Global Effects of Covid-19 on Nigeria’s Social Perspectives
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Lead City University
Covid-19 has caused wide-spread disruption to the social and cultural way of existence in Nigeria. This study examines the impact of COVID-19 in Nigeria from the social perspectives. To achieve this, the study adopts a qualitative study method and uses a semi-structured interview as well as information from secondary sources to answer research questions posed in the study. The research findings were thematically analyzed with the major themes of the study classified as reactionary and adaptive. The reactionary theme explains the disruptions experienced due to the COVID-19 outbreak and further classifies outcomes into subthemes namely health, economic, education, mental health and domestic tension. Alternatively, the adaptive theme which classifies the resilience and coping mechanisms adopted in the wake of the virus uses changes in social behavior, relation, technological and digital transformation and cultural shifts and the sub-themes. The study further reveals that reactionary outcomes in regards to COVID-19 remains
similar as participants reported that the socio-economic implications of the pandemic was disastrous, disrupting everyday activities, shutting down businesses and changing the very of existence. The adaptive themes reveal the manner and speed with which participant conformed with the new way of living having to shun social gathering, and cultural altering norms and traditions. The study recommends that there be urgent strengthening of healthcare infrastructure in order to enhance healthcare delivery. In addition, safety nets should be established to cater for the venerable in the society.
Keywords: COVID-19, Socio-economic, Social perspective, Pandemic, Containment measures
Word Count: 236
COVID-19, Socio-economic, Social perspective, Pandemic, Containment measures
Kate Turabian