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    Assessment of National Health Insurance Scheme in Taraba State
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Shanka Buba OTUEMHOBE
    The establishment of National Health Insurance scheme in Nigeria was targeted at making Health care accessible to all Nigerians through a prepaid arrangement with huge projected benefits to the enrolees. The instances of out-of-pocket payments for Health care services is a burden to people especially under circumstances that people in need of such do not have such resources to pay the bills. The plan to get workers and other enrolees to contribute to the scheme through monthly deductions from there earnings into a common pool to meet the needs of those who fall ill is the core of NHIS. Decision- making and human capital theories are used to explain the study. The study adopted a systematic investigation process and empirical data (questionnaire) on the subject of study was used for data collection and was distributed among the adult population of both sexes residing or employed in public service with locations in Taraba State as their stations. Data was analysed using quantitative and qualitative approaches. This research assessed National Health Insurance Scheme in Taraba State and the findings point to multiple reasons why the scheme is not fully accessible to the populace, ranging from structural defects to the culture of the people for whom the scheme is targeted. Also, the impact, functional state and implementation of National Health Insurance Scheme in Taraba State is poor due to lack of adequate information about the scheme among people in most rural settings which is a major factor militating against the success of NHIS in the State. The study therefore recommended that an active orientation to keep enrolees informed of all benefits and operational terms of the scheme is necessary and also attention should be given to upgrading health facilities to acceptable standards so that they can be able to meet growing healthcare challenges. Keywords: Healthcare, National Health, Insurance Scheme, Nigeria, Taraba State Word Count: 299
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    Feasibility and Implementation of Hague Convention on the Adoption of Children in Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Hope Damilola WILLIAMS-AKINTAN
    Over the past years, the issue of child trafficking, sales of babies, child abuse that accompanies Inter-country adoption has caused a stir. Therefore, this study examined the Hague Convention on the adoption of children in the context of Nigeria and to determine the relevance of Hague Convention and the structure put in place for domestic adoption and its alignment with inter- country adoption practices. The study was anchored on Family System theory and Family Stress theory. The study adopted descriptive research design. Additionally, a partial qualitative survey, analysing data obtained from orphanage involved in inter-country adoption and adoption agencies in Lagos State. The samples in this study were drawn from the population of orphanage owners/staffs and the Ministry of Youths and Social Development in Lagos, Nigeria. The instrument for this study shows the extent of the Semi-structured interview used to pre-map the research questions. Findings showed that Nigeria is not a Signatory to the Hague Convention and that the rise of child trafficking, sales of babies both in domestically and internationally has caused a rise in the decrease of international adoptions. Hence, the research concluded that while the Hague Convention represents a significant step towards ensuring that international adoptions are governed by certain standards, keeping the best interests of the child paramount, the Hague Convention falls short in two significant respects in Nigeria. The study however recommended that proper adoption procedures to ensure that child birth in health facilities are documented and update regularly, there is also a great need for the involvement of law enforcement agencies like the Police, National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons and greater collaboration with the communities, religious and governmental organizations in safe guarding and promoting the health of vulnerable children and young women while curbing illegal trends and activities in Nigeria. Keywords: Hague Convention, Inter-Country Adoption, Child Trafficking. Words Count: 299
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    Global Effects of Covid-19 on Nigeria’s Social Perspectives
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Toluwanimi Christiana ALEBIOSU
    Covid-19 has caused wide-spread disruption to the social and cultural way of existence in Nigeria. This study examines the impact of COVID-19 in Nigeria from the social perspectives. To achieve this, the study adopts a qualitative study method and uses a semi-structured interview as well as information from secondary sources to answer research questions posed in the study. The research findings were thematically analyzed with the major themes of the study classified as reactionary and adaptive. The reactionary theme explains the disruptions experienced due to the COVID-19 outbreak and further classifies outcomes into subthemes namely health, economic, education, mental health and domestic tension. Alternatively, the adaptive theme which classifies the resilience and coping mechanisms adopted in the wake of the virus uses changes in social behavior, relation, technological and digital transformation and cultural shifts and the sub-themes. The study further reveals that reactionary outcomes in regards to COVID-19 remains similar as participants reported that the socio-economic implications of the pandemic was disastrous, disrupting everyday activities, shutting down businesses and changing the very of existence. The adaptive themes reveal the manner and speed with which participant conformed with the new way of living having to shun social gathering, and cultural altering norms and traditions. The study recommends that there be urgent strengthening of healthcare infrastructure in order to enhance healthcare delivery. In addition, safety nets should be established to cater for the venerable in the society. Keywords: COVID-19, Socio-economic, Social perspective, Pandemic, Containment measures Word Count: 236
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    Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and Human Security in Northeast, Nigeria (2011 – 2022)
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Titilola Olubunmi ODEDE
    Internally displaced persons (IDPs) are vulnerable due to the displacement they have experienced from their natural homes and this vulnerability is increased due to various factors such as lack of access to humanitarian aids, lack of privacy and violation of their fundamental human rights which can be restricted by insecurity. This insecurity includes food, health, and personal insecurities, and lack of access to basic needs and privacy. Human security approach and structural theories are the two theories which the study is anchored upon. Primary and secondary data were gathered for the study. Interviews were conducted with some key informants on the issue of study. The study found out that the insecurity issues associated with displacement include physical insecurity of people, health insecurity, food insecurity, and environmental insecurity. Also, the IDPs have relied on several strategies such as sticking to their traditions, forming communities to provide physical and emotional support, engaged in trading, skills acquisition and participating in group activities, and negative strategies such as begging for alms, engaging in transactional sex and outright prostitutions in order to make ends meet. Based on these findings, some of the recommendations made are: government should invest in comprehensive conflict resolution mechanisms at the community, state, and national levels; improved early warning systems should also be established which can be achieved through the integration of local community networks, technology, and information sharing platforms to detect and respond to early signs of tension or violence; humanitarian assistance should be strengthened and emphasis should be made on how to enhance security measures by the government. Keywords: Internally displaced persons, Insecurity, Humanitarianism, IDPs camps, Borno State, Nigeria. Word Count: 259
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    Assessment of Democratic Principles and Leadership in Foursquare Gospel Church in Nigeria (2001 – 2020)
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Reuben Olukayode BABATUNDE
    Reports of infringements on fundamental democratic rights among church members and pastors of the Foursquare Gospel Church in Nigeria have raised concerns among stakeholders, prompting the need for investigations. The Church consists of churches, zones, districts, axis and regions. This study assesses the democratic principles within the Church. Despite the absence of previous studies addressing this issue, this research aims to fill the gap by analysing the period from 2001 to 2020 in the history of the Church. A descriptive research design was employed using a structured questionnaire. The findings showed that the Foursquare Gospel Church in Nigeria demonstrated a relatively high level of member sovereignty. These findings highlighted the presence of distinct roles and responsibilities, essential for maintaining checks and balances and avoiding power concentration. These findings suggest that pastors and members viewed the governance of the church favourably during the specified period. The findings suggest that the implementation of democratic principles within the Church positively impacted its ability to achieve its vision during that time period. It was, therefore, concluded that pastors and church members of the Church are exhibiting positive perception, with high levels of satisfaction in various aspects of leadership and governance. The implementation of democratic principles, including member sovereignty, separation of powers, checks and balances, and individual rights, positively influenced the Church's ability to fulfil its vision. Based on the findings, it is recommended that the Church should prioritize strengthening of the protection of individual rights within its governance framework, and regular evaluation and adaptation of these democratic principles should be maintained for growth and relevance. Keywords: Foursquare Gospel Church in Nigeria, Church Growth, Democratic Principles, Separation of Powers, Sovereignty of Church Members Word Count: 261
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    Intercultural Communication and Church Administration in Lagos East Baptist Conference, Lagos State, Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Regina Iyabode OBASA
    The existence of diverse cultural and religious belief systems in the metropolis of Lagos with virtually all the major 350 ethnic groups in Nigeria and the naturalized Portuguese, Sierra Leoneans, Liberians, Kenyans, Lebanese, Arabs and Chard business tycoons coupled with the effects of modernity and globalization has made Lagos Churches pluralistic causing constant change in co- existence and intercultural relationship with its antecedent challenges of disunity, tribalism and poor integration in spite of the rich array of culture and civilization. Scholars have carried out some research on Church leadership roles in managing the recurrent problems. However, intercultural communication skills for Leadership Administration in Lagos East Baptist Conference has not been given adequate attention, this lacuna is the crux of this dissertation. The study employed historical and quantitative methods premised on Xiuwen and Razali’s Intercultural Communication Skill theoretical framework, which states that, in human society, communication provides a premise to share pluralistic worldview, ideas, moral values, emotional intelligent and feelings, promoting mutual relationship in the society. Two hundred and ten of the purposely distributed 300 copies of questionnaire were retrieved and data collected were subjected to content analysis. The finding reveals that, the Baptist churches in Lagos are characterized with multi-cultural diversity because of the variegated interconnectedness, which makes it increasingly clear that the Baptist church leadership requires intercultural communication skills for understanding individuality and corresponding cultural traits for encouraging oneness and unity in the churches. Conclusively, Intercultural Communication skill is a veritable mechanism for church leaders in managing and administering their pluralistic congregations for cohesion and integration in spite of the cultural diversities. It is recommended therefore that, the multicultural composition of the churches in Lagos East Baptist Conference makes adoption of intercultural communication a crucial skill for church leadership and administration. Keywords: Intercultural Communication, Church Leadership Administration, Lagos East Baptist Conference, Lagos State. Word Count: 291
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    Assessment of the Socio-Economic Effect of COVID-19 in Southwest States, Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Micah Olufemi ONI
    Due to the global lockdowns following the COVID-19 outbreak, which resulted in employment losses for the expatriate community and the closure of financial institutions like banks and money transfer companies, a major fall in remittance inflow to the country is anticipated. Social distancing, self-isolation and travel restrictions forced Southwest States, Nigeria a decrease in the workforce across all economic sectors and caused many jobs to be lost. Schools have closed down, and the need of manufactured products has decreased. The food supply has also seen a great demand. It is for this reason that the research seeks to assess the socio-economic effect of COVID-19 in Southwest States, Nigeria. The sample size of the study was drawn from reports from the Nigeria. The research relied on secondary sources of data. Thus, the research instruments used for this were textbooks, journals, newspaper, reports, editorials, magazines, and articles. Secondary data gathered were analysed and presented using exploratory analysis and descriptive analytical explanation is given to the secondary data obtained for the study. Findings revealed that COVID-19 had a severe impact on economy, enterprises and industries on all sizes, resulting in reduced incomes for vulnerable macro and micro-economies and the risk of job losses and lost incomes for thousands of low-paid worker in Southwest States, Nigeria. It was also revealed that Nigeria imports are decreased due to pandemic and this has fiscal and unemployment adverse implications. It was found that the private sectors were critical in supporting the government in fighting the health crisis and addressing the subsequent socio- economic turmoil in Southwest States, Nigeria. It was recommended that there is an urgent need for Nigeria to form a combination of monetary, fiscal and financial markets measures to help economies and businesses to cope with this spread of virus and crisis environment. Keywords: Assessment, Socio-Economic Effect, COVID-19, Southwest States, Nigeria Word Count: 285
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    The African Human Rights Framework and Respect for Human Rights in Africa
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Ayobami OLUWADAHUNSI
    The African Union was launched as a successor of the Organisation of African Unity in efforts to promote the unity and solidarity of African States, to coordinate and intensify their cooperation and efforts towards achieving a better life for the people of Africa, to defend their sovereignty, their territorial integrity and independence, to eradicate all forms of colonialism from Africa and to promote international cooperation, having due regard to the Charter of the United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This study evaluated the efforts and effectiveness of the African Union towards promoting and protecting the Human rights of citizens of Africa. The African Union has put in measures to make sure the Human rights standards in Africa are respected and has also created Human rights bodies, organs and treaties which contains some of the worlds first, especially in respect to women rights, the aim of this research is to study the African Unions Human rights framework. The theory adopted during the course of the research was the theory of natural rights which asserts that every Human being have the privilege of Human rights from birth. Secondary source of data which includes the use of books, journals, online materials, served as the source of information gathering. The African Union has left its mark on the continent, although most observers agree that there is still room for improvement, Notably, the Commission has also developed legal guidance on how to implement many key human rights which is set out in the African Charter and other human rights treaties and documents such as the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa. The research recommends the AU should prioritize rights driven agendas by strengthening the mandate of Human rights institutions in Africa. Keywords: African Union, Peace, Human rights, Organisation, Unity. Word Count: 300
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    Exploring Effective Leadership Skills for Spiritual Growth in Multicultural Churches in Akinyele Local Government Area, Oyo State
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Samuel Adebayo OLAWALE
    As vital as pastoral leadership skill is to the spiritual growth of a multicultural church, some church leaders do not have it. The study investigated the extent to which leadership skill is effective in enhancing the spiritual growth of members in multicultural churches in Akinyele Local Government Area, of Oyo State with a view to examine features, identify dimensions of leadership skills that are in use, examine the extent to which leadership skills impacts on spiritual growth of members and also suggest positive ways of improving leadership skills capable of enhancing spiritual growth of members in multicultural churches in the selected area. Descriptive survey research design was used in this study with two set of questionnaires, one for 120 members and the second for 24 leaders of the selected churches. Every church leader is expected to see him or herself as member of all cultural groups present in the church, being as well a predominant way of improving leadership skill in a multicultural church. Leaders should avoid ethnocentrism in decision making within the church, learn other languages and using them while communicating with them as a way of improving leadership skill in a multicultural church. Communication Accommodation Theory, which posits that individuals are motivated to use language in different form to achieve a desired level of social distance between them and their listener, was adopted in this study. Based on the findings of this study, the following recommendations were made: Multicultural church leaders should be trained and retrained on doctrinal teaching for sound doctrine to members of the church. Multicultural church leaders should be motivated and furnished with necessary facilities for effective teaching, preaching and worship that are all embracing in multicultural church setting. Keywords: Leadership skills, spiritual growth, multicultural church, Akinyele Local government, church leader. Word Count: 284
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    Foreign Policy in the Era of Digital Diplomacy in Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Olamide Ezekiel AWORINDE
    The rise of Digital technology and social media has significantly influenced the development of Diplomacy. Digital media technology has created avenue through which various actors in the international system from both the public and private sectors can use digital tools like Facebook, Whatapp, Twitter, Zoom, Skype etc for real time interaction even if such individuals are miles apart. Also, government and its foreign ministries also use the digital tools to communicate and engage in digital diplomacy. However, the Nigerian government has not used these channels extensively even though the country’s public diplomacy strategy and impact have become more important given the role that Nigeria has played across Africa. This research enunciates Nigeria’s Foreign Policy and trends in her Diplomatic history, the ability of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for Digital diplomacy and role of Digital diplomacy in Nigeria’s Foreign policy. This researcher made use of journals and other relevant materials to review Foreign Policy in the era of digital diplomacy. Two-Good theory of Foreign Policy, Role theory and Actor Network theory are the theories on which the study is anchored on. The study found that information and communication technologies (ICTs) are important in many different facets of foreign policy procedures, also, gathering and disseminating information online greatly lowers the costs associated with managing information in the traditional practice of diplomacy, among other findings. Creation and implementation of digital diplomacy plan, ministry planning online forums where they ask citizens to participate in discussions about topics that interest them, such as foreign policy, are part of the recommendations made by the study. Keywords: Diplomacy, Digital Diplomacy, Foreign Policy, Information and Communication Technology, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Word Count: 260
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    Intercultural Communication as a Predictor for Multi-Ethnic Church Management in Christian Denominations in Lagos Metropolis Niger
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Oladele Olubukola OLABODE
    Diversity is typical in most churches today based on cultural differences and dispositions with its associated challenges. Culture, Cultural affiliations and Communication have posed many global problems to worshipers in some Christian denominations. Invariably, language barriers and other interrelation factors are making communication more challenging and cultural differences inhibit certain members from being comfortable enough to open up to relate or socialize in the church. Studies on Intercultural Communication from Western and Asian perspectives; Management of Culturally Diverse Workforce from Organizational Perspective and Diversity Management in Nigeria from Corporate and National perspective are done; but there is need to work on multi-ethnic churches management. Therefore, this research investigated intercultural Communication as predictor for multiethnic church management in Christian denominations in Lagos metropolis, Nigeria. The study adopted a convergent mixed- methods research design of (QUAL+QUAN) triangulation approach; sample comprised 500 respondents drawn from ten selected Christian denominational churches in Lagos metropolis using questionnaire, semi-structured interview guides and observational techniques for data collection. Findings revealed that Intercultural communication knowledge is highly deployed among the congregational members; Members displayed high qualities of the characteristics of a healthy multiethnic church and Multi-ethnic congregations in the selected churches experienced the benefits of Intercultural Communication. Members attest to the challenges affecting the deployment of intercultural communication in multiethnic congregations, and there was a significant impact of the deployment of intercultural communication knowledge on the benefits derived in the management of multiethnic churches in the selected Churches in Lagos metropolis. It was concluded that Church Leadership in Lagos metropolis applied all organized and purposeful activities to utilize intercultural communication components to achieve ministry effectiveness irrespective of cultural disposition of the congregation. The research recommended that Government organizations, Christian Association of Nigerian, Faith-based Organizations and Churches should effectively utilize intercultural mcommunication components to manage multi-ethnic based situations. Keywords: Intercultural Communication, Competency, Multi-ethnic church, Church management and Christian denominations. Word Count: 298
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    Philosophy of Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and the Challenges of the Internally-Displaced Persons in Ibeju Lekki, Lagos State, Nigeria (2010-2022)
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Woyengi-imomoemi Purity JOSHUA
    The study investigated the philosophy of the universal declaration of human rights (UDHR) and the plight of the internally-displaced persons (IDPs) in Ibeju Lekki, Lagos State, Nigeria (2010-2023). The study was anchored on the liberalism theory. The study adopted a qualitative design while the study population comprise IDPs (both sex). The Cochran formula was used to estimate a sample size of three hundred and eighty-four (384). The multistage sampling technique was adopted for the study. Primary data for this study were gathered through an in-depth interview guide (IDI) and a key informant interview guide (KII). The instrument was validated using face and content validity types. Data gathered were analyzed using a qualitative research analytic technique. The study found that, the psychological concerns reported by (IDPs) are alienation and self- estrangement, which result from a prolonged separation from family members, friends and acquaintances. The study also found that the Boko Haram insurgency was the major reason for migration. The study further discovered that, the financial support provided by non-governmental organizations and policymakers in compliance with camp laws and regulations is low. The study discovered that the fundamental human rights of (IDPs) that were not denied are; right to practice one's religion, the right to life, the right to culture and the arts, the right to social service, and their franchise. Based on the findings, the study recommended that, policymakers should create a legal framework that would monitor the violations of IDPs' human rights and make budgetary provisions for (IDPs). The study also recommends that the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) should be expanded to encompass IDPs. And lastly, the study recommends that security agencies should rejig/develop counter-terrorism insurgency strategies, to help reduce the number of (IDPs). Keywords: Boko-Haram, Human Rights Insurgency, Internally Displaced Persons and Philosophy Word Count: 284
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    Global Health Politics, COVID-19 and the Media
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Janet Modupe GEORGE
    This study examined global health politics, COVID-19 and The Media. The study adopted the descriptive research design. Secondary data were used for this study and were gathered from textbooks, journals, newspaper editorials, articles, reports, and magazines. The findings showed that the outbreak further deepen the growing political division among nations of the world; as soon as the disease broke out WHO became the centre and target of criticism, instead of the world to join hands together and fight a common enemy (COVID-19) and that the readiness of health organization in tackling the pandemic was not adequate. It further revealed that media played a vital and important role during the COVID-19 disease outbreak created health campaigns, raised awareness. The study therefore concludes that, global health politics played a crucial and vital role in addressing COVID-19 outbreak. The study recommends that Global health should be prioritize over political interests, strengthen international organizations, and promote clear and accurate communication, There, should be adequate investment in health infrastructure, robust preparedness plans, testing and surveillance systems, health workforce support, global collaboration, and public health communication to enhance pandemic preparedness. The media should be strengthening their role by providing accurate and responsible reporting, collaboration with health authorities, promote health literacy, highlighting positive stories, balance reporting, and combat misinformation. Keywords: Communication, COVID-19, Global Health, Political Interests Word Count: 212
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    United Nations Security Council and the Management of Global Terrorism 2012-2022
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Ismail Feyipitan AWOJOLE
    Terrorism has existed throughout history but only occasionally has any strategic significance in international affairs. At times insurgency was considered a secondary problem within a conflict between great powers. Therefore, this study examined the activities of the United Nations Security Council in the management of global terrorism. The study adopts a descriptive research design. The data required for the study was obtained from secondary sources. The study population include all member states under the aegis of the United Nations affected by the scourge of terrorism and national insecurity. Secondary source was derived from printed material like official/government publications like the United Nations Report. For instance Global Terrorism Data Base reports(2010 - 2019), Global Terrorism Index report(2010 - 2019), Global Peace Index reports (2010 - 2019), Amnesty International reports (2010 - 2019), Journals, Seminars and Conference papers and reports. The study made use of the descriptive and qualitative data interpretation method to analyse data. The findings showed that global flow of foreign terrorist fighters has continued to slow, with only individual cases being reported and also states are obliged under Security Council resolution 1373 (2001), operative para. 1(c), to freeze, without delay, funds, other financial assets or economic resources of persons who commit, or attempt to commit, terrorist acts or participate in or facilitate the commission of terrorist acts. The study therefore concluded that terrorism has negatively affected collective state effort in maintaining international peace and security and recommended that the UN should be reformed, rebranded or abolished and submits all veto to the General Assembly in order to meet the challenges of the twenty-first century and there is also need to strengthen the Joint Task Force in the area of intelligence gathering, effective surveillance, security strategies through international collaboration. Keywords: Terrorism, United Nations Security Council, Global Security Word Count: 289
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    Performance Appraisal of NigerianFederal Government Public Relations Responsesand Strategiesin Inter-ethnic Crisis Management (1987 - 2002)
    (Lead City University, 2023) Oyewole Oladele FAKOYA
    Since independence, Nigeria has experienced huge and devastating inter-ethnic crisis both during civil and military rules with such already degenerating into situations that now threatens the country’s political stability and sovereignty foundation. This study appraised the performances of public relations responses and strategies of Federal Government of Nigeria in inter-ethnic crisis management in some communities in the country between 1987 and 2002. Explorative research design was adopted. Crisis management model and peacebuilding theories explained the variables and held that planning for deliberate proactive intervention of third-party in people’s conflicting affairs within multi-ethnic society is a condition for realisation of peacebuilding. The population of the study comprises residents in communities where identified inter-ethnic crisis occurred. Multi-stage sampling procedure was utilised, while checklist and key personality interview were deployed to collect data. Data collected was analysed using descriptive statistics and historical analysis. Findings revealed that responses and strategies studies Federal Government of Nigeria’s adopted as mitigation of damage on federal government’s reputation, promotion of justice, victims welfare packages, peacebuilding, propaganda, media intervention, public enlightenment, tribunals and panels of inquiries, corporate social responsibility, sympathy visits, peace meetings and community relations towards inter-ethnic crisis were effective given the fact that their grand means on a scale of 4 scored 2.60 and 2.58 against the decision rule of 2.50.The study concluded that the Federal Government of Nigeria’s public relations responses and strategies policies should be improved upon to effectively deal with prevention of inter-ethnic crisis. Hence it is recommended that inter-ethnic conflict arbitration forum should be institutionalised and established in every local government of the federation. Keywords: Ethnic nationality, Inter-ethnic crises, Crisis management, Inter-ethnic relationship, Performance appraisal Word Count: 273
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    ssessment of Intercultural Competence in Leadership Development for Youth in Lagos State, Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Eyitayo Adewale ADELAKUN
    Leadership is inevitable for human existence. The reality of globalisation, cultural diversity, workforce, and the working environment of Lagos State makes intercultural competence an essential skill for leadership. Supporting this, several scholars argued that intercultural competence is an ability to lead effectively and act appropriately among people of different cultures with fairness and equity. Globally, youths are recognised as a formidable and essential part of the population of every society whose strength and dynamism are indispensable for growth and sustainable development. Therefore, youth leadership development is fundamental to the future of any society and national development. Against this background, the research examined youths’ awareness of cultural diversity, intercultural competence, and its relevance in leadership development. The study adopted descriptive survey research design while a structured questionnaire was used for data collection among the selected youth-focused voluntary organisations in Lagos State. The findings reveal the manifestation of cultural superiority among youths in Lagos State. The research discovers that many youths lack in-depth knowledge of cultural diversity and intercultural competence. They have wrong perception that intercultural competence is the knowledge of cultures that are superior to other cultures. Some youths also consider intercultural competence as a skill needed to promote one’s culture excellently among other cultures in any situation. To say that one culture is superior to other is derogatory and negates the general concept of culture as what shapes human life, identities, and values. Therefore, the study recommends that government should integrate intercultural education into school curricula at all levels of education. In addition, family, youth organisations, policymakers in public and private organisations, and religious institutions should create a working relationship that will harmonise individual cultural, social, and tribal identities. Keywords: Intercultural competence, Leadership development, Strategic Leadership, Youth Word Count: 279
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    Religious Syncretism and Baptist Mission Work in Ojo Island Lagos State, Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Yinka Adewuni ADEWALE
    The Baptist mission work in Ojo Island mission field has been experiencing religious syncretism. Existing studies on Baptist mission work focussed on foreign missions with less emphasis on Ojo Island mission field, particularly on the challenges of religious syncretism in Ojo Island, Lagos State Nigeria. Therefore, the study investigated factors responsible for religious syncretism in Ojo Island, Lagos State, Nigeria with view to identify ways to strengthening Baptist Mission work. The framework for the study was premised on Divine strategy theory and religious communication theory. Historical and descriptive survey design were adopted. Respondents were purposively selected from five (5) local communities where Baptist mission works experiencing religious syncretism. In- depth interviewees were conducted with thirteen (13) missionary pastors, two community leaders (2) and nine (9) church members. A questionnaire was administered to two hundred and twenty three (223) members of the selected communities using random sampling method. Quantitative data were analysed using descriptive statistics while and qualitative data were content analysed. Most of the respondents 77% were males while 23% respondents accounted for females. Factors responsible for religious syncretism on Baptist mission in Ojo Island include: assumption that all religious traditions are relative and complimentary, community background and economic life, seeking for rescue in a time of crisis and insecurity, family ties and brotherhood relationship. Based on the study, some of the effects of religious syncretism on Baptists mission work in Ojo Island include denial of Biblical truth and morality, it promotes practices of charms alongside Christian faith and sacrament, it causes dilution and distortion of Christian doctrines. The study recommends intentional follow-up and discipleship, spiritual parenting, deliberate attention to the spiritual needs and welfare of the converts as relevant ways to strengthening Baptist work in Ojo Island. Keywords: Baptist, Mission, Ojo Island, Religious Syncretism Word Count: 287
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    Influence of Internally Generated Revenue on the Economic Profile of Local Government Areas in Osun State
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Adewale Akanni ADEDAPO
    In Nigeria, inadequate revenue and constrained fiscal jurisdiction have distanced local administrations from the populace to the point where, despite the enormous potential for growth they hold, people are now doubtful of the local government leadership significance. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the Influence of Internally Generated Revenue on the economic profile of Local Governments Areas in Osun State. The study was premised on the devolution theory. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design. The population of the study included all revenue generating profile of Ilesha West local government area, Osun State and questionnaire was distributed for the collection of data. The sample size for the study was 170 and the sampling technique adopted was the purposive sampling technique. The study concluded that there is the need for management and organizational approach that emphasizes services, support and information for the honest tax payers. Increase tax revenue is a function of effective enforcement strategy which is the pure responsibility of tax administrators. The study recommended that there should be sufficient fund by government and non-government organization. Local government should equally diversify, and strengthen her internally generated revenue base through tax, levies, rates and other charges. Avoid using IGR for political patronage. Keywords: Internally generated revenue, Local Government Areas, Administration, Nigeria Word Count: 208
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    Sustainable Development, Global Humanitarian Politics : Study of Water Supply and Sanitation in Oyo State, Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Charles Robert ADENIJI
    Access to water, sanitation, and hygiene is a major human right necessary for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Sustainable access to an improved water and sanitation has a strong relationship with healthy and productive life as well as environmental sustainability. Efforts at ensuring access to clean and proper sanitation have witnessed tremendous progress globally and also at local levels. Specifically, poor accessibility to clean water has gross implications on socioeconomic development, personal hygiene and places the health of about 40 million Nigerians at risk of disease like cholera, typhoid, trachoma, dengue-fever and ascariasis; a threat to sustainable development goals. Through the method of primary and secondary data analysis, it is the aim of this study to examine how global humanitarian interventions have impacted on the attainment of sustainable development goals in Oyo state, Nigeria, particularly with reference to access to quality water supply and sanitation. The study adopts case study research design. Data were source from primary and secondary sources: 200 survey where administered to the beneficial communities of water and sanitation services provision under humanitarian polities across the 3 senatorial districts of Oyo State. Key informant interview were conducted with UNICEF and CSDA under RUWASA Oyo State. Participatory observation and community interactions were also held. The study reveals that; the beneficiary communities are aware of humanitarian intervention in water and sanitation services provision; maintenance of project are mainly done by the communities; service providers focused on achievement of global development agenda (SDG) in pursuit of water and sanitation service in the beneficiary communities; the politics of humanitarian service provision in Nigeria is more of donor driven and community ownership/management. The study concludes on the need for Nigerian States to harness humanitarian politics as a veritable channel for deepening attainment of the SDGs with particular reference to provision of water supply and sanitation. Keywords: Global Humanitarian Politics, Sustainable Development, Water Supply, Sanitation, Oyo State, Nigeria Words:300
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    Evaluation of the Nigerian Baptist Convention Mission Strategies and Social Ministries Among Fulani Communities in Baruten Local Government Area, Kwara State, Nigeria
    (Lead City University, 2023-12) Adegboyega Adesoji ABIFARIN
    Christian mission organisations in Nigeria including the Nigerian Baptist Convention (NBC) through the Global Missions Board (GMB) have been involved in missions. The NBC-GMB adopts different Mission Strategies (MS) and Social Ministries (SM) to reach traditional cultures. However, there seems to be no independent Monitoring and Evaluation (ME) to guide future improvements. Therefore, this study evaluated the NBC-GMB MS and SM among Fulani communities in Baruten Local Government Area, Kwara State. Maslow’s Theory anchored the study. It adopted descriptive survey research design. Sample involved 161 respondents randomly selected across five Fulani communities. Seven self-designed validated instruments were used namely; MS Adoption Questionnaire (r=.948), Mission Work and SM Adoption Questionnaire (r=.947). Mission and SM Projects Beneficiary Inventory Scale (r=.948). Mission and SM Projects Effectiveness Scale (r =.947). Mission and SM Projects Monitoring Checklist (r=.947). Mission Field Challenges Scale (r=.948). Descriptive statistics was used for data analysis. Findings revealed that highly adopted MS include; Easter outreaches (91.3%), Christmas/New year festivities (90.7%) and Occasional revivals (90.1%); while highly adopted SM include; Festivities’ feeding (90.7%) and Clothing/utensils distributions (87.6%). Highly executed MS programmes include; Easter outreaches/festivities (91.3%), Christmas celebrations (90.7%), Medical services (83.2%); while SM projects include; School establishment (70.8%), Text/exercise book distributions (60.3%). Again, highly beneficial SM projects include; Clothing/utensils distributions (81.9%: =2.71)N and School/classroom building (68.3%: ?ത=3.00). Findings revealed that major beneficiaries are Fonfon (?ത=4.44SD2.603) and Okuta (?ത=46.39;SD3.837) communities; while highly effective MS include; Occasional revival (93.2%), Christmas outreaches (90.1%) and SM strategies include; clothing/utensils distribution (93.2%) and Food supplies (92.0%). Lastly, major mission challenges include insufficient funding (96.9%) and manpower shortages (96.3%). The study concludes that the NBC-GMB is involved in mission/evangelisation and meeting Fulani people-groups’ needs through diverse MS and SM. The study recommends that the NBC-GMB should intensify more efforts for high impact through adequate M&E for greater achievements. Keywords: Nigerian Baptist Convention, Mission Agencies, Mission strategies, Socialministries, Fulani communities. Word Count: 300