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    Staff Development Programmes, Decision making Styles and Administrative Effectiveness of Public Secondary Schools Principals in Oyo State, Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Tejumoluwa MESAGAN
    The administration of public secondary schools in Oyo State, Nigeria faces numerous challenges that significantly influence the quality of education provided. The study investigated the influence of Staff Development Programmes and Decision-making Styles on the Administrative Effectiveness of Public Secondary School Principals in Oyo State, Nigeria. A descriptive research design was adopted, and the population comprised 11,732 teachers in the public secondary schools (324) in Oyo State, Nigeria. 2,726 respondents were selected with multistage sampling technique. Three research questions were answered, while six hypotheses were tested. A self-developed questionnaire was used for data collection. The results indicated that the principals in Oyo State engage in moderate administrative effectiveness (x̄= 2.68). The most available Staff Development Programme is seminar. Based on the data provided, the frequency, in percentage for the mostly used decision-making styles, it was observed that public secondary school principals tend to adopt directive style most often 39%.The test of hypotheses showed a significant combined influence of decion-making on public secondary school principals' administrative effectiveness in Oyo State (F = 424.310; P < 0.05; R2=0.553). Decision- making styles are predictors of administrative effectiveness. There is a significant combined influence of Staff Development Programmes (F = 274.557, P < 0.05; R2=0.375). Staff Development Programmes predictors have a significant relative influence on administrative effectiveness. There is a significant combined influence of decision-making styles and staff development Programmes on public secondary school principals' administrative effectiveness in Oyo State (F = 539.376, P < 0.05; R2=0.439). Efforts should be made to ensure appropriate decision-making style and staff development Programmes among public secondary school principals in Oyo State. Keywords: Staff Development, Programmes, Decision- making Styles, Administrative Effectiveness Word Count: 265
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    Maladaptive Perfectionism and Parenting Styles as Determinants of Moral Decadence among Senior Secondary School Students in Oyo Town, Oyo State
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Roseline Temitope OYALAKUN
    Moral decadence among young people especially students in the secondary schools, is nearing crisis point. This study therefore, investigated maladaptive perfectionism and parenting styles as determinants of moral decadence among senior secondary school students in Oyo Town, Oyo State. The study adopted the descriptive survey research design. Six hundred and ninety eight males and female senior secondary school students in class Two (SSS 2) were selected using the multistage sampling procedure. Data were generated with a questionnaire on Maladaptive Perfectionism, Parenting Styles and Moral Decadence (α =.796). Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics at 0.05 level of significance. The results revealed that: there is a high level of moral decadence (x̅=2.86) among senior secondary school students in Oyo Town; there is a very high level of maladaptive perfectionism secondary school students in Oyo Town (x̅=4.04); the authoritarian parenting style is the most used parenting style by the parents of senior secondary school students (x̅=3.88),maladaptive perfectionism and parenting styles significantly jointly influence moral decadence of senior secondary school students in Oyo Town (F (2,682) =435.779; R2=.595); parenting styles (β=.729, t=11.346) and maladaptive perfectionism (β=0.22, t=3.337) significantly relatively influence moral decadence of senior secondary school students in Oyo Town. It is recommended among others that, the level of moral decadence among senior secondary school students in Oyo Town should be reduced by counselling psychologists in collaboration with other critical stakeholders. Keywords: Maladaptive Perfectionism, Parenting Styles, Moral Decadence, Senior Secondary School Students. Word Count: 248
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    Principal Leadership Styles, Decision-making Skills and Communication Forms as Determinants of Public Senior Secondary Schools Administrative Effectiveness in Oyo State
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Felicia Adekemi OPATUNDE
    Public secondary school principals in Oyo State, Nigeria, have been criticized for their ineffectiveness, evidenced by low teacher engagement, poor record-keeping, and low academic achievement among students. Poor working conditions, insufficient staffing, inadequate funding, and unfavorable government policies have been identified as the main challenges facing principals in the discharge of their duties. However, little research has been conducted on the influence of leadership styles, decision-making skills, and communication forms on the administrative effectiveness of secondary school principals in Oyo State. This study investigated the influence of these factors on the administrative effectiveness of public senior secondary school principals in Oyo State. The study used a survey research design, and the population included all 14,402 teachers and 629 principals in the 629 public secondary schools in Oyo State. A multi-stage sampling procedure was used to select 4,204 teachers and all principals in the sampled schools. Teachers Questionnaire (TEQ) (α = 0.951) and Principal Interview (PI) were used for data collection. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to answer research questions and test hypotheses at a 0.05 level of significance. The results showed a significant combined influence of leadership styles, decision-making skills, and communication forms on the administrative effectiveness of public secondary school principals in Oyo State (F (3,3917)) = (21723.35); (Adj. R 2 = 0.923, p < 0.05). There was a significant relative influence of these factors on the administrative effectiveness of principals. There were significant differences in communication forms (t = 2.318, p < 0.05), decision-making skills (t = 5.048, p < 0.05), and administrative effectiveness (t = 5.435, p < 0.05) between male and female principals in secondary schools, Oyo State. Public secondary school principals in Oyo State should focus on developing effective leadership styles, decision-making skills, and communication forms to enhance their administrative effectiveness. Keywords: Principal Leadership Styles, Decision-making Skills, Communication Forms, Administrative Effectiveness Word Count: 296
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    Readability Indices, Teachers’ Factors and Academic Achievement in Comprehension Test among Senior Secondary School Students in Oyo State
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Olusola Fidelis OLATAYO
    With the intention of alleviating the problems of inability to read efficiently among senior secondary school students in Oyo State schools, this study was undertaken to determine the suitability of the comprehension passages in the English Language textbook for senior secondary school ii. The passages were subjected to various readability tests: sentence length: lexical density, syntactic complexity and cloze deletion. Questionnaires were also used to determine the level of teachers influence on the problem. One thousand five hundred students from 288 schools across the three senatorial districts were used. One hundred and twenty English Language teachers responded to the questionnaires. The results of the tests and the responses to the questionnaires were analyzed using text readability consensus calculator; simple percentage, correlation and regression analyses. The findings from the analyses showed that the passages on average (i) contain sentences with twenty words per sentence (ii) Are 55% lexically dense (iii) That the degree of syntactic complexity is 81% (iv)That most of the students were reading the passages at frustration level. The result of the hypotheses tested revealed that at (P ≤ 0.05) with p value of .890 there was significant relationship between readability indices and students’ achievement in comprehension test, also at p value of .546 there was moderate positive relationship between Teachers’ factors and students’ achievement in comprehension test. Precisely, the overall result of the findings showed that the textbook analyzed is not suitable for the target students. Based on these findings, it was recommended that: the passages in the analyzed textbook should be given to readability experts for adjustment; recommendation of textbook for students should be guided by readability tests. In addition more English Language Teachers should be employed into Public Secondary Schools in Oyo state. Keywords: Readability, Lexical Density, Syntactic complexity, Sentence Length Word Count: 287
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    Employee Psychosocial Factors, Institutional Empowerment Strategies and Service Delivery in Private Universities in Southwest, Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Gabriel Oladotun OLATOYE
    The private sector-led economy aims at efficiency and sustainability, but for private universities in Southwest, Nigeria, there is an observed shortfall. Previous studies focused on public universities' service delivery issues, neglecting private universities' efficiency. This study investigated influence of employee psychosocial factors and institutional empowerment strategies on service delivery of private universities in Southwest, Nigeria. It adopted descriptive research design. The employee psychosocial factors are workload, personnel autonomy and workplace relationship while institutional empowerment strategies are training, employee recognition and job security. The participants for the study were 1434 academic and non-academic staff randomly selected from private universities in Southwest, Nigeria. Three instruments; Lecturer Questionnaire, Administrator Questionnaire and Key Informant Interview were used for the study. Four research questions were answered while data collected were analysed using frequency, percentages, and multiple regression analysis at 0.05 significance level. The findings revealed a high level of service delivery, with non- academic staff demonstrating greater efficiency (x̄= 3.45) than their academic counterparts (x̄ = 3.37). Additionally, academic staff exhibited higher psychosocial factors (x̄ =3.30) compared to non-academic staff (x̄= 3.00). Institutional empowerment among non-academic staff was higher (x̄= 3.18) than that of academic personnel (x̄= 2.29). There was significant combined influence of psychosocial factors and institutional empowerment strategies on service delivery of academic staff (Adj. R2 = .967, p < 0.05) and Non-Academic Staff (Adj. R 2 = .972, p < 0.05) in private universities in Southwest, Nigeria. There was significant relative influence of psychosocial factors and institutional empowerment strategies on service delivery. There was significant difference in service delivery with secular universities having a higher mean service delivery level (x̄= 31.41) compared to faith-based universities (x̄= 30.70). It was recommended that private universities should invest in staff training, alleviate staff high workload, enhance empowerment initiatives among others. Keywords: Employee Psychosocial Factors, Institutional Empowerment Strategies, Service Delivery, Private Universities Word count: 298
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    Digital Teachers’ Competence, Virtual Classroom Management and Secondary Schools Students' Attitude Towards Learning in COVID-19 Era, Lagos State
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Julianah Oladunni FALORE
    The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted Nigeria's secondary education, prompting a shift to virtual learning. This study examines the influence of digital teacher competence and virtual classroom management on secondary school students’ attitudes during the pandemic Era. The study was anchored by Connectivism and Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) theories. Using a descriptive survey design, the study employed multi-stage sampling procedure using simple random sampling technique to select a representative sample size of 1435 teachers and 1595 students respectively 935(65.9%) and 1495(91.7%) were retrieved. Data collection involved structured questionnaires and interviews, yielding quantitative and qualitative data for analysis. Descriptive statistics of simple percentages, mean and frequency was used to answer research questions while inferential statistics of multiple regression analysis (ANOVA) was used to test formulated hypotheses. Students displayed commendable adaptability, determination, and dedication to learning throughout and after the pandemic (mean = 3.44). Digital teacher competence remained high during and after the COVID-19 Era (mean = 3.38 and mean = 2.79, respectively). WhatsApp was the predominant virtual classroom platform during the pandemic, later supplanted by Zoom. Challenges included poor internet access for students and irregular power supply for teachers. However, both students and teachers demonstrated high compliance with virtual teaching rules during and after the pandemic. Furthermore, the study unveiled a significant combined influence of digital teacher competence, virtual classroom management on student attitudes (R² = 0.707, p < 0.05). Virtual classroom management made a substantial contribution (t = 29.777, p < 0.05), with directing having the highest influence (t = 19.071; p < 0.05). In conclusion, Lagos State secondary students exhibited remarkable resilience, commitment, and a growth-oriented mindset amid various challenges during and after the COVID-19 Era. To leverage these findings, it was recommended among others that educational institutions integrate online learning tools effectively into their curricula and undertake additional measures to enhance the learning experience. Keywords: Digital teachers' competence, Virtual classroom management practices, Students' attitudes toward learning, COVID-19 Era. Wordcount: 292
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    Work Indices and Environmental Factors as Predictors of Academic Staff’s Job Performance in Colleges of Education in Southwest, Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Abidemi Omotayo OLADEJI
    This study investigated Work Indices, Environmental Factors and Academic Staff Job Performance in Colleges of Education, Southwest Nigeria. Problem of poor job performance of academic staff has been observed however a search of literature shows scarcity of studies on the influence of the above predictors on their job performance which provided a gap in knowledge that this study was carried out to address. Four research questions and three hypotheses guided the study. Study population consisted of lecturers (3,196) and 300L students (17,247) in federal and state colleges of education, Southwest, Nigeria. 942 lecturers and 1,119 students were sampled using multi-stage technique. Descriptive survey design was employed. Two questionnaires titled – Work Indices, Environmental Factors and Academic Staff Job Performance Questionnaire, (WIEFASJPQ) (α = .814) and Instructional Job Performance Questionnaire (IJPQ) (α = .794) were used to collect data. Data were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results showed moderate level of academic staff job performance in areas of instruction (x̅=2.994) and publication/supervision (x̅=3.122); moderate extent of work indices such as workload (x̅= 3.407), role conflict (x̅= 3.042) and role ambiguity (x̅ =3.263); and moderate level of environmental factors such as management support (x̅=3.141), interpersonal relationships (x̅=3.304) but low level of facilities (x̅=2.480). Hypotheses revealed significant joint contribution of work indices and environmental factors on academic staff job performance (F6, 775 = 3.295; P<0.05). Workload (β = .105; t = 2.557), role conflict (β = .093; t = 2.207), role ambiguity (β = .099; t = 2.361), management support (β = .062; t = 1.801) and facilities (β = .131; t = 2.696) except interpersonal relationships (β = .041; t = .732) have significant relative influence on academic staff job performance. There was a significant difference in academic staff job performance in Federal and State Colleges of education (t2, 0.05, df of 780 = 2.797; P<0.05). It was concluded that work indices and environmental factors influence the academic staff job performance in Southwest Nigeria colleges of education. It was recommended amongst others that work indices and environmental factors be improved upon to improve the academic staff job performance in the colleges of education. Keywords: Work Indices, Environmental Factors, Academic Staff, Job Performance, Role Ambiguity Word Count: 299
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    Human Resources Management Practices and Leadership Styles as Correlates of Lecturers’ Job Satisfaction and Retention in Colleges of Education in Oyo State
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Abiodun Adewole OKE
    The dwindling level of job satisfaction and retention among lecturers in colleges of education in Nigeria is disheartening and not only jeopardizes the quality of education but also undermines the foundation upon which our educational system stands. Studies have been done on related issues but little attention has been paid on the contribution of leadership styles and human resources management practices to this dwindling level of job satisfaction and retention among lecturers in colleges of education in Nigeria in general and Oyo State in particular . This study therefore investigated the influence of human resources management practices and leadership styles on job satisfaction and retention of lecturers in colleges of education in Oyo State. A descriptive survey design was used, while three questions were raised and five hypotheses tested at 0.005 level of significance. Lecturers were chosen through intact sampling. The findings revealed that human resources management practices significantly influenced job satisfaction and retention. Also, leadership styles significantly influenced job satisfaction and job retention. The model explained a significant portion of the variance in job satisfaction (85.6%) and job retention (94.7%). Leadership styles accounted for 36.5% of the variance in job satisfaction and 42.0% of the variance in job retention, while human resources management practices accounted for 42.0% of the variance in job satisfaction and 33.3% of the variance in job retention. Overall, lecturers expressed dissatisfaction with their jobs, except for aspects like job autonomy, advancement opportunities, and work hours. They were most satisfied with job security and advancement prospects, while work variety and decision-making were the least satisfying aspects. Although training and development opportunities were viewed positively, feedback on performance and support for skill improvement were lacking. All the leadership styles exhibited moderate levels with limited communication of vision and encouragement of innovative thinking. It is recommended that colleges of education in Oyo State, Nigeria, address areas of job dissatisfaction and improve their human resources management practices. Keywords: Human Resources Management Practices, Leadership Styles, Lecturers’ Job Satisfaction, Retention, Colleges of Education in Oyo state Word Count: 295
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    Home and School Factors as Determinants of Public Secondary School Students’ Motivation towards Learning in Oyo Town, Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Modupe Olajumoke ADAMS
    This study investigated Home and School factors as determinants of public secondary school students’ motivation towards learning in Oyo town, Nigeria as literature shows scarcity of studies on this subject area. The Theory of Systems, Motivation and Behaviorism guided the study. Five research questions were raised and two hypotheses formulated. Descriptive survey research design was adopted. Study population comprised of all public secondary schools fifty four (54) and secondary schools students (6,568) of which 36 schools and 1226 students were sampled using multi-stage procedure. Questionnaires titled – ‘Home and School Factors Questionnaire (HSFQ) (r = 0.81) and Students ’Motivation towards Learning Questionnaire (SMLQ) (r = 0.82) were used in collecting data. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical methods. Results showed low level of motivation towards learning (x=1.85) and low status of school facilities in term of school factors (x= 1.87). Furthermore, it revealed that home factor such as peer influence is moderate (x=2.70). Hypotheses showed a significant combined influence of home and school factors on motivation of students towards learning in secondary schools in Oyo town (F=6,1090) = 19441.4, p<0.05). Furthermore, Parenting style (Beta=.070, t= 3.074), peer influence (Beta=.017, t= 10.277), school facilities (Beta=.337, t = 13.503), parental involvement (Beta=.145, t=7.881) and interpersonal relationship (Beta=.261,t=9.877) have positive influence on students’ motivation towards learning. It can be concluded that low status of school facilities, moderate level of peer influence could be responsible for the low students’ motivation towards learning. It was recommended amongst others that adequate educational facilities should be provided by the government and parents should be actively involved in the children academic affairs. Keywords: Home Factor, School Factors, School Facilities, Students Motivation towards Learning, Oyo Town Word Count: 283
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    School and Home Factors as Determinants of Public Junior Secondary School Students’ Motivation towards Learning in Ogun State, Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Mariam Adebusola OWOYEMI
    The apparent worrisome rate of fall in motivation to learn among Nigerian students has regularly aroused public worry; a thorough search of the literature suggests that there is a scarcity of empirical studies on the matter. This study investigated the influence of school and home factors on junior secondary school students’ motivation towards learning in Ogun State, Nigeria. Three questions and hypotheses were raised and tested. A descriptive research design guided the study. The population consisted of 470,449 students in public junior secondary schools in Ogun State, Nigeria, and 6519 junior secondary school students were carefully sampled to participate in the study. A questionnaire was designed to gather data. Simple percentages and means were used to answer the research questions, while multiple regression and the t-test were used to test the hypotheses. Results revealed a high level of motivation towards learning (3.36), a very high level of parental involvement in a child’s education (3.77), but a low level of availability of instructional resources. There was a significant combined influence of home and school factors on junior secondary school students’ motivation towards learning in Ogun State (F = 79546.842; adj. R2 = 0.987; P < 0.05). Parental involvement has the greatest relative influence (β = 1.371; t = 93.109, p < 0.05), followed by resource availability (β = 0.570; t = 54.565, p < 0.05), teacher support (β = 0.223; t = 48.711, p < 0.05), and class rules (β = 0.041; t = 5.963, p < 0.05). A slight but significant gender difference in the level of junior secondary school students’ motivation towards learning was found. It was recommended that autonomy and ownership of learning should be encouraged among students by giving them choice and control over what they learn, how they learn, and how they demonstrate their learning. Keywords: School Factors, Home Factors, Students’ Motivation towards Learning Word Count: 299
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    School Resources and Home Factors as Determinants of Senior Secondary School Students Academic Achievement in Agricultural Science in Ibadan Metropolis
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Serifat Aribike Makinde
    Students’ poor academic performance in Agricultural Science among public secondary school students’ has been a source of concern and a major threat to the future of Agriculture in Nigeria. This study was therefore, conducted to investigate the influence of two major variables; School Resources and Home Factors on Senior Secondary School Students Academic Achievement in Agricultural Science in Ibadan Metropolis. The research utilized a descriptive survey design. The population included all SSS2 students in public secondary schools offering Agricultural Science (N=1,026) and 721 of these were eventually analyzed using multistage sampling. Agricultural Science Achievement Test (ASAT) and Students’ Questionnaires on School Resources and Home Factors (SQSRHF) were used for data collection. Data were analyzed with the use of descriptive statistics of frequency counts, percentages, mean and standard deviation and inferential statistics of multiple regression and t-test at 0.05 significant level. Findings revealed a low level of academic achievement, with almost 93% scoring below 50%. Both resource availability (Mean=2.41; SD=1.132) and utilization (Mean=2.17; SD=0.891) in surveyed schools were low. There was a significant combined influence of School Resources and Home Factors on academic achievement (F=298.899; p=0.000), explaining 60.6% of the variation. Home Factors (Beta=0.610; p=0.000) have a higher relative influence than School Resources (Beta=0.205;p=0.000). Additionally, a statistically significant gender difference is observed, with male students outperforming females (Mean difference=0.05; p=0.014). Recommendations include prioritizing resource acquisition for teaching agricultural science by the concerned government and school administrators and; raising awareness among parents to support their children's education. Keywords: Academic Achievement, Agricultural Science, Home factors, School Resource, Ibadan Metropolis. Word Count: 246
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    Leadership Styles, Motivation and Quality of Work Life as Determinants of Organisational Citizenship Behaviour among Lecturers in Private Universities in Southwest, Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Taiwo Mauyon KUPONU
    The observed issues of sabotage, floating and ready-to-leave attitude among some academic staff in private universities may be detrimental to a university’s interests. There is scarcity of empirical researches investigating influence of leadership styles, motivation and quality of work life on organisational citizenship behaviour of lecturers in private universities. This study investigated leadership styles, motivation and quality of work life as determinants of organisational citizenship behaviour among lecturers of private universities in Southwest, Nigeria. The study adopted the descriptive survey research design. One thousand, one hundred and fourty four lecturers in private universities in Southwest, Nigeria were selected using the multistage sampling procedure. Data were generated with a questionnaire on Leadership Styles, Motivation, Quality of Work Life and Organisational Citizenship Behaviour (α =.831). Data were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics at 0.05 alpha level. The result showed that: there is a significant joint influence of leadership styles, motivation and quality of work life on organisational citizenship behaviour among lecturers of private universities in Southwest, Nigeria (R2=.931, F (3,1140) =5129.764); there is a significant relative influence of leadership styles (β =0.312; t=6.186), motivation (β= 1.111; t=15.739) and quality of work life (β= 0.492; t=28.278) on organisational citizenship behaviour of lecturers in private universities in Southwest, Nigeria; there is a significant positive relationship between quality of work life and organisational citizenship behaviour (r=0.785) among lecturers of private universities in Southwest, Nigeria; there is a significant moderating role of gender in the influence of quality of work life on organisational citizenship behaviour (Male, β =-.855; t=-39.297 and Female, β =.914; t=53.848) among lecturers of private universities in Southwest, Nigeria. Quality of work life should be enhanced among lecturers in private universities to ensure organisational citizenship behaviour, among other recommendations. Keywords: Leadership Styles, Motivation, Quality of Work Life, Organisational Citizenship Behaviour, Lecturers, Word Count: 288
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    Human Resource Factors, Academic Curriculum and Employability of Educational Management Undergraduates in Southwest, Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Kayode Musibau OJOOGUN
    It has been observed that graduates of Educational Management in Southwest, Nigeria seem to lack practical knowledge of their course as most of them are unable to put into practice what they have been taught. This study therefore examined human resource factors, academic curriculum and employability of educational management undergraduates in Southwest, Nigeria. Human capital and system theories guided the study. Descriptive survey research design was employed. Study population consisted of all Educational Management Lecturers (154) and 300 level undergraduates (1,201). Data was analysed using descriptive, inferential and thematic content analyses. Results showed low level of employability of educational management undergraduates in areas of competence (x̅=2.355) and attitude (x̅=2.434); low level of human resource factors in terms of lecturers’ classroom management (x̅=2.376) and instructional delivery (x̅=2.468) but high level in terms of lecturers’ educational qualification (x̅=2.643) and attitude (x̅=2.624); low extent of curriculum content (x̅=2.335) and curriculum delivery (x̅=2.441) for educational management undergraduates’ employability; high significant joint influence of human resource factors and academic curriculum on the employability of educational management undergraduates (F4, 143 = 3.361; P<0.05). Lecturers’ classroom management (β = .199; t = 2.719, P<0.05), instructional delivery (β = .191; t = 2.589, P<0.05), educational qualification (β = .93; t = 1.907, P<0.05), attitude (β = .91; t = 1.899, P<0.05), curriculum content (β = .201; t = 2.995, P<0.05) and curriculum delivery (β = .208; t = 3.157, P<0.05) had significant relative influence on the undergraduates’ employability. There was a significant institutional difference in the employability of the undergraduates (t(2), 852 = 2.721, P<0.05). It was recommended amongst others that human resource factors be improved upon and curriculum be re-visited to ensure positive impact on the employability of undergraduates in Educational Management. Keywords: Human resource factors, academic curriculum, employability, undergraduates, southwest. Word Count: 294
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    Parental Involvement and Family Structure as Determinants of Private School Pre-school Children Academic Achievement in Literacy in Oyo State
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Josephine ABIODUN-KOLAWOLE
    This study investigated parental involvement and family structure as determinant of private schools preschool children academic achievement in literacy in Oyo State. The study was guided by Epstein’s Conceptual Model Theory and Social Capital Theory. Three research questions and three hypotheses were formulated. Descriptive survey research was adopted. Study population comprised 3,295 private primary schools and 217,850 pre-school pupils. Sample size consisted of 834 private primary school, 4100 pre-school pupils and 4,100 parents. Parental Involvement and Family Structure on Pre-school Children’s Academic Achievement in Literacy Questionnaire (PIFPCA) (r=0.87) and Pre-School Pupil Literacy Examination (PPLE) containing fifteen questions were used. Data were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results showed that level of academic achievement in Literacy among pre-school students in Oyo State is excellent. Level of parents' involvement (x= 3.40) in the preschool children education in Oyo State is moderate. The overall level of family structure of private schools preschoolers is moderate (x=2.61). There is significant combined influence of parental involvement and family structure on the academic achievement in literacy of private school preschool children (Adj. R2=0.620, F(2.612)= 14.575, P<0.05). Parental involvement (B = 0.147; p = 0.019) and family structure (B= 0.202; p =0.008) have positive influence on preschoolers academic achievement in literacy. Home environment (F(1.6229)= 0.464, p-value=0.496) has no influence on pre-school children academic achievement in literacy. Hence, the level of academic achievement should be maintained and improved, parents should improve on their involvement in preschool children’s education, single parenting and polygamous family structure should endeavour to provide family support to improve their children academic achievement. Keywords: Academic Achievement, Family Structure, Home Environment, Literacy, Nuclear Family, Polygamous Family, Pre-School, Single Parenting. Word Count: 259
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    Parental Participation, Teaching Techniques and Academic Achievement in Basic Science among pupils in Ibadan Metropolis, Oyo State.
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Helen Moniade Adejoke GEGE
    This study investigated the influence of parental participation and teaching techniques on the academic achievement of middle school students in Ibadan Metropolis, Oyo State. Three research questions and three hypotheses guided the study, using a descriptive research design. The population comprised 101,539 middle basic students, with a sample of 3,608 students obtained through a multi-stage sampling procedure. Descriptive statistics, such as percentage, mean, and frequency, were employed to answer research questions. Inferential statistics, including multiple regression, tested hypotheses. Findings indicated a low academic achievement in basic science among middle school pupils in Ibadan Metropolis. Parental participation was consistently high, with an overall weighted mean × of 2.88. Brainstorming was the predominant teaching technique, with a weighted mean × of 3.34.The combined influence of parental participation and teaching technique significantly impacted academic achievement in basic science among middle school pupils (Adj. R2 = 0.878, F = 11298.785, p < 0.001). Parent-child discussion contributed the most separately (β = 1.063, t = 36.933, p < 0.001). In combination, brainstorming (β = 0.494), parent-child support (β = 0.384), parent-school support (β = 0.085), parent-child monitoring (β = 0.059), and dramatization (β = 0.052) made respective contributions. Gender differences were observed, with mean differences of 2.470 for males and 2.496 for females. Recommendations included academic support programmes, enhanced parental involvement, promotion of inclusive teaching techniques, stronger partnerships, regular assessments, and monitoring mechanisms by educational stakeholders. Keywords: Parental Participation, Teaching Techniques and Academic Achievement of Middle Basic School Students Word Count: 230
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    United Nations Security Council and the Management of Global Terrorism 2012-2022
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Folasade Olufemi IPEAYEDA
    The external obstacles, wellbeing and attitude of teachers in Nigeria’s Secondary School influence teachers’ commitment towards their job and minds of students. This study investigates the influence of organisational commitment and external locus of control on job involvement of public secondary school teachers in Oyo State. Caryl Rusbult theories of commitment, attribution and theory Z were adapted in the study. Using a descriptive survey design, the study employed multi-stage sampling procedure using simple random sampling technique to select a representative sample size of 2,187 teachers from 18 local government areas. Data collection involved structured questionnaires adapted from Rotter’s locus of control, Mowday, Steers and Porte organisational commitment, and Kanungo scales for job involvement. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics of percentages, means and frequencies, and multiple regression analysis. The results showed that there was a high level of teachers’ job involvement in the schools was obtained (mean = 3.31). The commitments of teachers to their organizations were high (mean= 2.98). External locus of control among teachers was high (mean= 2.98). There was a significant combined influence of organizational commitment and teachers’ external locus of control on job involvement (R2 =0.976, p < 0.05). Both external locus of control (β= 0.744; p < 0.05) and organisational commitment (β= 0.249; p < 0.05) have significant relative influences on job involvement among the teachers. Male teachers exhibited slightly elevated levels of job involvement compared to their female conterparts (F= 5.538, p < 0.05). Female teachers exhibited lower levels of control compared to the male counterparts (F = 6.018, p < 0.05). To foster teachers’ commitments to their organisations, school administrators should create an environment that nurture opportunities for professional growth, carry out continuous in-house training programme for enhancing teachers’ locus of control, pay attention to promotion and maintain good work motivation. Keywords: Organisational commitment, External locus control, Job involvement, Public secondary school teachers. Word Count: 299
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    Job Stress and Management Styles as Predictors of Female Lecturers’ Job Performance in Private Universities in Southwest, Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Elizabeth Oluwatoyin FAKOREDE
    Female lecturers are as important and active as their male counterparts in any university system, but of recent it was observed that female lecturers do not perform as their male counterpart in areas of instruction, supervision and publication. This study investigated job stress and management styles as predictors of female lecturers job performance in private universities in South West Nigeria. Three research questions and Two hypotheses guided the study population consisted of 884 female lecturers and12521 400L students. 542 female lecturers and 845 400L students were sampled using multi-stage sampling procedure. Mixed study approach was used interview guides and questionnaire tagged – Job stress, management style and publication performance questionnaire (JSMSPPQ), (α = 792) and lecturers instructional and supervision job performance Questionnaire (LISJPQ), (α=787) were used to collect data. Data were analysed using descriptive, inferential and thematic analysis. Results revealed low level (x̅= 2.386), supervision (x̅= 2.452) and publication examination load (x̅= 2.870) and interpersonal relationship (x̅= 2.648), High use of autocratic (x̅= 2.604) but low level of democratic (x̅ = 2.420) and laissez-faire (x̅ 2.364) management styles by joint= contribution of job stress and management styles to job performance of female lecturer’s Adj, R2 = 0.161, F4 508 = 6.310, P < 0.05). Examination load stress (β = -.204; t = -3.715; sig. = .004), interpersonal relationship stress (β = -241; t = -4463; sig = .000) were relatively significant and can be used to predict on female lecturers job performance. It was recommended amongst others that quality relationship and commensurate workload for female lecturers be given to reduce their stress and increase their job performance. Keywords: Female Lecturers, Job Performance, Job stress, Management Style. Word Count: 273
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    Organizational Transparency and School Factors as Determinants of Job Satisfaction of Lecturers in Colleges of Education in Southwest, Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Bolaji Saheed BADMOS
    This study investigated Organizational Transparency and School Factors as Determinants of Job Satisfaction of Lecturers in Colleges of Education in Southwest, Nigeria. Poor job satisfaction of Lecturers in Colleges of Education, Southwest, Nigeria was observed, and a search of literature shows scarcity of studies on the variables determining the job satisfaction which provided a gap in knowledge in which this study was carried out to bridge . Three research questions were formulated, and two hypotheses guided the study. Study population comprised of all the lecturers (3,034) in Federal and State Colleges of Education, Southwest, Nigeria. Sample size consisted of 1128 lecturers using multi-stage technique. Descriptive survey research was adopted. Two self-constructed questionnaire titled: Organizational Transparency, School Factors and Lecturers Job Satisfaction Questionnaire (OTSFLJS) (r = 0.83) and Job Satisfaction Questionnaire (JSQ) (r = 0.81) were used to collect data. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive and inferential. Results showed moderate satisfaction of lecturers’ job (x=3.93). Organizational transparency (x=3.78) which indicates moderately true. Result also showed moderate level of school facilities (x=3.83) and workload of lecturers was highly true (x= 4.68). Results showed significant joint influence of organizational transparency and school factors on lecturers’ job satisfaction (Adj.R2 = 0.610, F(4.1124) = 10.738, p<0.05). Participation (β=0.217, p= 0.000). Accountability (β =0.022, p=0.000), school facilities (β =0.234, p = 0.005), and lecturers’ workload (β =0.110, p=0.001) have positive influence on lecturer’s job satisfaction. It was recommended among others that the workload of the lecturers should be reduced. Keywords: Organizational Transparency, School Factors, Job Satisfaction, Colleges of Education, Southwest. Word Count: 255
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    Parenting Styles and Socioeconomic Status as Determinants of Secondary School Students’ Achievement in English Studies in Ibeju Lekki, Lagos State
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Susan Olusola Afolake AYENI
    This study investigates the impact of parenting styles and socioeconomic status on the academic achievement of Junior Secondary School One (JSSI) students in English Studies within the Ibeju-Lekki Local Government Area of Lagos State. Two research questions guided the inquiry, framed within the theoretical frameworks of Baumrind's Parenting Styles (authoritarian, authoritative, and permissive) and Maccoby and Martin's Parenting Style (uninvolved). The study employs a survey research design utilizing past data, with a sample of 500 students from 15 selected major schools. A questionnaire serves as the research instrument. Data analysis involves Multiple Regression Analysis, Pearson Product Moment Correlation (PPMC), t-test, and analysis of variance statistical methods. The study reveals that authoritative parenting styles are highly rated by respondents, significantly influencing students' achievement with a grand mean score of 3.312. The socioeconomic status of parents is identified as having a high-level impact on academic achievements, with a grand mean score of 3.259. Regression analysis indicates a correlation (R) between socioeconomic status, democratic, permissive, authoritarian, and uninvolved parenting styles on students' academic achievements in English Language. The joint effect of independent variables is found to be significant (F(4, 47) = 87.652; R = .939, R2 = .882, Adj. R2 = .872, P < .05), explaining 87.2% of the variation. The combined influence of Authoritarian, Authoritative, Permissive, and Uninvolved parenting styles is validated, with each style making a unique contribution to the academic achievement of secondary school students in English Studies within the Ibeju-Lekki axis of Lagos State. It is recommended that public schools, through their school boards, incorporate a general course for parents to emphasize the significance of their involvement in their children's academic achievements, particularly in English Language. Keywords: Parenting Styles, Socioeconomic Status, Achievement, English Studies, Income Count: 300
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    Teachers’ Attitude and Professional Qualifications as Predictors of Academic Achievements in Literacy and Numeracy among Preschoolers in Ibadan North, Oyo State
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Evelyn Aisha AKPA
    This study investigated teachers’ attitude and professional qualifications as predictors of academic achievement in Literacy and Numeracy among preschoolers in Ibadan North LG, Oyo state. The descriptive survey research design of the ex-post facto was adopted. The sample were three hundred and ninety five (395) preschoolers and forty eight (48) preschool teachers. Teachers’ Attitude and Professional Qualifications Questionnaire (TAPQQ) gave r value of .808; KR21 gave a value of .765 for the Literacy and Numeracy Achievement Test (LNAT). The findings showed the overall attitude score in private schools, that 70.0% of teachers had a poor attitude, while 30.0% had a good attitude; while in public preschools (83.3%) was poor; while 16.7% was good. Most public preschool teachers (77.8%) had experience of 21 years and above; while only 10.0% of the private preschool teachers had same years of experience. The teachers in both public and private preschools had engaged in continual professional development of which 83.3% were from private schools and 72.2% were from public schools (P>0.05). Literacy (B = 1.89 with a p-value <0.001) shows the joint prediction of teachers’ attitude was significant at p<0.01; B = -0.74 with a p-value=0.22 indicated the joint prediction of professional qualification was not significant at P<0.01. Numeracy (B = 1.19 with a p-value <0.001) indicated the joint prediction of teachers’ attitude was significant at p<0.01; while B = -0.17 with a p-value=0.76 indicated the joint prediction of professional qualification was not significant at P<0.01. Based on the above, it was recommended that local educational authorities should implement policies aimed at equalising access to resources and educational opportunities; teachers’ training and professional development programmes that focus on building positive attitudes should be promoted. In conclusion, there is need to address the issue of disparities in teaching between private and public schools. Keywords: Teachers’ Attitude, Teachers’ Professional Qualifications, Academic Achievement, Literacy and Numeracy, Preschoolers Word Count: 297