJPGG) was utilised to gather data, while descriptive and inferential statistics were utilised for the analysis. Also, out of 24 citizen journalism reports, 12 domiciled in Oyo State elicited government responses. The study revealed the existence of investigative and citizen journalism practices in the Oyo State, and that they impact on good governance. This is owing to the fact that 3.26 (the Weighted Mean) for investigative journalism and 2.9 for citizen journalism practices against the decision rule for 5-point scale which is 3.0. From the findings, it is recommended that citizen and investigative journalism should be sustained for the promotion of good governance and government and its agencies should also ensure quick and effective response to investigative and citizen journalism reports in order to promote good governance. Keywords: Citizen Journalism, Mainstream Journalism, Investigative Journalism, Good Governance, KGBization, Depersonalisation Word Count: 221
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    Technological Innovation, Ethical Issues and Organizational Performance of Book Publishing Firms in Ibadan, Oyo State.
    (Lead City University, 2022-12) Adekola Yaqub ADEYEMI
    The unprecedented scarcity of resources among book publishing firms in the current global economic distress calls for organizations to perform optimally. However, research revealed that organizational performance (OP) of book publishing firms is on the decline; they retrench or convert status of significant numbers of staff, close some branches or wind up. This adversely affected the book publishing sector while aggravating the illiteracy challenges. Hence, study investigated the influence of technological innovation and ethical issues on OP of book publishing firms in Ibadan. Balance scorecard theory provided the framework, the study adopted descriptive survey design. Population consisted of 204 management staff of the 51 registered book publishing firms with total enumeration sampling technique. A validated questionnaire was used for data collection (0.76 – 0.89). A response rate of 77% was achieved. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics (PPMC and Multiple hierarchical regression analyses). Findings revealed that there was a significant combined influence of technological innovation and ethical issues on OP (Adj.R2= .676, F(4, 153) =74.716, P<0.01. OP positively correlated with technological innovation(r= .803, p< 0.01), authorship (r = .666, p<0.01), duplicate publication (r= -.163, p<0.05), and plagiarism (r= -.572, p< 0.01). Technological innovation was found to be the strongest predictor of OP (β = .689, t= 52.954, P<0.01), followed by authorship (β= .373, t= 24.687, P<0.01), followed by plagiarism (β = .265, t = 18.217, P<0.05), duplicate publication (β = .145, t= 10.826, P<0.01). In addition, OP with respect to financial perspective was low (M= 4.86), customer and internal perspective was low (M=4.91), learning and growth perspective was also low (M=4.82) all on a scale of 6. The study concluded that technological innovation and ethical issues were factors that influence OP in the book publishing firms. It was recommended that book publishing firms should adopt product and process technological innovations. Key words: Ethical Issues, Organizational Performance, Publishing Firms, Technological Innovation, Word count: 302
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    Evaluation of The Punch and The Nation Newspapers’ Reportage of COVID-19 Pandemic between 1st January and 31st December, 2020
    (Lead City University, 2022-12) Sediku Musa UMORU
    The media is known for its critical evaluation of issues such as COVID-19 outbreak to help the public understand concepts associated with news and events. Framing a news story in the newspapers can be influenced by different factors such as highlighting news angle that arouse reader’s interest, economic motive of the reporter and competitive media debacle. Therefore, this study evaluated The Nation and The Punch newspapers’ reportage of COVID-19 pandemic between January and December, 2020. The study was based on Framing Theory, Agenda Setting Theory and Social Responsibility Theory. Content analysis design was employed for the study. The population of the study consisted of editions of The Nation and The Punch, between 1st January and 31st December, 2020 with a total of 732 editions. The method of data presentation and analysis was descriptive and contextual analysis. The findings from the study showed that The Punch and The Nation newspapers reported above average on COVID-19 cases and developing stories on the pandemic. Both newspapers’ report on COVID-19 were placed in the inside pages of their publications. While less stories were reported at the back page of the newspapers and most of COVID-19 reportage in The Punch covered a full page, while most in The Nations covered half page. The study recommends that as the watchdogs of the society, newspaper should constantly cover and report health matters so as to inform and educate the society on the dangers these discuses could pose to humanity. Also, as watchdogs and the fourth estate of the realm of the society newspapers reportage should go beyond just reporting health matters as they break, they should carry out surveillance by investigating into developing issues of such health issues. Keywords: agenda setting, COVID-19 pandemic, Newspapers Reportage, Fourth Estate, Social Responsibility, Word Count: 293
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    Community Relations Strategies, Engagement Practices and Health Care Service Delivery Satisfaction in University College Hospital, Ibadan, Oyo State
    (Lead City University, 2022-12) Oluwaseyi SANYAOLU
    Satisfaction with health care service delivery cannot be overemphasized because it is a fundamental factor that determines how patients will continue to patronize a health facility including that of a teaching hospital. However, if this is not the case, then there is every tendency that such health care facilities will collapse and in turn, bring about total complies to a country’s healthcare system. When the satisfaction of patients derived from the level of health care rendered is poor, public relations strategies such as community relations (CR) and engagement practices (EP) can come to serve as a booster to such satisfaction. It is in this regard that this study deems it fit to investigate the community relations strategies, engagement practices and health care service delivery satisfaction in University College Hospital. Systems theory, Situational theory, Excellence theory and Symmetrical model were used in the study. A descriptive research design was adopted. The population of the study consists of 400 respondents after the convenience sampling technique was applied. The reliability coefficient for each of the variables ranged from 0.75 to 0.90. The data collected was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Findings revealed that CR had no significant influence on satisfaction (Adj. R2 = - 0.005; p = 0.120), EP was also found not to significantly influence satisfaction (Adj. R2 = -0.000; p = 0.311). Jointly, CR and EP were found not to statistically significantly influence satisfaction (Adj. = .005, F(2, 310) = 1.1775, p < 0.05). The study concluded that both CR and EP did not independently and jointly influence satisfaction. In light of this, the study recommended that satisfaction with UCH healthcare service delivery can be boosted if healthcare services such as the provision of enough bed spaces, drugs, availability of healthcare professionals, etc. are on hand in the hospital. Word Count: 300 Key Words: Community relations, Engagement practices, Satisfaction, Health Care Service Delivery, University College Hospital (UCH)
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    Media Use, Celebrity Endorsement and Promotion of MTN Products in Ibadan, Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2022-12) Roseline Oluwatobiloba AKINRUTAN
    It is posited that the most effective medium of representing a product’s advantage in term of promotion is that of television and outdoor media such as billboards, electronic boards and decorated moving devices such moving vehicles that are fully decorated. This is simply because of the ability of the medium to attain the level of commitment and conviction that no other medium has been able to demonstrate with the use of visuals and sound. Therefore, this study examines media use, celebrity endorsement and promotion of MTN products in Ibadan, Nigeria, Behavioural Theory and Acculturation Theory were used to support the study. The design adopted for this study is the Mix research method, using both the qualitative and quantitative research methods. For the quantitative research method, the study made use of the customers’ questionnaire as instrument for collection of data while the qualitative Key Personality Interview and informant interview guides were used. The findings shows that the deliberate use of the celebrity endorsers is premised on the need to relate with people who are ardent fans of the endorser in order to gains support for the company’s products. It is important to note that the celebrities are benchmarks for attitudes and behaviour especially among the youths who constitute the majority of the customers of MTN Nigeria. The study recommended that the active participation of the customers in the choice of their celebrity endorser since the practice is targeted at their support and patronage. This recommendation is hinged on the continued support of the customers even in the face of negative unforeseen circumstances. Keywords: media use, celebrity endorsement, product promotion, ardent fans, celebrity endorsers Word Count: 261
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    Evaluation of the Punch and the Nigerian Tribune Reportage of Police Brutality between January 2016 and September 2020
    (Lead City University, 2022-12) Romario Ayibanadei MIZPAH
    Police brutality has occurred all across the world and is still a major concern amongst society and police organizations. This brutality ranges from assaults, death as a result of use of force, harassment. In Nigeria, cases of brutality have been part of country history as it was happening during the colonial era because of protests, and at the present moment it is worse as people have rights and most people have access to camcorders to record such incidents which at the later stage attract media attention. The study assessed the Punch and Nigerian Tribune reportage of police brutality between January 1st, 2016 and September 30th, 2020. The study adopted Agenda-Setting and Social Responsibility theory as theoretical framework. Content analysis research design was adopted to examine contents of the selected newspapers in addressing the research objectives. Findings show that a total of 1446 items were reported by the selected newspapers within the study period. Individually, The Punch reported 551 items while Nigerian Tribune reported 895 items on Police brutality. The study revealed that 106(53.3%) of The Punch publications and 421(85.6) of the Nigerian Tribune publications performed the correlation functions while 93(46.7%) of Punch publications and 71(14.4%) of the Nigerian Tribune’s publications performed surveillance functions of the media. 426 publications on Police brutality involved eyewitness accounts, 265 publications included Police reports, 259 publications comprised relatives of the victims on the incidents, and 224 of the publications had sources for their reports. The study recommended newspapers should constantly cover and report cases of Police brutality as to inform and educate the society on the dangers caused as a result of Police brutality. Keywords: Human rights, Mass media, Newspapers, Police brutality, Violence Word Count: 271
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    Sanitary Pads Advertising Messages and Buying Behaviour of Female Students of Adeleke University, Ede, Osun State
    (Lead City University, 2022-12) Rita Oluwadarasimi AGHA
    Sanitary pads are of great importance to menstruating women across the globe. The Nigerian sanitary pad market has over twelve brands competing for market shares through advertisement to influence buying behaviour of women fold which includes young ladies. This research examined sanitary pad advertising messages and the buying behaviour of female students of Adeleke University, Ede, Osun State. The study adopted descriptive survey research design, using a researcher-designed questionnaire for data gathering from 300 respondents. Data collected was analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Findings revealed that, new media (82%) and broadcast media (72%) are prominent channels through which Adeleke University female students access sanitary pad advertising messages. Again, to a very large extent, respondents pay attention to contents of sanitary pad advertisement messages which motivates them to prefer the absorbent quality, skin friendly feature and stain preventive function of sanitary pads. Therefore, buying behaviour of the respondents is hinged on the benefits of the products contained in the advertisement messages. Lastly, there was a significant relationship between sanitary pads advertisement messages and buying behaviour of female students of Adeleke University(p=0.001<0.05), the study recommends that advertisers and advertising agencies should emphasise the benefits of products in advertising messages meaning that sanitary pads advertising messages should be creatively tailored towards the information needs of consumers. Also, Manufacturers of sanitary pads should ensure quality service delivery. Word Count: 237 Keywords: Advertising, Advertising Messages, Buying Behaviour, Consumers, Sanitary Pads
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    Exposure, Access and Perception of Lead City University Students to Nollywood Erotic Scenes
    (Lead City University, 2022-12) Opeyemi Oluwasikemi AKINLABI
    This study focused on measuring the level of exposure, access and the perception of Lead City University students Ibadan to Nollywood erotic scenes. It also considered whether there was a significant relationship among exposure, access and perception of the students. The study adopted a quantitative approach. A self-designed questionnaire required was used to collect data for the study named. Exposure, Access and Perception of Lead City University Students to Nollywood erotic scenes. 370 undergraduate students of Lead City University responded to the questionnaire and their responses were analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). The findings showed that the majority of respondents agreed that they had high access to Nollywood erotic scenes through ROK, Africa Magic, and Trybe. Majority also accessed Nollywood erotic scenes through social media using Facebook, YouTube and Instagram. On the frequency of exposure to Nollywood erotic scenes, majority of the respondents indicated that they were never exposed to Nollywood erotic while the rest agreed that they accessed and watched Nollywood erotic scenes daily, weekly and fortnightly. Also, few of the respondents got aroused by viewing erotic scenes daily or weekly while the majorit’/y never accessed the scenes. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between access and perception of Lead City University Students to Nollywood erotic scenes (r=0.324, p<0.05) and that there was a significant relationship between exposure and perception of Lead City University Students to Nollywood erotic scenes (r=0.552, p<0.05). Based on the findings, it is recommended that students should be mindful of the scenes or content they get exposed to and producers should minimize erotic concentration in Nollywood movies. Keywords: Nollywood erotic scenes, Exposure, Access, Perception Word Count: 269
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    Media Framing of Farmers and Herders’ Conflict in The Punch and Nigerian Tribune Newspapers between January 2019 and June 2019
    (Lead City University, 2022-12) Oluseyi Abiola OLARINDE
    The Nigerian state has been faced with numerous internal challenges ranging from banditry attacks, kidnapping, and terrorism to farmers-herdsmen conflicts. Conflicts between farmers and herdsmen have become a recurrent decimal claiming lives of humans and cattle, also leading to huge economic losses and food crises as a result of displacement of farmers. These conflicts have generally attracted media attention because of the worrisome dimension it is approaching Using the content analysis method, this study examined the stories of farmers – herdsmen in two Nigerian newspapers (The Punch and The Nigerian Tribune).The attention of the media drawn by the conflicts has warranted dynamics of framing by Nigerian Tribune and The Punch newspapers. The instrument used for data collection is the coding sheet named as ‘’farmer’s and herders’ conflicts reportage content analysis checklist’’. The results were analysed using descriptive and textual analysis techniques. Findings showed that Punch newspaper reported 37 (20.4%), farmers - herders conflicts between January - June 2019, the reports cut across regions ranging from attacks 14 (37.8%), losses 10 (27.0%), injuries and death 13 (35.1%). findings also showed that Nigerian Tribune reported 44 (24.3%), farmers - herders conflicts between the period under review, the reports also cut across regions of the country ranging from attacks 17 (38.6%) losses 7 (15.9%) injuries and death 20 (45.4%). The Nigerian Tribune captured more of hard news 29 (47.3%), features 9 60,cartoons 4 (66.7%) and less of editorial 2 (40%).The Punch reports mostly hard news 26 (47.3%) features 6 4.0 editorials 3 (60%), and 2 (33.3%) of cartoons. Nigerian Tribune and The Punch newspapers are adjudged fair, balanced and accurate in their reports. The study therefore recommends that as the watchdog of the society, journalists should constantly cover and report cases of farmers-herdsmen conflicts so as to inform and educate the society on the dangers that are associated with unresolved clash of occupational interests and as a matter of Agenda-Setting,they should always give prominence to issues of farmers-herdsmen conflicts. Word count: 299 Keyword: Editorial, Farmers, Herdsmen, Hard news, Investigation.
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    Influence of Career Progression on Job Satisfaction Among Journalist in Fresh 105.9 Fm And Premier 93.5 Fm Ibadan, Oyo State
    (Lead City University, 2022-12) Omolayo Folake ODERANTI
    Job satisfaction is viewed as a catalyst of improving performance and commitment in a workplace. The study aimed to determine how career progression affects job satisfaction among Fresh (105.9) FM and Premier FM(93.5) journalists in Ibadan. The independent variable career progression was used in coming up with the specific objective of the study as well as formulating hypothesis. The relationship of this predictor variable with the dependent variable job satisfaction among journalists was statistically established. The two theories which were relevant to the study were analysed to determine their relevance, strengths and weaknesses. They include two-factor motivation theory and change theory. A descriptive survey approach was used to acquire quantitative data from sampled respondents and analyse it statistically to describe the study's variables. The survey targeted 230 journalists, however only 200 were valid, for an 86.96% response rate. A four Likert scale closed-ended questionnaire was utilized to gather quantitative data from the selected journalist. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0.852, above the required 0.7. Descriptive and inferential statistics was used for data analysis. Hypothesis testing employed multiple regression and SPSS 23.0. The regression analysis revealed that the p-value (0.130) for the independent variable is not significant (0.130< 0.05) at 95% confidence level; the R2 of 0.012 does not have explanatory power for the variation in the dependent variable (job satisfaction) and it is not fit of the regression, the calculated F-test 2.317 is not statistically significant at p=0.130. Therefore, Ho was accepted. Hence, there is no significant influence of career progression on job satisfaction of journalist in Fresh 105.9 FM and Premier 93.5FM. The study therefore, recommends that the government and other private media owners to pay more attention to the issue of improving work environment with intent to help journalists build professional ethics and enhance job skills. Keyword: Career Progression, Job satisfaction, Journalist Word Count: 297 words
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    Active, Restrictive, Co-Using Parental Mediation and Digital Media Gadgets use among Primary School Pupils in Oluyole Local Government area, Oyo State
    (Lead City University, 2022-12) Kanyinsola Elizabeth ONI
    Parental mediation has been one of the most popular ways to slow down the use of digital media gadgets by primary school pupil, parental mediation broken into parts include active, co-using, restrictive parental mediation. the study examined the influence of active, restrictive and co-using parental mediation on use of digital media gadgets by primary school pupil in Oluyole local government of Oyo state. parental mediation, uses and gratification and ecology theory of development provided the theoretical framework for the study. The survey method was adopted, 10 private primary schools where chosen in the Oluyole area local government of Oyo state, while 400 questionnaires was shared to parents of primary 4 and primary 5 pupils using the purposive sampling technique. A self-designed structured questionnaire was used to source data. the data collected were presented and analyzed using spss. Results obtained revealed that 50% of children regularly used their digital media gadgets for leisure and entertainment, while 47% of children regularly used their gadgets for assignments. 61% of children used their mobile phones regularly. The study results showed that active mediation will bring about positive change to primary school pupils use of digital media gadgets with squared value of 62.7% and 24.4%, restrictive mediation helps to control the use of digital media gadgets by primary school pupils with squared value of 57.1% and 27.2% while co-using mediation ensures that it brought about the effective use of digital media gadgets among primary school pupils with squared value of 45.7% and 67.1%. the study recommended that there should be a plan creation for family’s media usage, children should not spend screen time alone and parents should react to media in their child’s life the way they’ll react to another environment. Keywords: Active mediation, Co-using mediation, Digital media gadgets, Parental mediation, Restrictive mediation. Word count: 300
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    Online Advertising and Consumers’ Purchase Decision of E-Commerce Products in Lagos Metropolis
    (Lead City University, 2022-12) John Abiodun OLUFEMI
    The purpose of this study is to find out the role of Online advertising in influencing Consumers’ purchase decision of e-commerce products within Lagos metropolis. To aid the Researcher in the study, certain Research Question were put forward. They are: Are the online shoppers aware of the advertisement of e-commerce products? What influence does online products advertisement have on consumer purchase decision? How effective is online advertisement on consumer purchase decision? What are the determining factors for the repeat purchase of e-commerce products? What are the challenges of availability and access to online advertising and consumer purchase decision making? The study adopted the mixed Research design and made use of both the qualitative and quantitative methods. The study therefore made use of Online shoppers’ questionnaire as research instrument for collecting data from customers of e-commerce products and the qualitative key informant guide from marketing managers representing four major e-commerce shops in Lagos The study finds out that majority of Online shoppers are aware of online advertisements of e-commerce products before purchase. Findings from the research shows that online products’ advertisements have the desired effect on the consumers’ purchase decision in terms of them making more inquiries before taking purchase decisions. The study recommends that the Internet as an infinite social resource should be exploited more in the marketing of products to those physical areas that the manufacturers may not have representatives. Also, the study recommends that marketers and manufacturers should reach an consensus on online unique product positioning strategy and promotion that will expose and market products to the consumers. Furthermore, the study re commends that advertising and other online promotional activities must be up to date in terms of target market needs (promise of the product) and marketing intelligence. This recommendation is to ensure that customers’ satisfaction is prioritized adequately by the Advertisers of goods and services. It is also recommended that more research should be done to explore other case studies outside e-commerce products to probe the infinity of online activities. This will make more information to be added to body of knowledge. Keywords: Online Advertising, E-commerce, Consumers Purchase Decision, Advertiser, Online Shoppers Word Count: 325
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    Influence of Digital Media Access and Use on Illicit Sexual behaviour among Undergraduates of University of Ibadan
    (Lead City University, 2022-12) Sunday IDOWU
    Sexual behaviour is an emotional action triggered by various factors, This behaviour is natural among human beings. Illicit sexual behaviour is a form of sexual violence which is common among undergraduates and does not conform with basic human rights globally. Digital media platforms are a means of communication that gave privilege for social networking, intellectual, emotional and social lives among youngster. It has been observed that some digital media platforms are presently occupied with nude post and other sexual contents. The recent report of illicit sexual behaviour such as rape, harassment, sexual assault, masturbation, sexually transmitted diseases and gender based violence among youth has prompted the researcher to determine the linkage between digital media sexual contents and prohibited sexual act among students. The study adopted quantitative research design. The instruments used for data collection was questionnaire. The results were analysed using descriptive and SPSS Percentage table. 401 questionnaires were distributed among undergraduates of the University of Ibadan. The study finds out that, Sexual websites are the prevalent digital media platforms through which undergraduates of University of Ibadan gain access to sexual contents, the students prevalent medium of exposure to sexual content is through website pop ups, which is unintentionally accessed, study also revealed that students got motivated through pop up of sexual material to further engage in deliberate exposure to sexual content which triggers illicit sexual behaviour such as rape, sexually Transmitted Diseases and Gender Base Violent. The study recommended that, Students need be aware that the digital media platforms portray more of sexual related contents that trigger to their emotion, Sex education should be introduced at all levels in the university Nigeria, Digital media operators should provide more restriction measures to curb exposure to unusual popup of sexual materials Keywords: Digital Media, Digital Technology, Social Media, Sexual Behaviour, Sexual Drive Illicit Sexual Behaviour Word Count: 290
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    ssessment of the Guardian Newspaper Reportage of Coronavirus between February 2020 and January 2021
    (Lead City University, 2022-12) Ezinne Precious IDIH
    The concerns brought about by the outbreak of Covid-19 all over the world in the year 2020 was so dramatic as it was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organisation. The need to look into news reports of the virus also became a concern to researchers in the field of mass communication hence this study assessed Guardian newspaper reportage of coronavirus in Nigeria between 28th February 2020 and 27th January 2021. The study adopted the Framing theory, the Social Responsibility theory, and the agenda-setting theory as its theoretical framework. The quantitative research design was adopted with the content analysis approach used in examining the manifest contents of the Guardian Newspaper in addressing the research objectives. Findings show that the Guardian newspaper used Fear/Death frame 125 (34.1%) between 27th February 2020 and 28th January 2021 more frequently. The study also found that the newspaper showed a high level of prominence in reporting the Coronavirus stories as it published more of front page and back page stories. It also had more of hard news stories. The study recommends among others that as the fourth estate of the realm and the watchdog of the society, journalists should constantly cover and report cases of Coronavirus to inform and educate the society on the dangers of its spread in Nigeria. Also, journalists should constantly address the issue of professional ethics stipulated by the Code of Ethics for Nigerian journalists under the Nigerian Press Council in covering and reporting Coronavirus as this would help ensure accurate and fairness in their reportage. Keyword: newspaper reportage, reportage frequency, reportage prominence, coronavirus, guardian newspaper Word Count: 256 words
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    Influence of Social Media Messages on Drug Abuse Prevention Among Undergraduates of Lead City University, Ibadan
    (Lead City University, 2022-12) Chiazor Ayodele. ECHO
    Mass media have been a major agent of socialisation and tool for social change especially now that people depend on educative, informative and entertainment message from mass media. The study examined influence of social media messages on drug abuse prevention among undergraduates of Lead City University. The Selective Exposure and Agenda-Setting theories provided the theoretical framework for the study. The survey method was adopted while 369 respondents were randomly selected to form the sample population. A self-designed structured questionnaire was used to source data. The data collected were presented and analyzed using SPSS. Results obtained revealed that 25.8% of respondents mostly accessed WhatsApp. The study revealed 51.5% of respondents have not come across drug abuse prevention messages on Twitter. 39.8% of respondents believed the rate at which social media helps to know what drug is, was very high. 35% of respondents strongly disagreed to drug abuse being reduced drastically as a result of social media messages. The study recommended that there should be more campaigns on drug abuse prevention on different social media platforms. Keywords: Drug abuse prevention, drug market, internet, mass media, social media messages Word Count: 183