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    (Lead City University, 2023-12) ABIDEMI ABOSEDE SONUGA
    The school is a place of learning that has the capacity to mold an individual positively but the negative influence of the school is imminent in the presence of issues such as drug abuse. Drug abuse among students have led to crime or problems with staying in school. Substance abuse has been found to be a leading cause of morbidity during adolescence as well as later in life. This study considered perception and practice of substance abuse among students in Ogun state college of health technology IleseOgun state. The study employed a descriptive survey research design method, and a three stage sampling procedure was used to select 292 students as study respondents. Four research questions were raised and the hypotheses were tested. Results revealed that 73.5% of students in this study have good knowledge of substance abuse. For the practice of students about substance abuse:87.3% indicated they have never smoked in their life time while 66.8% indicated they have never had any alcoholic beverage in their life time. Overall, there is a 24.4% practice level among the respondents. On the perception of substance abuse among students, there is a low 20.8% perception towards substance abusers/users by students, It was concluded that majority of the respondents have a high level of knowledge and a low practice level of substance use/abuse. It was recommended that a school based anti-drug programme should be organised in all schools (both public and private owned). There should be a post secondary school curriculum review to include teaching on drugs use and its consequences. There should be public awareness on drug use and its consequences using mass media to reach the general population as a whole in order to positively modify perception of students and the entire populace. Keywords: Knowledge, Perception, Practice, Drug Abuse. wordCount: 293
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    Knowledge, Attitude and Adherence to Routine Childhood Immunization among Mothers in Agwara Local government area, Niger State Nigeria22
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) USMAN SHEHU SALIHU
    Immunization remains a veritable child survival strategy in curtailing the unwholesome indices with worse/lowest indices in the northern and rural part of Nigeria. Thus, this study evaluated the Knowledge, Attitude and Adherence to Routine Childhood Immunization among Mothers in Agwara Local Government area, Niger State in Northern Nigeria. The descriptive cross-sectional study design enrolled 354 mothers from all communities within Agwara Local Government area of Niger State using milti stage cluster sampling method. World Health organization validated instrument on immunization coverage and survey was adopted. Data collected was analysis using descriptive (frequency and percentage count) and inferential statistics (Chi-square). Data management and analysis was done using Statistical Package for Social Science Version 25. The study found that the mean age of the mothers was 30.8 + 5.837 years and that of their partners was 38.62 + 7.97 years with average number of 2.52 + 1.30 children. The overall percentage of mothers with good knowledge and positive attitude towards routine childhood immunization were 65.3% and 52.2% respectively. The adherence level to routine vaccine were BCG 59.3%, Hep-47.4%, OPV-46.9%, PCV-41.0% Penta-40.0% and Measles-20.0%. The study showed that mothers do often forget their children immunization appointment and claimed that they need a reminder to meet up with their children immunization appointment. The study discovered that there was statistical significance associated between knowledge (Chi-square value 6.056, p-value 0.014) and attitude (Chi-square value 15.653, p- value<0.001), and adherence to routine childhood immunization. Other socio-demographical factor namely religion, education qualification, marital status, family type, occupation, age at first marriage, age at first birth, and partner’s age. Education and occupation had statistical significance association with adherence to routine immunization. The adherence level in Agwara Local Government Area is quite low when compared with proposed adherence level of 90% in National policy on immunization. And this could be attributed to low knowledge and negative attitude. Thus. it would be recommended that adequate immunization educational programme be provided for the mothers. In addition, national customized immunization reminder apps could be developed to alart the mothers of immunization schedules. Keyword: Routine childhood immunization, mothers, attitude, knowledge, adherence. Word Count: 300
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    Risk Factors and Prevalence of Hypertension among Women Living With HIV in Ibadan, Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Abdulaziz Abubakar, RASHEED
    Hypertension, which is the primary risk factor for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular mortality worldwide, appears to be expected in HIV-infected individuals, and the prevalence of the condition is on the rise. A total of 469 participants were recruited. This was a facility based cross sectional survey. The participants were required to give some information about them and also answer several questions which were used to estimate the prevalence and risks factors that are associated with hypertension. Blood pressure will also be measured during the interviews. Data was analyzed using SPSS Statistics version 27. Data was sorted to avoid inconsistencies before analysis. Descriptive statistics including: frequencies and proportions were used to summarize the demographic characteristics of the respondents. Chi-square test was applied to assess association between socio-demographic characteristics and hypertensive status. Binary logistic regression was used to determine the risk factors for hypertension. Adjusted odds ratios (AORs), with their respective 95% confidence interval (95% CI), were estimated for the factors included in the model. The level of statistical significance will be set at 5%. The key findings of this study of which the prevalence of hypertension among the study participants was 7%. Regression modeling showed that the socio-demographic and lifestyle factors associated with hypertension were smoking (aOR = 0.000), fruit intake (aOR=0.007), salt intake (aOR=0.000) and moderate intense exercising (aOR=0.048). Keywords: Hypertension, HIV, Risk Factors, Prevalence of Hypertension, Women Living With HIV in Ibadan Word Count: 217
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    Assessing the Effectiveness of the Interventions to Prevent Mother to Child Transmission of HIV in Adeoyo Maternity Center, Yemetu, Ibadan, Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Eniola Deborah OYEKU
    Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT) programs provide a range of services to women and children that can reduce the risk of vertical transmission of HIV. Hence, this study aimed to evaluating the effectiveness of interventions to prevent mother to child transmission of HIV in Adeoyo Maternity Centre, Yemetu, Ibadan, Oyo State. A facility based cross-sectional study was conducted, involving a sample size of 300 HIV positive pregnant mothers selected in which purposeful sampling was used for qualitative data to obtained reports through focus group discussion (FGD), and random sampling was used for quantitative data case to obtained survey reports of HIV positive pregnant women where participants are selected based on their experience of providing PMTCT of HIV. Data collection was performed using an adapted questionnaire, and the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) Windows version 25 was used for data analysis. Statistical significance was set at p < 0.05.Majority (80%) of the participants engaged in PMTCT and 46.5% practice mixed feeding. The study revealed significant associations between the effectiveness of PMTCT and age (odd ratio [OR] = 1.23; 95% CI = 0.251-0.470, p = 0.02) and education (odd ratio [OR] = 1.23; 95% CI 0.111-0.456, p = 0.03), knowledge of PMTCT (OR = 2.23; 95% CI 0.223- 0.934, p = 0.00), previous antennal care age (odd ratio [OR] = 2.150; 95% CI 0.233-1.002, p = 0.02) counselling (OR = 1.43; 95% CI 0.123-1.120, p = 0.43), infant feeding choice at first PCR age (OR = 1.45; 95% CI 0.89-3.30, p = 0.04) and previous age at first PCR (odd ratio [OR] = 1.10; 95% CI 2.70-8.70, p = 3.56). Conclusion: Reduction of MTCT of HIV is possible with effective PMTCT interventions, including improved access to ARVs for PMTCT and appropriate infant feeding practices. Keywords: PMTCT, pregnant mothers, Human Immunodeficiency Virus, Breastfeeding , Mother Child Transmission Word Count: 300
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    Quality of Life and Psychological Health of Out-Of-School Adolescent Girls and Young Women in Urban Slums in Ibadan Metropolis, Southwest, Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Olubunmi Oluseun,ONI
    The quality of life and psychological health of individuals are major indicators of a society's well-being. Out-of-school girls in these areas are particularly vulnerable, as they face significant barriers to accessing basic services and opportunities for personal and professional growth. The study aimed to assess and to understand the quality of life and psychological health of out-of- school adolescent girls and young women in urban slums in Ibadan metropolis, Southwest, Nigeria. The study involved 407 participants out of school adolescent girls and young women. The study found that the majority of the participants had a good quality of life, with only a small proportion belonging to the low QoL group. The study also identified significant associated variables impacting quality of life, which include educational status, father’s level of education, mother’s occupational status, and religion. The study also highlighted instances of sexual harassment, rape, and the use of illicit drugs among the participants. The overall psychological well-being shows that 91.4% of participants reported poor psychological well-being. Overall, the study provides valuable insights into the quality of life and well-being of young adults in Nigeria, highlighting areas of strength and areas for improvement. The findings can inform policies and interventions aimed at improving the quality of life and well-being of young adults in Nigeria and other similar contexts. The study also contributes to the existing literature on the quality of life and well-being of young adults in Nigeria, providing a basis for future research in this area. Key Words: Quality of Life, Psychological health, Out of school, adolescents girls and young women, Word Count:322
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    Self-Disclosure and Health Related Quality of Life of HIV Infected Individuals in Mosan Okunola LCDA, Alimosho of Lagos State
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Bolanle Oluwaseun OLAYIWOLA
    Living with HIV can impact upon many of the factors that affect their quality of life; not only their physical health, but also their mental and social wellbeing. After all, HIV is not simply a virus that causes disease, but also a social and historical event that impacts how others react towards. Issues including personal safety and human rights as well as other aspects of the political and social infrastructure can radically affect their quality of life.The study aimed to examine the effects of HIV status disclosure on the quality of life of PLWHIV in Mosan Okunola LCDA, Alimosho of Lagos State. The study adopted a facility-based cross-sectional survey which recruited 318 HIV infected individuals in Mosan Okunola LCDA, Alimosho of Lagos State. For data collection, a quatitative method was adopted, a structured questionnaire was adapted to obtain relevant data from the participants an adopted WHOQOL-HIV BREF instrument which was to be used to examine the respondent’s overall perception of quality of life as well as the respondent’s overall perception of his or her health. The WHOQOL-HIV BREF instrument was used to evaluate respondents’ quality of life from six domains and 29 facets.Results revealed that the majority (82.6%) of the participants in this study had disclosed their HIV status with a significantly highest proportion of the participants who received a diagnosis in between one to five years disclosing their status. Generally, status disclosure was not significantly associated with QOL. However, the data suggest that support in the area of being employed and having a good relationship has a possible benefit to QOL. The study made a concerted effort to bring about a comprehensive understanding of Self-Disclosure and Health-Related Quality of Life of HIV Infected Individuals in Mosan Okunola LCDA, Alimosho of Lagos State. Policy guidelines that sought to improve the mental health and quality of life of PLWHA should be enforced. Keywords: HIV, QoL,Self Disclosure,LCDA Word Count: 311
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    Knowledge and Practice of Tuberculosis Preventive Measures among Adolescents and Young Adults Living with Tuberculosis in Ifako-Ijaiye Local Government, Lagos State, Nigeria.
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Christianah Temilola OLAWOYIN
    The prevalence of tuberculosis (TB) is still high in Nigeria, especially young adults. Yet, the outcome of TB preventive measures among adolescents and young adults are not often favourable, which is as a result of the limited knowledge and practice of TB preventive measures among adolescents and young adults. The knowledge about TB infection prevention is a pivotal factor in the development of action plans to prevent and manage pulmonary tuberculosis disease among adolescents and young adults. This study, therefore assessed the knowledge and practice of TB preventive measures among adolescents and young adults living with TB in Ifako-Ijaiye Local Government, Lagos State, Nigeria. A cross-sectional study design method was used. All the adolescents and young adults diagnosed with new sputum smear-positive tuberculosis in the six facilities in Ifako-Ijaiye LGA offering directory observed treatment short-course (DOTs) were recruited for this study. Frequency, percentage, chi-square and logistic regression were used to achieve the objectives. More than half (54.3%) of the respondents were aged ≥ 20years. About 49.7% had tertiary education. Of the 151 respondents, 40.4% have someone in their household who had contacted TB. About 97% respondents had good knowledge about TB preventive measures; while 67.5% had good practices on TB preventive measures. Respondents aged < 20 years [AOR = 2.21, 95% CI 1.02-4.75] and good knowledge [AOR = 4.9, 95% CI 1.03-25.67] have significant association with the practice of TB preventive measures. There was good knowledge of TB preventive measures among adolescents and young adults living with TB, but the practice was an average. Young people should be encouraged to make informed choices regarding TB preventive measures. Keywords: Tuberculosis, Adolescents, Young Adults, Living with Tuberculosis, Tuberculosis Preventive Measures Word Count: 267
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    Assessment of the Knowledge and Attitudes of Mothers towards Vaccination in Urban Slum, Lagos Mainland LGA, Lagos State
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Olufunke Tosin, OLANREWAJU-OGUNBEKUN
    preventable diseases in Nigeria. This can largely be attributed to the under-utilization of vaccines, as well as inadequate knowledge of mothers about the importance of vaccines to the child. It was observed that despite the high distribution of vaccine to Nigeria as a country, there is still an increase in the prevalence of vaccine-preventable diseases in Nigeria. This among other reasons informed the decision of this study to assess the knowledge and attitude of mothers towards child survival strategies in Urban slums, Lagos Mainland, Lagos state. Cross-sectional survey research design was adopted and data was gathered from 377 Nursing mothers in Makoko, Aderupoko, and Botanical areas in Lagos mainland. Data was gathered using a well-structured questionnaire on the objectives of the study. Following the socio-demographics of the mothers, more of them 31.6% indicated to be between 25 and 30 years old. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were adopted to analyse the research objectives. Findings revealed that more of the mothers 80% were found to have adequate/good knowledge of immunization and child survival strategies, while the other 20% have bad or inadequate knowledge of child immunization or child survival strategies. Also, more of the respondents 59.5% had an unfavorable attitudes towards child immunization and vaccination, while the other 40.5% had a favorable attitude towards child immunization. In addition, more of the respondents 52% indicated to have good practice of child immunization and vaccination, while the other 48% had good practice of child immunization and vaccination. Further, it was discovered that number of wives, age of the child, distance to health center, transportation means, knowledge and attitude towards immunization and child vaccination were found to have a significant influence on practice of child immunization. Based on the findings, it was concluded that number of wives, age of the child, distance to health centre, transportation means, knowledge and attitude towards immunization and child vaccination were found to have significant influence on practice of child immunization. It was therefore recommended that healthcare providers and social services providers should endeavor to push a narrative that encourages spouses to provide support to their wives right from pregnancy till delivery and taking care of the baby. Keywords: Child Survival Strategies, Vaccination, Knowledge, Practice, Attitude Wordcount: 365
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    Knowledge, Intention and Practice of Exclusive Breastfeeding among Privately Employed Nursing Mothers in Ibadan Metropolis
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Adeola Iyanuoluwa OLAOYE
    The low uptake of exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) has remained a major factor in high mortality and morbidity rate among under-5 children in Nigeria. Increased female participation in the labour sector has been linked to the sub-optimal rate of the practice of exclusive breastfeeding. Understanding the knowledge and intention to practice exclusive breastfeeding is important in designing policies towards achieving sustainable developmental goals two and three. This study assessed the knowledge, intention and practice of excusive breastfeeding among employed mothers in private organization in Ibadan. A cross-sectional study was done among 250 working nursing mothers selected by purposive sampling technique. Data were collected using adapted self-administered questionnaire. Frequency, proportion, chi-square and logistic regressions were used in achieving the objectives of this study, using SPSS ver. 21. A P-value≤0.05 was considered statistically significant. Majority (42.8%) of the respondents were between the ages of 30-34 years while 26.4% were >34 years. Majority (74.5%) of the respondents had good knowledge of EBF. Almost 79% had EBF intention but only 51.2% practiced exclusive breastfeeding for up to 6 months. Women aged <30 years were 2.05 times less likely to practice exclusive breastfeeding compared to those aged >34 years (AOR= 0.61 95% CI 0.26-1.41). Factors such as short maternity leave, unfriendly work environment, lack of social support for the nursing mothers and lack of lactation of the nursing mother were found to be associated with actual practice of EBF in this study. Gap exists between intention to practice EBF and actual practice due to short maternity leave, unfriendly work environment and lack of partner support. Strategies to bridge this gap are urgently needed to promote mother-child health. Keywords: Knowledge, Intention, Practice, Breastfeeding, Exclusive Breastfeeding (EBF) Word Count: 269
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    Trade Credit, Credit Policy and the Performance of Building Industry in Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Taofeek Abiodun OLADOKUN
    practices, including sedentary behavior, unhealthy dietary patterns, and substance abuse, contribute to the burden of cardiovascular diseases (CVD). CVD are largely preventable, yet it remains the leading cause of death worldwide. Understanding the current state of healthy lifestyles among residents of Eti-Osa East LCDA is crucial for formulating targeted interventions and policies to address the identified gaps and promote healthier behaviors. This study assessed the healthy lifestyles among residents of Eti Osa East LCDA, Lagos state. A cross-sectional study design was adopted and a two-stage convenient sampling technique was used to select 448 residents. An adapted questionnaire containing socio-demographic, healthy lifestyles such as eating habit and physical activities was used as instrument. Frequency, proportion and chi-square were used to achieve the objectives. The mean age of the respondent was 46.7± 18.3. Almost 40% of the respondents are married, 43.5% had tertiary education and 35.9 % were self-employed. About 55.8 % of the participants had healthy eating habit, 56.2% engaged in moderate physical activities, 20.4% were smokers and 31.4% consumed alcohol as at the time of the study. Overall, only 7.8% had good healthy living practices. Age, sex, educational level, marital status, employment status were associated with healthy living practices. Unhealthy healthy lifestyles was prevalent in this study. Healthy lifestyles such as healthy eating habit, adequate sleep, physical activities, non- smoking and no alcohol consumption need attention to prevent CVD and maintain good health. Keywords: Healthy Lifestyles, Physical activity, Eating habit, Smoking, Alcohol consumption Word Count: 253
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    Trade Credit, Credit Policy and the Performance of Building Industry in Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Azeezat Atinuke OLADIMEJI
    Cervical cancer screening plays a pivotal role in early detection and prevention, making it a cornerstone of public health efforts. Despite low awareness and knowledge of cervical cancer and screening, recent data on these variables are limited, especially in the targeted region of Ibadan, Oyo State. The study aims to assess the knowledge, attitude, and practice of Cervical Cancer Screening among women in Ibadan, Oyo State. The study surveyed 537 women using an structured questionnaire. It was assessed that 86% of the respondents had good knowledge about cervical cancer, 71% of the respondents had good knowledge about cervical cancer prevention, and about 90.7% of the respondents had poor knowledge about HPV Vaccine. It was assessed that 88% of the respondents had good attitude towards HPV Vaccine. About 86% of the participants expressed their intention to vaccinate their daughters against HPV if given the opportunity and also 68.3%, were willing to pay out of pocket for the HPV vaccine for their child if their health insurance does not cover it, indicating a commitment to vaccination. The study reveals that 58.3% of respondents believe the HPV vaccine is safe for daughters, with a majority trusting healthcare professionals' advice. The study found that 63.5% of respondents have heard about the HPV vaccine from a healthcare provider, with only 13.9% of daughters receiving it. Findings from the study shows that educational level, employment status, monthly income, place of residence, number of daughters, and the age range of the daughters are important factors that influence knowledge of cervical cancer. The study highlights the importance of healthcare professionals in educating women about cervical cancer and the HPV vaccine, as well as the need for accessible and affordable vaccination programs. Concerns about vaccine safety, affordability, and the influence of social networks should be addressed to increase vaccination rates. Key Words: Cervical cancer, HPV Vaccine, Knowledge, Attitude Word Count: 300
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    Dietary Diversity and Nutritional Status of Under- Five Children in Oluyole Local Government, Ibadan, Oyo State
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Taiwo Peace MAJOLAGBE
    This study aimed to investigate relationship between dietary diversity and nutritional status among under-five children in Oluyole Local Government. A community-based cross-sectional study design was used in this study. A cluster sampling technique was used to select 400 mothers that are having under-five children. Data analysis was done using SPSS version 20 and Anthro software from WHO was used to analyze the anthropometry data. A regression model was carried out at the multivariate level σ0.05). Findings from this study shows that the mean age of the mothers was 32.15±7.498, mean age of the children is 28.77±14.765, and mean weight at birth is 3.262±0.758. About 83% of the respondents have good knowledge of dietary diversity. 83.35% of the children cover 4 minimum dietary requirements required per day out of 7 by WHO for 24-59months and 52% of 6-23months children covers 5 minimum dietary requirement required per day out of 8. 33.5% has severe wasting. The result shows that 47.3% children are mildly stunted. Conclusively, enhancing the holistic quality of complimentary foods through the addition of a variety of food groups may be necessary to improve the quality of child nutritional status, rather than prolonged breastfeeding itself. It is therefore recommended that Adoption of food timetable or food consumption measurement should be encouraged at the wards selected for this study with proper training on how foods are selected. Keywords – Holistic, Dietary Diversity, Wasted, Stunted Word Count – 227
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    essment of the Psychosocial Challenges Faced by Women Living with HIV During the Perinatal Period in Ibadan, Oyo State
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Abisola LAWALE
    This study explored the psychosocial challenges experienced by WLWH during their pregnancy and the postpartum period. The study was carried out with a mixed-method explanatory sequential approach. For the first phase, 402 WLWH were recruited from ART clinics in Ibadan, Oyo state. The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) and the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-10) were administered along with a sociodemographic questionnaire. For the second phase of the study, key informant interviews were conducted with 17 participants that were purposively selected. All the interviews were recorded, transcribed and analysed using a thematic approach. The interviews explored experiences during pregnancy and the postpartum period and how their HIV status influenced their thoughts and feelings towards pregnancy. The results revealed that the prevalence of both depression and perceived stress among HIV-positive women was 60.9% and 78%, respectively. In the multivariate analysis, it was discovered that having a positive partner, earning a monthly income of less than 20,000 naira, having a planned pregnancy, having a gestational age above 14 weeks, and having problems in a previous pregnancy were significantly associated with depression and perceived stress. Findings from the interviews revealed that WLWH experienced strong emotions of distress and fear surrounding maternal and child health. For the women, the diagnosis of HIV coincided with pregnancy and transformed pregnancy from excitement to anxiety. Coping strategies included acceptance of self and HIV status, coping through support from partners, family, and friends and coping through HIV-related healthcare delivery and system supports. The findings from this study emphasize the need for psychosocial care for pregnant women living with HIV to successfully engage them in ART for prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) care and to support their well-being. Keywords: HIV, women, psychosocial health, perinatal depression, stress WordCount:273
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    Knowledge and Practice of Malaria Preventive Measures among Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Clinics in Primary Health Care Centers in Ijebu Ode Ogun State
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Sikirat Olufunmilayo LASISI
    Malaria remains a significant public health concern in Nigeria, contributing persistently to the national and regional disease burden in Africa. Despite substantial efforts to combat the scourge, the prevalence of malaria continues to pose a formidable challenge particularly among pregnant women. This study utilized a descriptive survey research design, employing a two-stage sampling procedure to select 400 pregnant women as study respondents. Four research questions were formulated and addressed, with the sample size determined using Fisher’s formula. A two-stage cluster sampling technique was applied to select pregnant women attending primary health care centers in Ijebu Ode. The first stage involved a simple random sampling of 10 Primary Health Care Centers out of the 16 public facilities in Ijebu Ode LGA. In the second stage, 40 pregnant women were selected through cluster sampling in the chosen health facilities. The study addresses four research questions, focusing on demographic variables such as age, religion, and marital status among others. The Statistical analyses revealed non-significant associations between these demographic variables and the participants' knowledge, accessibility, and practice of malaria prevention measures (age: p-value=0.77, religion: p-value=0.68, marital status: p-value=0.17). The results indicate a high level of awareness among the respondents, with 89.72% acknowledging the efficacy of sleeping under insecticide-treated bed nets for malaria prevention. Regarding access to insecticide-treated nets (ITN), 71.43% reported having access to long-lasting ITNs, and 66.4% utilized ITNs among other available malaria prevention options. However, a notable portion of the study participants did not practice these recommended preventive measures. The study revealed that 89.72% of respondents recognized the efficacy of sleeping under an insecticide-treated bed net in preventing malaria. Concerning access to Insecticide Treated Nets (ITNs), 71.43% reported having access to long-lasting ITNs, and 66.4% of mothers/caregivers utilized ITNs among various malaria prevention options. However, other preventive measures were not widely practiced among the study participants. In conclusion, the majority of pregnant women demonstrated good knowledge and accessibility to malaria preventive measures. The study underscores the need for targeted educational interventions during antenatal care, proposing compulsory evaluation classes to enhance pregnant women's knowledge and encourage self-driven adherence to malaria prevention methods. These findings contribute valuable insights for refining public health strategies aimed at mitigating the impact of malaria among pregnant women in Nigeria. Keywords: Accessibility, Knowledge, Malaria Prevention, Practice Word Count: 371
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    Factors Associated with Intimate Partner Violence among Child Bearing Age Women in Ibadan North Local Government Area, Ibadan, Oyo State
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Victoria ’Bukunola KOYE-OLOWE
    Domestic abuse, often known as "domestic violence" or "intimate partner violence," is a pattern of behaviour intended to establish or retain power and control over an intimate partner in any relationship. The research is conducted in order to ascertain the risk factors and prevalence of intimate partner violence in Ibadan North Local Government Area and ensure the minimization of gender-based violence in the form of intimate partner violence. A Multistage sampling technique was used. Selection of Local Government Area, was by purposive Sampling technique, Eight (8) Wards were selected using Simple Random Sampling Technique.The Revised Conflict Tactics Scale was used instrument was administered to Forty-four( 44) numbers of participants from each Ward.. Descriptive analysis was conducted to present the proportion of women who experienced any IPV for each category in the explanatory variables. The Univariate analysis was conducted to determine the magnitude and direction of an independent and dependent variable of this study. The significance level was set at a p-value = 0.05 .The analysis was conducted using SPSS (statistical package for social sciences) version 26.0.The final result shows that women of child Bearing Age of Ibadan North Local Government Area ,Oyo state had a good knowledge of IPV while its prevalence is not high [20% caused by self, 35% caused by partner]. It indicate that the identified risk factor was self inflict due to their Ages, according to the study ranging from 20 to 29years.The following recommendations were given, proper education on Intimate Partner Violence should be made, to ensure a level of maturity in handling IPV and willingness to leave an abusive setting or relationship. Also survivors are to be supported and protected either financially, physically and emotionally to ensure their safety. Keywords: Intimate Partner Violence, Domestic Abuse, Risk factors, Child Bearing Age. Word Count: 285
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    Knowledge and Acceptance of Covid-19 Vaccine Among Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Clinic in Primary Healthcare Centers in Ibadan, Oyo State
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Gad JATAU
    COVID-19 infection in pregnant women pose a high risk of severe illness and complication, and COVID-19 vaccines have since been recommended in pregnant women after studies have shown its safety in pregnancy. Studies have shown that pregnant women in Africa show low level of COVID-19 vaccine acceptance. This study was therefore aimed at investigating the knowledge of COVID-19 vaccines among pregnant women in primary healthcare centers in Ibadan. The study was a cross-sectional survey involving 398 pregnant women. The respondents were recruited using a multistage random sampling technique and data were collected using an adapted semi–structured interviewer-administered questionnaire. With a statistical significance at p<0.05 (n = 398), It was seen that 43.0% of the respondents were between ages 21 to 35 years. 11.1% of the respondents had maximum education at the primary level. 14.1% of the respondents had at least a shot of COVID-19 vaccine during this pregnancy. 14.3% had good knowledge of the vaccine and 9% had good attitude towards COVID-19 infection. There was significant association between educational levels (p<0.001), number of children alive (p<0.001), gravity (p 0.018), parity (p <0.001), ever received any vaccine during this pregnancy (p <0.001), ever had covid-19 infection (p 0.029), knowledge (p<0.001), attitude (p<0.001) and age (p<0.001) of the respondents with COVID-19 vaccine acceptance, while there was no association between marital status (p 0.293), ethnicity (p 0.864), place of residence (p0.081), employment status (p 0.213) and co-morbidities (p 0.094) with COVID-19 vaccine acceptance. Findings reported that majority had poor attitude and knowledge of the COVID-19 vaccine with low level of COVID-19 vaccine acceptance of 47.2%. There is need for increased and continuous health education to pregnant women during antenatal care visit so as to boost their confidence in COVID-19 vaccine which will in turn lead to an increase vaccine acceptance. Key Words: COVID-19, COVID-19 vaccine, Pregnant women, Antenatal care Word Count: 299
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    Knowledge of Modern Contraception and Sexual Behavior of Students in University of Medical Sciences,Ondo,Ondo state
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Folorunsho Celestina Oluwanifemi
    Despite the variety of modern contraceptives use (MCU) that are easily accessible, the prevalence of risky sexual behaviors (RSB) is rising to the level of a major concern globally. There is still a significant problem with sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and unwanted pregnancies among undergraduate students. Understanding the knowledge of MCU and sexual behaviour among students is important for designing a programme that address unmet needs among university students. This study assessed the knowledge of MCU use and sexual behaviour among students of university of Medical Sciences, Ondo state. The study adopted a cross sectional study design. A sample size 321 students was selected using a cluster sampling technique. Percentage, chi-square test and logistic regression were used to achieve the objectives. Majority (62.3%) of the respondents were ≥ 20years. Female students were in the majority (60.1%). For academic level, 200 level had the highest (39.6), while 600 level had the lowest (2.8%). Most (95%) of the students have heard about MCU. Less than 36% of the students had good knowledge MCU. Pills was the most used (48.3%), followed by male condom (25.2%). Of the 321 students, 75.4% have engaged in sexual intercourse in that last 12 weeks before the survey. About 40% engaged in unprotected sex, 12.3 had more than one sexual partner. At UOR, there is significant relationship between knowledge of modern contraceptive and sexual behavior. The study shows that people who have poor knowledge of modern contraceptives are 1.6 times more likely to have had sexual intercourse in the last 12weeks compared to their counterpart who have good knowledge at (.968, 2.833 ;95% CI). Media exposure, Sex of respondents, Level in academic program and pressure were predictors in this study. Programme that will increase the knowledge of MCU are needed to reduce risk sexual behaviour among students. Keywords: Sexual Behavior, Modern Contraceptives, Knowledge, Risky Sexual Behavior, Sex education Word Count:300
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    Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of Contraceptives Use among Women Living with HIV in Ibadan
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Afiniki BULUS- EJOGA
    Contraception services can help meet the family planning goals of women living with HIV as well as prevent mother-to-child transmission (MTCT). This study aimed to assess the knowledge attitude and practice of contraceptive use among women of reproductive age[15- 49yrs] living with HIV in Ibadan Nigeria. A facility-based cross-sectional study was used with the sample size of 469 sexually active WLHIV. The inclusion criteria were WLHIV aged between 18-49, who asserted being fecund and sexually active. An adopted questionnaire was used to collect data and the data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) windows version 22 and statistical significance was set at p <0.05.Among women living with (n=469), 96.6%(453) have a good knowledge of contraceptive and 3.4%(16) have poor knowledge of contraceptive methods, 257(55%) have positive attitude while 212(45%) have negative attitude towards the use of contraceptive.70.4% used contraceptive with 29.6% unmet needs and 28.6 % of the participants are making use of more than 1 methods of contraceptive. The results revealed significant association between payment for services (p=0.019, OR=8.616 95% CI (1.429,51.982), Partner not providing food (p=0.002,OR= 0.2169 95% CI 0.083,0.0564), distance to health facility (p=0.016 OR=3.576 95% CI (1.270,10.069) and previous reaction to contraceptive (p=0.000 OR=69.945 95% CI(9.65,506.73).Based on the findings it was asserted that contraceptive use among WLHIV was found high with moderate positive attitude to contraceptive use and the knowledge about contraceptive use is equally high, however there is need for the healthcare givers to undertake continuous sensitization and counselling services on contraceptive use for WLHIV. There is need to strengthen integration of family planning into activities of Antiretroviral therapy (ART) clinics in order to live a healthy sexual life and increase their productivity. Keywords: Contraceptive, Women, Human Immunodeficiency Virus Word Count:280
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    Modern Contraceptives Use Intentions Among Antenatal Care Attendees at Adeoyo General Hospital, Ibadan, Oyo State
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Jane Chidinma BENSON
    Despite the rising of modern contraceptive (MC) uptake globally, there is still significant gap between intentions to use contraceptive and the actual use of it. Unavailability and stock-outs of preferred methods are one of the reasons for the gap. Understanding the intentions to use a MC among pregnant women attending antennal clinic is vital in designing service delivery for future MC users. Thus, this study seeks to investigate the intentions to use MC among antenatal care attendees of Adeoyo Maternity Hospital. A facility-based cross sectional study design was used in this study. A total of 323 pregnant women were recruited using a qualitative sampling technique. Frequency, proportion, Chi-square test and logistic regression were used. Majority (37.8%) of the women aged 25-29years. About 58.8% had tertiary education with 6.5% having primary education. Majority of the women who participated (88.9%) are married. Only 17.0% of the women had good knowledge of MC. About 60.1% of the women indicated they have ever used MC. The percentage of modern contraceptive use intentions was 38.1%. Women aged 30-34 years were 2.34 times more likely to have intentions to use contraceptives compared to women aged ≥35 (95% CI 1.07- 5.13). Women who said no to fertility desire were 1.8 times less likely to have intentions to use MC in contrast to those who said yes to fertility desire (95% CI 0.31- 0.97). In contrast to women with good knowledge of modern contraceptives, the AOR of intentions to use contraceptives was lesser among those with poor knowledge (AOR=0.41, 95% CI 0.21-0.81) and fair knowledge (AOR=0.66, 95% CI 0.34-1.25). Women age, fertility desire and knowledge of MC use were predictors of intentions to use MC. Programme that will ensures MC is used by women who expressed intentions is necessary. Keywords: Modern contraception, antenatal clinic, Word Count: 284
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    Depression and Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy among Women Living with HIV in Ibadan, Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Samuel Adeyemi BANKOLE
    Antiretroviral therapy (ART) helps to keep women living with HIV healthy and prevents transmission and depression among other psychological factors, has been inversely linked independently with adherence to antiretroviral therapy among women living with HIV. This study aimed to examine depressive symptoms and adherence to anti-retroviral therapy among women living with HIV adherence to ART. A facility-based cross-sectional study was used with the sample size of 404 women living with HIV. An adopted questionnaire was used to collect data and the data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and statistical significance was set at p <0.05. Among WLHIV (n=404), 72% have high depressive symptoms and the level of adherence WLHIV was 94.8%. Findings from this study shows that there is a significant association between depression and ART adherence (p=0.048). Psychosocial factors of been busy, fear of side effects, fear of drug was toxic/ harmful, been depressed, specific time use of drug and unavailability to refill drug show significant association to ART adherence (p<0.05) and are main reasons participants did not adhere to their medications. The reasons for adhering to prescribed medication among the participants (n= 303) that did not miss their medication in the past 3 days were assessed. The study found that family support, availability of food, Hospital staff attitude to patients and their desire to live show significant association to ART adherence (p<0.05). A statistically significant association was found between status disclosure, depression, receiving standard ART service, alcohol consumption and smoking among WLHIV and adherence to antiretroviral therapy. Based on the findings it was proven that depression is co-morbidity with ART adherence and there should efforts that needs to be in placeto reduce the rate of depressive symptoms among women living with HIV. Keywords: ART, Adherence, Depression, WLHIV, VLS, Psychological Word Count: 289