Pre-Service Teachers’ Environmental Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of Solid Waste Management in Oyo Township

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Lead City University


This study investigated pre-service teachers’ environmental knowledge, attitude and practices of solid waste management in Oyo Township. The descriptive survey research design of the ex-post facto type was adopted. The sample size was 832 and the purposive sampling technique was used in selecting: Oyo Township, pre-service teachers from the existing colleges of education and two schools from each of the colleges. The main instruments for data collection from the pre-service teachers was a self-developed instrument tagged “Environmental Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of Solid Waste Management Questionnaire (EKAPSWMQ)” with the r value of 0.83. Data collected in this study were analysed using descriptive statistics of frequency counts, simple percentages, mean, standard deviation and rank; multiple regression and t-test for hypotheses, tested at 0.05 level of significance. The findings showed that organic solid waste with weighted mean value of 3.29 were more produced in the study location than the in-organic waste with weighted mean value of 2.92; environmental knowledge was moderate (2.89); attitude were indifferent (2.87); dust bin was the most dominating solid waste disposal practice; reducing waste is the most dominating solid waste management; result showed a (p < 0.00) meaning there was significant combined influence and in relative influence waste management practices contributed the most to solid waste management (β = .497, p < 0.05), followed by environmental knowledge (β = .202, p < 0.05) and attitude of pre-service teacher (β = .144, p < 0.05) respectively. It was recommended that individual pre-service teachers should develop a positive attitude towards solid waste management because having a clean environment should be seen as a collective responsibility. It was concluded that the school management and the government should make frantic efforts to promote the more sustainable practice of “3R” (Reduce, Reuse and Recycling) in all schools and cities. Keywords: Pre-service teachers, environmental knowledge, attitude, practices, solid waste management Word Count: 296



Pre-service teachers, environmental knowledge, attitude, practices, solid waste management


Kate Turabian