Continuous Professional Development Technique, Information and Communication Technology Skills and Service Quality of Librarians in Agricultural Research Institutes, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria

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Lead City University


Like every other library, research libraries in Agriculture institutes are service rendering organizations with the sole aim of satisfying the researchers information need through quality services. User’s satisfaction is key to the usage of library and it resources. Like every other service rendering organization, regular evaluation from user’s perspective is inevitable to avert the dwindling patronage observed. This study aimed at finding out the quality of service rendered in Agriculture research institute. It’s a descriptive survey study, which make use of mixed method. The population comprises of 101 librarians and 24 researchers. The instrument for data collection was questionnaire with reliability test of 0.79, 0.87 and 0.92 Cronbach alpha and a focus group discussion. The empirical data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, the focus group discussion was analyzed thematically. The hypotheses were tested using simple linear regression. The study found a moderately high level service quality(Mean=3.4), ICT skills (Mean=3.3) and CDP (Mean=3.4), but with discrepancies in both librarians and researchers response as regards service quality. The test of hypothesis revealed that ICT skills ((Adj.R2=0.205,F(1,79)=20.328, p=000)) and continuous personnel development (Adj. R2=0.262, F(1,79)= 5.972,p =0.001) have significant influence on service quality. Both, combining the duo of CDP and ICT, the multiple regression showed that CDP has significant influence on service quality while ICT did not. The study concludes that CDP is inevitable for libraries and librarians to meet the demand of the ever changing world. The study recommends that CDP should be given priority and fund should be provided for regular in-house and off-shore training covering all aspect with ICT inclusive. Key words: ICT skills, Digital literacy skills, Service Quality, Library users and CPD Word Count: 252



ICT skills, Digital literacy skills, Service Quality, Library users and CPD
