Credit Management and Company’s Profitability (A Study of Zenith Bank Plc)

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Lead City University


This study critically assessed credit Management Company’s profitability using Zenith bank Plc as a study. The study looked at the element that constitute credit management, credit policy and credit terms, collection effort and credit periods and credit standards and guidelines. However, various literatures relating to the subject matter were reviewed, questionnaire were administered to the employees of Zenith bank Plc. So as to elicit the required information needed in determining the study. Moreover, hypothesis formulated where tested using both chi- square and linear regression as the statistics and tools for knowing fully well that the sources of the data were both primary and secondary data. The PV shows that (0.05 or 0.5) from the analysis made. The researcher found out the credit management has a direct and positive relationship with profitability of financial institution. Based on the findings, the researcher recommends among others: Bank must operate within sound, well defined credit, this should be included a clear indication of the Bank’s target market and a thorough understanding of the borrower or counterpart as well as the purpose and structure of the credit, and it source of repayment. Furthermore, financial institutions showed therefore establish and maintain a sound credit management system in view of its significance in ensuring adequate capital for cooperation purpose. Lending is the traditional culture of banks and a very important activity in banking. Risks assets forms the bulk of a bank’s balance sheet and it’s the only asset entrusted in the bank of other people. To earning power of many banks depends on the quality of its risk assets as such banks must develop appropriate lending and credit management strategies in order to safe guard this important asset. Keywords: Credit Management, Profitability, Performing loans, Non-Performing Loans, Credit Risk. Word Count: 283




Kate Turabian