Instructional Resources, Teaching Competence and Academic Learning Outcome of Office Technology Management Students in Government Polytechnics, Lagos State

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Lead City University


Academic learning outcome is a deliberate activity that attempts to improve all elements of human life through information transmission and learning facilitation. This research work investigated the influence of instructional resources and teaching competence on academic learning outcome of OTM students of government-owned polytechnics, Lagos State, Nigeria. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. The population of the study was 38900 students of Yaba College of Technology and Lagos State Polytechnic. The sample size for this study was 380 students of the institutions. The sample size was determined by Krejcie and Morgan sampling technique. The study adopted a structured questionnaire titled “Teaching Competence, Instructional Resources and Academic Learning Outcome. Validity of the instrument was done by the supervisor and other experts in the field. The reliability test of the questionnaire yielded Cronbach’s Alpha value of 0.840. 380 questionnaires were administered and 359 were recovered, of which 347 were certified and duly filled which represented 91% response rate. The study found out that instructional resources significantly influence learning outcomes (Adj. R2 = 0.442, F(3.184)= 50.461, p =0.05), implying that instructional resources determine 44.2% of variation; teaching competence significantly influence learning outcome (Adj. R2= 0.424, F(3.248) = 62.664, p= 0.05), implying that teaching competence determine 42.4% of variation in learning outcome. The combined influence of instructional resources and teaching competence on learning outcome was significant (Adj. R2 = 0.550, F(2.249) = 154.376, p= 0.05), thus contributing 55.0% of variation in learning outcome. The influence of instructional resources is higher than that of teaching competence (B= 0.513, B = 0.286, p= 0.05 respectively). The study concluded that teaching competence and instructional resources have positive and significant influence on academic learning outcome of OTM students of government-owned polytechnics in Lagos State, Nigeria. The study recommended that the management of the polytechnics should recruit competent teaching staff and provide required instructional resources to enhance academic learning of OTM students in government owned polytechnics in Lagos State, Nigeria. Keywords: Teaching Competence, Instructional Resources, Academic Learning, Information Transmission and Social Interaction. Word Counts: 298




Kate Turabian